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    Antv20 reacted to Tim in How much do YOU spend?   
    I can't post the number, my wife could someday find it! I'll just say you have a long, long time before you catch up.
  2. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Ricky Bobby in Talk to the doc   
    I'm all about consolidating and simplifying my shelf with products, not adding to it so I'll take a different approach.
    1)  I would add more polymer to the Rinseless Product for less dilution ratios (similar to a pink product at a slightly higher price point from a popular Florida detailer), and slowly phase out the original Waterless Wash in favor of selling pre-mixed RTU Rinseless dilutions in a Waterless Wash jug.  So you could effectively bottle 2 products with 1 chemical, for the people that hate seeing products go away, and make an already stellar product even better.  I'll send you an ounce of the pink stuff if you need for testing.
    2)  As mentioned, Green Wheel Cleaner needs to go.  It has no place in today's regimen IMO, a fairly large chunk of us do not use a wheel cleaner every time we clean the wheels anymore, its not 2002.  Ever since DWC came out (and in my opinion it works better than FE), it has been the wheel cleaner of choice for seasonal use.  Other than that, just put a coat of sealant on them and use car shampoo in a fresh bucket of suds.  If you "think" you need GWC for maintenance cleanings after following that method you are just wasting product.
    3)  Super VRT - Tire Shine - Undercarriage Spray - Is there a way to tweak the Tire Shine so it could consolidate the Undercarriage Spray?  Would be great to be able to not worry about staining garage/driveway surfaces and yet use 2 products for the same purpose.  You might have to dial the shine back a bit on the TS to get it to be a multi-use product, but I think it could work.  Super VRT is perfect.  I just find that I dont' go through much Undercarriage Spray in relation to other chems in the line, if I was using the same product on Tires and Wheel Wells to dress it, it might work better in the regimen.  I know there is the Super VRT milk option, but it was just an idea I had, again, to consolidate and simplify.
    4)  Interior-wise - Looking forward to new formulation of TID.  Glass Cleaner/Sealant is spot on still to this day, Leather Cleaner, Conditioner are spot on as well according to members here.
    5)  APC - Make it a bit stronger yet keep it non-toxic, and be able to dilute it for many tasks, including perhaps a light duty cleaning dilution which may be able to replace C&U Cleaner?
    6)  LSP's - Most of them are staples (BG, Americana, Buttery), LPS needs to stay as a traditional liquid sealant, and Quick Sealant needs to stay for wheels, nothing to remove/add here, in my opinion.  If you can come out with a similar WOWA sealant like Garry Dean to be used for maintainence sealing in the winter months I'd definitely be on board.  (i.e. comes in a 2 oz. mister bottle and a couple of sprays on a clean panel wipe it in and walk away, easier than wipedowns with QD).
    7)  Buckets - Always been a slight peeve of mine, but can you perhaps include the padded circular cushion with them, perhaps with the Adam's logo?  When polishing although the Gamma Seal is great to sit on, I like a nice cushion!  Based on pricings I've seen it may add $10 to the cost, or have it as an add-on with bucket purchases
    8)  Swirl finder - A sweet Mega CREE LED torch flashlight would be great to be sold as a swirl finder, but I think the problem would be price and finding them American or non-Chinese made.
    9)  Apparel/swag - I know this has been brought up but a ton of marketing and sales can be made from the free advertising you get with apparel.  I'd say a run of black, red, white or blue T-shirts, and maybe hoodies would be great.  Maybe even with the DvK bearded "shine doc" logo?  (how vain!).  Maybe an Adam's beer bottle opener or corkscrew for the ladies?
    10)  MFR - Sell the 36 oz. size in the Pre-Mixed measuring bottle, similar to Micro Restore!  Gallon refills can have an add on for a dilution bottle.
    That's all I can think of for now, hope that helps DvK, and Mr. Pitale!
  3. Like
    Antv20 reacted to AZGTO in Talk to the doc   
    Reformulation of SVRT? The longevity of bearded tire dressing is better. Water activated sealant as well.
  4. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Long lasting sealant...?   
    You can still wax after coating (with most coatings) so you can still enjoy the best of both worlds... my thought was always why pay extra or sacrifice some other aspect for coating gloss when I can enjoy a coat of wax to do that same job. A foundation of coating for protection alone and then layered wax for gloss when I want/need it sounds like the sweet spot.
  5. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Performance Auto Detailing in Long lasting sealant...?   
