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Integrity Detailing, LLC

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Everything posted by Integrity Detailing, LLC

  1. End all DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  2. Ones mama DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  3. Awesome picture bro! DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  4. Sod cutter DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  5. Awesome thread! I miss my dogs. My 1st dog was a huge German Shepard. I was small enough to ride him (lol) but I can still remember him, slightly. My 2nd & last dog was a Doberman Pinscher/Chocolate Lab. I was old enough to appreciate him & he was such a friend, body guard, alarm system, hunter, fighter & lover (Lmbo! He was quite popular with the b****es). I don't have pictures right now but I'll leave you guys with this: DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  6. I was 16 in 1993 and I was crazy about the Nissan 300zx twin turbo (Z32). I still would consider owning one. DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  7. This really doesn't even surprise me. Adams is just that good that I'm more surprised that this didn't happen sooner. Congratulations to the entire Team Adam's! I'm excited for you and I'm glad to be a witness of this historic movement. DX on CM4DX-GB via Tapatalk 2
  8. And this is just another of numerous reasons why I am hooked on Adam's. They listen to the end users & strive for perfection. Thanks Team Adam's! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  9. If MSS is hard to buff/wipe off then it was too thick in that area. It only needs just a thin enough layer that you know it's on the panel. I coat the entire vehicle and then start my 20-30 minute countdown (depending on ambient temperature) once done. I'll then dress the undercarriage, tires & address whatever other little details that need attention. Sometimes my client might be watching and they are amazed at how easy MSS buffs/wipes off. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  10. I use & recommend MSS for daily driven vehicles. It lasts the longest & is the most durable. I don't mind the 20-30 minute cure time because I just do other detailing tasks until it's time to wipe it off. If your vehicle is exposed to any weather other than sunny & 75 than I'd go with MSS. Unless you like to wax often, say say monthly, then use Americana. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  11. Finally remembered to take a few shots while my GTP was wet. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  12. Got plenty of mints today! Never mind the one empty wrapper that is by itself on the right. Thanks Adam's & Ashley. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  13. :what: Lol! I have bro. Funny. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  14. Woke up. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  15. Great job. The work was just as good as the catchy title. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  16. Great because I hate that I can't have my grit guard and my 16oz bottles (w/ sprayers on them) in the bucket with the lid on. I wish I could get a credit on my 2 month old short Adam's bucket . This is going in my cart right now for the next order...
  17. Yeah, that is pretty childish of whomever was throwing eggs. I told my client to at least wash the egg off as soon as she notices it. Hopefully, that won't happen again. If it does, I'm on it.
  18. I only received 1 mint today. However, my other order is in route so I've got my fingers crossed. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  19. Just saw this on Facebook....congratulations bro!
  20. Great job and a great workout. How needs a gym membership? LOL!
  21. Usually I post 50/50 photo shots with the before on the left and the after on the right. Well, I'm still kicking myself for not snapping a full side view of the before stage. However, in some of the photos you can see clearly the correction that was made. - 2 bucket wash detail. - clayed immediately after 1st rinse - 2nd rinse - GW and Sidekick drying - full interior detail (including melted Crayon removal - more photos of that to come soon) - 4" focus pads on PC in needed areas (SSR, SHR & FMP) - regular pads on PC on entire vehicle (SHR, FMP & MSS) - SVRT all exterior trim but not on tires (client requested glossy ) - metal polish on rims to remove baked on brake dust (sorry, not Adam's MP....I just made my 1st order of that last Thursday & I should have that today.) - And of course a finishing touch of UCS. My clients kids shouted, "Grape juice!!" NOTE: as I was typing this, FedEx pulled up with my Adam's MP 1 & 2!! :mail: This is damage from an egg. This damage is through the clear and into the color. The neighborhood kids need a butt whipping for this. Front passenger seat. Rear passenger seat. No more hood damage. "Grape juice!" Single shot of the hood. This blue is now brilliant once again. 4-for-1: Clean wheels, fresh undercarriage, SVRT on running board and corrected paint. Again, I'm upset that I did not get a side profile of the before filth. But this after shot speaks volumes.
  22. Big improvement on the Caddy! I need to show my neigbor this because he has the exact same body style & color Escalade as well. That Stang, sorry, Shelby Stang, is sick!!
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