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Everything posted by dipolley

  1. I should take a picture of the blemishes on my hood. You will feel better about your situation. Easily 2 inches in diameter and there are about three of them. it came from the glass being sanded down and built back up. A failure in the gel coat essentially. I know how it happens with fiberglass but metal is a mystery to me.
  2. I was going to ask if this was on metal or fiberglass surfaces. i have seen this on fiberglass hoods (i.e., my hood, grrrr). Can't be fixed without a repaint. In the mean time, a black sharpie hides it well for the shows.
  3. I am so happy for the company and it has been my pleasure to have been able to help Adam with the move. This has been a lot of work but a lot of fun watching the new place go from an empty shell and start to look like a functioning warehouse. It is a bit weird to see the old place bursting at the seams to looking more open and relatively empty. you can actually move pallets around again lol. Those racks are heavy. ugh. Tomorrow's clinic will be a little bitter sweet.
  4. I can tell you that 1 oz of MF revitilizer on cold in a small load gets the job done very effectively. Most folks don't have enough towels to justify a full load. And the product suds up very nice. Just run it through the wash once, you will be happy.
  5. What was I watching on TV that I wrote that? In my defense, this has been a long week and I am exhausted. I fell asleep for a nap very shortly after I wrote that. I very very rarely nap. I was very very tired. I misspelled a lot in that post. Someone may get upset if you try to APC the collections plate. Metal Polish 1 and 2 would be better.
  6. For pads and applicators, use all purpose cleaner and hot water. Spray with APC and then rinse with hot water until the water comes out clean. This is meant for the towels.
  7. About 3 years old some of them. If you take care of your towels they will last. A little stained, but the discoloration does not affect their effectiveness or usefulness. And the revitalizer helps tremendously, keeping them in great condition or getting them back into great condition.
  8. Here are a few examples of the effectiveness of the product. I took these photos a while back when I tested it. I very carefully marked these towels so they are in the same positions in the before and after shots. Some of these towels are over 3 years old. Some have some very heavy staining after so many years, but the pictures show how big of a difference it makes. Before After Before After And here is shot of the washing machin in action with 2 oz of the product. It suds up nicely!!
  9. I thought about posting the pictures on my socks that I tested this on, but no one wants to see my dirty nasty socks.
  10. You can use less of the product if you have a smaller load. The 16 oz could last much longer for the average detailing enthusiest who only have a handful of towels. The pro detailers though....well 16 oz could last a week LOL.
  11. I had an opportunity to test this product a few months ago and let me tell you it is amazing. I have been using a name-brand detergent that has no dyes or perfumes for everyday washing and after a few rounds I would have to boil the towels to revitalize them. I have not had to do do this once since I got my hands on the revitalizer. The towels came out whiter, brighter, and softer. I even did a round of the product with some old white socks, and they looked about as close to new as you could ask (my socks get dirty ). I have been using this for several weeks, and as a full time detailer I go through a lot of towels, this product helps keep my towels to the level and quality I demand for my details. If you go through a lot of towels, or just like your whites whiter, this is definitaly a great product to have in your laundry room.
  12. That is an amazing example. Thanks for sharing. I had a customer last fall that said she tried everything on her Escalade leather. She had some hard stains, including coffee, on the tan leather. 3 minutes with LIC and the interior microfiber towel and the stains were gone. This is the best product I have used on leather. Combined with the conditioner, you cannot go wrong.
  13. Add homeless and without health insurance to my list.
  14. Where would we be without our wives. When we got married I moved into my wife's condo, so she pays the morgage and other expenses. She has a great great job with Lockheed. It affords me the opportunity to pursue my business, and hang out online and play with other people's cars.
  15. The Adam's Events App? I can't keep up and I am only focused on Colorado. I never knew how busy the show circuit really was. Plus I know this list is not all the shows. Exciting to see what is happening this year!
  16. Condo life for us. If we could get out of it we would. But we owe more than twice what it is worth. Yeah housing bubble!!!
  17. Fixed the wife's Jetta. CEL for 6 years. $8.46 later the sensor that caused it was replaced.
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