    I agree 100% with that. I'm considering coating my car this weekend but the thought of not having the therapy of using paste wax is holding me back a little.. maybe I'll just get therapy from doing my families' cars!
  6. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Long lasting sealant...?   
    I think we're all (or at least most of us) in the same area in terms of what we'd want from a coating -
    Personally I think something that lasts 4 or 5 years sounds terrible! Thats a unique hell I don't want to exist in where I have no excuse to rub on my car. Something in the 18-24 month range would suit me just fine.
    I'm also not all that concerned with gloss levels, ideally I want a coating that leaves the appearance of the vehicle unchanged vs. having nothing on it. I want excuses to use waxes, glazes, detail sprays and other things to bring out the gloss. Putting down a good paste is like therapy so why would I want something that takes away that need?
    I want it to be stupid easy to apply - some coatings I've worked with are so temperamental that the process was more aggravation than it was worth. I finished frustrated and annoyed - I never want the joy to be sucked out of detailing.
    Am I on the right track?
  7. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Long lasting sealant...?   
    Just a little insight into what I'm working on. For those that don't already go follow me on instagram (@dylanvonkleist) or facebook b/c I post little tidbits there all the time (easier from my phone). So if you want hints as to what I'm doing ahead of everyone else - that would be a good place to go:

  8. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Adam in Incomplete Orders, Errors & Delays, The Reasons Why, and the BIG PLAN to FIX IT:   
    Friends, indeed, there is a major update, and simplification to our distribution model. Here is a link to the update:  
    Thanks for reading, and this thread will now go for a deep, deep sleep.
  9. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Adam in Adam's Distribution Has Simplified....100% Colorado!   
    Friends, what a year it has been!  In October of 2013, we started using a 3rd Party Logistics company.  Reason:  We couldn't ship orders quick enough, and believed this was a viable solution.  That program didn't go so well.   Well, really, it failed miserably, expensively, and we pulled out after a big lesson was learned. 
    Original plan, and post was explained here: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/26715-incomplete-orders-errors-delays-the-reasons-why-and-the-big-plan-to-fix-it/
    Then, another aggressive plan:  Establish remote distribution centers, to efficiently deliver orders to either coast in 2 business days!  Looked good on paper, and we ran the numbers a zillion times.  It made financial sense, if our system was perfect.......but, it wasn't.
    We learned: Maintaining multiple distribution centers required significant additional inventory, bulletproof inventory management software and system, and a new, well-trained team in each location.
    While that might sound like a tough thing to do, in reality, it proved extremely difficult!
    Now what?  Well, now we are back to the basics.  Back to Colorado, shipping from our HQ exclusively.  We have gotten the band back together too!  Dylan is back in on the team, and we have already accomplished some goals.
    We lost sight of the simplicity that made our business, and brand so authentic.  It's safe to say we will be keeping it simple moving forward, and specialize in having the greatest USA made products available, instead of being a distribution powerhouse.
    Thank you for sticking with us through my blunders and fumbles.  I'm humbled to have earned, and kept your business.
  10. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in The Official "Pay It Forward" Thread   
    Lets be sure to remember the spirit of this thread everyone -
    I removed a couple of posts where there was clearly a markup. Also FWIW - up to 3 16oz bottles will typically fit in a medium regional flat rate box via the USPS. Shipping for those is $12.65 at the current rate. They even provide the box for free if you need it so if you're asking for shipping that might be the most reasonable way to go. 
  11. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Long lasting sealant...?   
    SInce I started testing coatings, both unique formulations and stuff sold by other companies, this isnt' true for all of them. The big guys the Opt and CP are living up to the claims for sure. The smaller outfits though - theres a lot of hype that isn't delivered on. One very popular option (that I won't name) was applied and I was able to completely diminish the beading properties of it in 3 washes by using nothing more than APC concentrate mixed in soap. The label of course claimed YEARS of durability. Others that claim self cleaning proved to do no better at repelling grime than a basic poly sealant.
    My point is this - the coatings market has some legit players, then theres a lot of guys relying on smoke, mirrors, and consumer ignorance to capture market share. Heres the funny part - in the world of coatings there primary raw material (polysilazane) only comes from a limited source. The newer versions that promise more gloss cut that with resins. In a dumbed down way more resin = more gloss, but less durability. What you should be looking for in a coating (IMHO) is out and out durability since it can be topped with more traditional LSP's for the asthetic aspects.
