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Turned another year older during the night!


I have the day off, and am heading out to wash my truck in a few minutes. We need some rain, so I guess I will "take one for the team" today.



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Well this weekend I spend the Entire time re-painting the trim around the windows of my new (to me ) house. I paint was starting to peel and I knew they had to be painted before the weather turned bad, I know they cant make it another winter without rotting. So my wife and I spent all weekend scraping and sanding and repaiting all the window and door frames.


I also started to replace a rain gutter above my front door, when i pulled the old one off i found out that all the wood around that gutter was rotten, So i had to re-build a huge section of the overhang above my front door, something that i really was not planning on doing. Then i discovered some more rotten wood on my house that I will have to replace before winter. And because of some things coming up, I really only have 3 weekends left between now and the end of October, which is when the weather starts to turn bad. So i am going to be busy busy:mad:

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Got a new job! I just graduated with a finance degree about 2 years ago from UMD and have been working for a large investment firm doing grunt work but now I will finally be doing a job I have wanted for the longest time. Also, just signed up for my GMAT so I should be going back to get my masters next fall. Exciting week!

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Got a new job! I just graduated with a finance degree about 2 years ago from UMD and have been working for a large investment firm doing grunt work but now I will finally be doing a job I have wanted for the longest time. Also, just signed up for my GMAT so I should be going back to get my masters next fall. Exciting week!


Congrats:cheers: Feels good to have a job that goes along with your degree, doesnt it. I know what thats like.

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I woke up around 4:30, took a shower, guzzled some NyQuil and coffee and drove to school around 7:00. Then around 1:00 I skipped out of school to go visit my co-workers at Kroger and pick up a pay check. Then I went home and slept until about 20 minutes ago.

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Woke up, Showered and got ready for work.. left and went to FH to pick up my bunker linings (to be washed).. went to dry cleaner, told her I needed same day, she said no, I said BYE.. went to another, dropped off Uniform and Bunker linings.. went to work.. left work, picked up dry cleaning, $30 later WTF are you kidding me??? went home, shaved, got dressed, went to FH.. went to Town Hall for 9/11 Memorial.. got banged out for a call during it.. took off nicely cleaned jacket and put bunkers on over my dress pants and shirt (formerly nicely cleaned).. sweat like crazy.. investigated the house, made entry, everything was kosher, so dropped bunkers and went back to the memorial, soaked..


now I'm home..

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Woke up, Showered and got ready for work.. left and went to FH to pick up my bunker linings (to be washed).. went to dry cleaner, told her I needed same day, she said no, I said BYE.. went to another, dropped off Uniform and Bunker linings.. went to work.. left work, picked up dry cleaning, $30 later WTF are you kidding me??? went home, shaved, got dressed, went to FH.. went to Town Hall for 9/11 Memorial.. got banged out for a call during it.. took off nicely cleaned jacket and put bunkers on over my dress pants and shirt (formerly nicely cleaned).. sweat like crazy.. investigated the house, made entry, everything was kosher, so dropped bunkers and went back to the memorial, soaked..


now I'm home..


We've had fire drills down in the Caribbean where I've gotten so sweaty in the bunker gear that you'd have thought I fell overboard. :lolsmack:

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4:35AM - Wake up

4:55AM - Wake up again

5:00AM - Get in shower

5:30AM - Get out of shower to dry off and get ready for the day

5:50AM - Stumble blindly down the stairs to get breakfast

6:00AM - Finish my cup of coffee and my pudding cup (breakfast) and watch the news

6:40AM - Drive to school

7:00AM - Arrive at school and park at the end of the back lot

7:20AM - AP Marketing class

8:10AM - Sociology

9:00AM - Physics

9:50AM - Study Hall

10:45AM - Lunch

*Note, I illegally leave school during lunch and study hall to get REAL food

11:20AM - CP English 12

12:05AM - AP Calculus

12:55AM - Leave school

1:15PM - Arrive at home

1:45PM - Get on the internet and check forums/emails

2:45PM - Go upstairs and get ready for work

3:30PM - Leave for work

4:00PM - Clock in at work and begin bagging

5:00PM - Go out and do carts for 45 minutes

6:00PM - go out and do carts for 30 minutes

6:30PM - Go on break

6:45PM - Return from break and resume bagging

7:15PM - Take out trash from registers

7:30PM - Go out on cars for 30 minutes

8:00PM - Clock out

8:30PM - Leave Kroger

8:45PM - Arrive at home

9:00PM - Eat dinner

10:00PM - Sit down on the forums and my emails again

11:31PM - Type this post.


So basically, I got up, went to school, went to work, and then got on the computer.

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Took pup to the vet to have foot checked.. Hes dam lucky! No tendon or muscle damage, all just skin.. Been back to vet 2 times since 8am for more medicine and a new E-Collar. Went to the wholesale club, now making dinner for wife and I for our anniversary. Waiting on Dylan who had issues with flight into Cleveland to see if were meeting up tonight, or just calling today a wash and meeting up tomorrow for the clinic!

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Today I washed my car since it had gotten filthy from the rain this past week. I then helped my brother install new mirrors and wash his truck. At some point I got distracted and noticed some scratches on my car that I must've put in yesterday when I was installing my backup camera. I broke out my cordless drill and 4" pads and the scratches were gone in less than 10 minutes. Back to helping my brother, we laid on some Brilliant Glaze and Americana. I've used it on the white of my car before and it looked great but it really made dark blue on his truck shine. I only have a poor quality pic of it when we were done, but I'll post it just so Nick can't complain.



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Got up, got ready for my daughters Bday party at the skating rink with blow up bouncy things. Then went to eat with the fam afterwards, took kids to my moms. Then went to work where I made sure 3 caterings went out ok, while I worked one of them that was a plated and served dinner for 70. Then picked up the kids and now sitting in bed! Its been a long saturday.

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Well, since I was a few Patrons and Frescas deep last night, I didn't get around to posting what I did yesterday. It was time to tackle my brakes in the 350Z. I installed a set of EBC Red Stuff brakes in the front. High performance, low dust pads that should solve my terribly filthy front wheel problem.

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