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J Tegeler

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Everything posted by J Tegeler

  1. would it fit in a USPS flat rate shipping box? That would only be around 10-12$
  2. awesome! someone will get an awesome little vac at a great price!
  3. from my few tiems using soft water, I have noticed I have a lot more time to dry the car before water spots set in. I still wasnt comfortable with letting it dry on the car but I had a ton more time to dry
  4. start with a good cleaning with APC. then follow that with MP1 and 2 for soem amazing results! use the 4" pad on the drill for even better results
  5. 2005 R6. have done a few more mods since that picture and have cleaned it up a lot more
  6. you can find a wrx for 3k up there? seems low. The WRX is a really fun car to drive even if its not the STI. another option is just to do the VF39 swap on the WRX aand give it a little more go for a small amount of money
  7. looks like some hazing left from some sealant probably. Do you have revive? If you do give that a try and it should go away for you!
  8. i like it! and nice work! I am with you on liking MSS more than the quick sealant.
  9. ahh it was humid and a around 80-85 when I was working it today, could this have been why I saw this happen Dylan?
  10. anyone ever tryed to spray some SVRT milk out of a spray gun for even coverage in all the nooks and crannys? I have seen this done with other tire dressings and have been going to try it with some SVRT
  11. did you try cleaning the pad out with a pad brush? sounds like the pad may be getting saturated. I had this happen once today so I did a panel with just a shot of DS and was good to go
  12. I shoot for about once a week. Usually takes around 2 hours by the time i set up and clean up and get the whole car done
  13. wowwww...that thing was nasty! how long did that interior take you?! and as always, great work!
  14. has been a bit slow around here..
  15. quick sealant on my flat black motorcycle parts works killer! on the carbon fiber rear hugger it works great
  16. getting a break from the heat here! it is about time. I can be outside now and be comfortable.
  17. a strip wash followed by a good clay bar and that stuff wont have a chance! Trust me I know because I used it before finding adams!
  18. Yesterday I spend 4 hours of quality time detailing my mototrcycle. I took all the plastics off and cleaned both sides and polished them with FMP. Today I will work all day. And then finnaly tomorrow I can finish the complete detail on my bike! finish it all up with 2 coats of quick sealant
  19. excellent work! that thing looks like new! you are quite good with the Flex by now it looks like lol. I just got mine in the mail today time for me to practice
  20. Over a large panel it will be hard to get a thing even coat by hand. This is why the machine is best for aplication. removing a thick coat coudl be a real challenge
  21. I will be treating my chrome wheels and polished aluminum parts on my motorcycle with 2 coats of quick sealant on my in progress super detail!
  22. subaru STI, fun little cars to drive and amazing in the winter. plus having the turbo never hurts on the speed part
  23. polishing soap for metal?! YES! oh and nice work on the VW! lol
  24. great looking mustang! Just needs soem tint
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