    What is truly exciting is whats on the horizon, legitimate self healing coatings that can be wire brushed and level themselves out in just moments. The catch - they require a full clean downdraft paint booth, professional paint spraying equipment, and cost thousands of dollars to have applied. Not exactly technology that people will be using at home.
    The current generation of stuff is becoming more and more user friendly, what needs to happen is more consumer education as to what a coating can actually do. There are far too many claims that are just baseless out there and too much hype by guys who don't know any better. If/when we finalize a coating product the goal will be to set REALISTIC expectations for what the product does - not a bunch of outlandish promises.
    Is a coating really a product everyone needs? IMO no. I wouldn't ever apply one to my C/10... doesn't make sense. Would I use one on my daily driver thats parked outside 24/7? Absolutely. Theres viability for use on wheels for most people, but not entire cars for everyone. We'll delve more into it as we work towards a solution of our own.
  12. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Long lasting sealant...?   
    Hmmm... If only someone was testing coatings. That would be interesting.
  13. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Americana or Buttery over sealant to keep black daily driver clean?   
    So the main question of "will a wax make my car look more deep/wet/glossy?" is an easy one - YES! The addition of wax is going to give you car some added dimension to the shine that you wouldn't otherwise see. Is it a dramatic "HOLY COW" night and day difference - depends on your eye for it, but there is a difference.
    Now about the wax in the heat, it doesn't really melt - moreso it begins to evaporate. The coating of wax is so thin on the surface that there isn't a noticeable melt effect, just the wax fails prematurely so in the summer months you'll find yourself applying more frequently to maintain the look.
    This is why sealants are so much more ideal in hotter climates. Higher evaporation points mean they hold up regardless.
  14. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Winter wash...?   
    Adding to the input here -
    There are some fundamental flaws with almost any kind of tunnel wash, touchless or not, that will lead to bigger issues long term. Starting with some basic info. In order to clean you are looking at 2 potential systems:
    Mechanical agitation, meaning a spinning brush, squeegee, or something comes into contact with your vehicle. Chemical reaction, meaning heavy detergents and harsh cleaners are used to chemically break the bond with your vehicle.  
    The problems with option 1 are pretty obvious. Thousands of vehicles have likely driven thru the tunnel before you and they do not clean off those spinning brushes. Compounding that is the fact that the materials used aren't much more than a rubberized foam. So you have a scratch inducing media covered in lots of other cars grit smacking your car at high speed. The end result is going to be swirl marks.
    Option 2 seems like it might be a good idea, but its actually just as bad. In order to clean without agitation the chemicals have to be fairly aggressive. This strips the protection from your paint and trim, prematurely dries out some surfaces, and even then it doesn't get the car 100% clean. This is where the 'false sense of clean' comes in - people then pull out of a touchless and start drying their cars. The grit and film left behind is abrasive and BAM swirls/scratches happen.
    Now you mentioned the time required to do the rinseless wash... its actually not that labor intensive, to be honest it is faster than a traditional hose and bucket wash once you get used to the process. If you think in more long term time savings as well... what kind of time are you going to have to put in to undo the damage of a tunnel wash later? A solid day+ if you're dealing with lots of swirls.
    So long story short... a little prevention now and a small investment of time will save you a ton of time in the long run.
  15. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Ricky Bobby in Long lasting sealant...?   
    Ugh 105, I used it when it first came out, never again.  Dusts so much and is such a pain to remove.
    If you polish your car yearly to rid of the swirls and light scratches you may as well just use Liquid Paint Sealant for bi-yearly application and durability.  No, its not Opti Coat, but its pretty damn good considering you can get 6 months out of an application.
    Adam's line is for the weekend warriors who like detailing and telling their customer base that they have a coating similar to Opti Coat that would last 2 years with no polishing, waxing, and only washes, the customers would not be the biggest fans of it.  The professionals here would love a coating but I just don't see it.
    Now a product like Rinseless which is so versatile, multi-use and used often is a huge hit for them I imagine.  It's all about the reorder as well, and a product like a coating which you buy every few years is probably not going to net the best sales ratio as opposed to Detail Spray, VRT, Rinseless etc which are constantly being used and refilled.
    My .02
  16. Like
    Antv20 reacted to LTDSC in The Shine Doctor is....   
    I find his beard warming and welcoming. Happy for you bud. People are wrong, you can go home again.
