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Can the following be diluted??



I've read through a lot of the threads here old and new and have seen different views but I was wondering general which of the Adams products do folks dilute and are any particularly recommended to be diluted for a purpose?


I know some folks do it different than others..but looking for suggestions now that i'm a new Adams user.


I've seen folks mention diluting APC and I think Adam mentioned diluting VRT in one of his videos.

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1.) Diluted Shampoo = Semi Waterless Wash? (Waiting for Daily Special :P)


I keep a pre-mixed bottle of Car Wash Shampoo handy to clean 'maintained' wheels and wheel wells. I do not use it like a waterless wash, but use that instead of mixing up a bucket of soap for the wheels. I wet the wheel area, spray on the soap (I have a foaming sprayer that is like a mini-foam gun) and use a wheel brush to clean them.

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How about checking the products days before your going to detail, and if you think your going to run out, make sure you order more!!


Now why didn't I think of that?





I wouldn't add water to SVRT.


Adam himself recommended that this method is fine in a recent thread.


I would always use distilled water when diluting btw.


I've actually diluted some of the products in my opening post in the past with regular tap water without any issues - and satisfying results - several times.





Dylan & everyone that contributed,


Thank you for the great information.

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I would always use distilled water when diluting btw.



Can someone answer why you should use distilled water over tap? Is it because distilled is more pure than tap?


I have never seen any reasoning behind this and would like to know.

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Can someone answer why you should use distilled water over tap? Is it because distilled is more pure than tap?


I have never seen any reasoning behind this and would like to know.


Yes, it is more 'pure'. The minerals have been removed, so no matter what type water you have it will work the same.

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I think the one un-addressed part about the water we all use from the tap is that we all have varying amounts of hardness. I believe this affects washing MF (hardness buildup) longevity of MF, and of course Hard Water Spotting on the finish.


My water here in SoCal is hard, but when I lived in Mobile, AL the water out of the tap was naturally soft - surprisingly soft. Distilled water is completely free of the minerals (hardness) that might interact with the products - it is the most inoffensive for dilutions.

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Hi, I have one or two extra spray bottles and instead of having multiple detail spray and all-purpose cleaner bottles, I was just wondering if any product can be diluted with water to make a spray version of it.


I was thinking...

1.) Diluted Shampoo = Semi Waterless Wash? (Waiting for Daily Special :P)

2.) Diluted Brilliant Glaze = Spray Brilliant Glaze (effective as regular BG for polishing wheels?)

3.) Diluted VRT = Easier Application on tires, but not as effective?

4.) Diluted All-Purpose Cleaner (Makes it safe to apply on matte vinyl stripes?)


Just a random thought. If anyone of you do this, let me know how it worked out.

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Not sure what you're planning on diluting the BG with, but water is a no go IMO.


SVRT has been watered down, but usually to make it sprayable. Now with I&O that's not needed.


Diluted APC is done all the time. Not sure why you'd want to use it on your stripes though. I'd probably use WCW.


Diluted Shampoo will still have the foaming agents present and IMO not be a positive way to clean your car.



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Adam's Brilliant Glaze No


Adam's Detail Spray No


Adams' Waterless Wash No


Adam's All Purpose Cleaner YES


Adam's Super VRT Dressing YES but really not necessary if you use In & Out.



Adam's Green Wheel Cleaner YES



Adam's Leather Conditioner No


Adam's Leather Cleaner YES



Adam’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner YES



Adam's [All-New] Glass Cleaner No



Ratios all depend on what you need... I mean you can dilute APC 50:1.... problem is it won't clean much. The amount you dilute a chemical directly impacts how effective it does its designed task. More water = less performance.


Essentially (in theory) you can dilute all the products you listed, but the performance goes out the window and with some of them even a slight dilution would make it less effective to a point that it would just be wasting product.


Thanks for the information Dylan and this was a great question. It's always great to learn more about these products and this will definitely be saved to my computer. :cheers:

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You can.... I don't. I think if Adam wanted his products diluted he would do it when they bottled them but he doesn't. Why mess with something thats perfect already.


People dilute things like APC and GWC but other than that not much more.

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