  17. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in The Shine Doctor is....   
    You guys are too much! thanks so much for all the kindness... I promise to deliver on the hype. Excited to get some new projects rolling and continue to bring innovation to the brand.
  18. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Dylan is back.....and I'm Thrilled.   
    Thanks boss and thanks everyone - happy to be back and excited for some of the ideas we've already been kicking around. Stay tuned - some cool stuff is coming!
  19. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in The Shine Doctor is....   
    Thanks... and I'll try to get some up to date pics to share. Been a bit of a whirlwind over the last few weeks - the trucks first trip out of the garage in about a month was to the warehouse for this shoot.
    Its definitely on my to do list... of course with the goal to 1-up myself
  20. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Adam in Dylan is back.....and I'm Thrilled.   
    Today, we let the cat out of the bag.  The Shine Doc is in, and Dylan holds an honorary Ph.D in OCD detailing!  He dialed in our product line and upgraded our detailing system since 2008, and manifested multiple product and process improvements....at all times.
    Dylan's attention to detail, his process of measuring perfection, and his pursuit of a flawless finish has earned him an incredibly positive reputation in this company, and industry.  Our company suffered without him.
    Adam's is way better, and more complete with Dylan on our team, and it feels FANTASTIC having him back.
    Welcome back my friend, and I'm honored to be on the same team again!

  21. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in The Shine Doctor is....   
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone... it feels good to be back at it and I've got some cool stuff planned, of course I'll be here talking with all of you daily.
  22. Like
    Antv20 got a reaction from Team Adam's in The Shine Doctor is....   
    Welcome back.
  23. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Adam in Flat Rate Shipping   
    We like transparency here at Adam's, and here is the reality: Shipping is the enemy of our business friends. You don't win paying shipping, and neither do we! FedEx wins. The reality is, the average order that leaves our HQ costs us between $11 and $13 to ship to you.
    The alternatives are:
    1- Use the USPS and save 50%, but increase shipping times to 7-10 days, no tracking.
    2- Pack profit into the products by raising prices, so we can cover shipping and offer it free on orders over a certain threshold.
    3- Initiate an Amazon-Style membership to cover a year of free shipping.
    4- Sell everything through Amazon, who offers cheap shipping through their Prime program.
    Anybody see a neat solution out there that I didn't mention? Our FedEx bill is nearly $500,000 this year, and trust me, $10K out to them every week, when we collect $3-4K in shipping from customers, hurts!
    Has anyone seen my Bugatti? Ferrari? My villa? No, you have not, because we drive a pickup and a mini van. This awesome company is a passion, supporting American manufacturing, much more than it is a profit center. I love this business!!
    If we could offer reasonable prices and free shipping even on small orders, we would! Consider a 2-bottle order. Total is $40. Product costs are roughly 50%, shipping cost 25%, and overhead costs, staff, rent, website, events, etc., another 25%.
    It doesn't take a CPA to realize this process is dripping in red ink! So, we offer specials occasionally on shipping orders over $150, so the shipping can be absorbed.
    Free or discounted shipping isn't making Amazon profitable either! http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/11/04/why-amazon-is-not-making-money.aspx
    So, friends, the solutions we sell are made mostly by Americans. We don't employ Asian jail-laborers, so we can get ultra cheap goods with fat profit potential.
    Did you ask for this narrative? No, you did not, but thanks for reading, and as always, thank you for your business!
  24. Like
    Antv20 reacted to redneck08sierra in The Shine Doctor is....   
    too cool!  welcome back DVK...suck it SCG!
  25. Like
    Antv20 reacted to Team Adam's in Adam's Total Interior Detailer Discussion   
    I have used the new version extensively and its easiest to think of it as TID on steroids. More cleaning power for sure, its capable of removing more serious grime than the current version, but still not as strong as something like Leather Cleaner.
    It maintains that matte look, but the best way to describe the finish is darker. There is a very noticable difference on treated vs. untreated areas, but it still looks very factory matte with no gloss.
    The color is the same but the scent is different, the new scent I can't quite place, but it smells very clean and neutral. It disipates quick too which is what I'd consider ideal for an interior product.
    I'm told it features much more substantial UV protection and conditioning properties and thats the stage of the testing that continues. I'm quite impressed with the new product as I'm sure you will be too. Its a nice upgrade over the current juice, but certainly not a total rewrite of the formula.
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