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I've had a crazy past 24 hours. Last night in my softball game I hit a home run that went around 300 feet. That was with an outseam ball. For those that don't know, outseam balls are supposed to be limited flight.


Then today I got a job offer. :banana::banana::banana: For those that don't know, I've been out of work for 2 1/2 years now. I'm 90% sure I will accept it, I just got to hammer out the details. I don't know what my daughter is going to do since I've watched her since she's been born. Day care will be a new experience for her.

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Sounds like things are looking up Dan. :2thumbs:


Today the mrs. took her dad to see a nursing home and apparently she had to back into a parking space because of construction. She saw the wall behind her. What she didn't see was one of those industrial cement garbage cans with the stones glued to it. Backed right into it and took the paint off the back bumper. $hiznit. Don't think Adam's has a quick fix for this one.

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Well I tried to watch the final Shuttle launch, but with the cloud cover Dylan and Mook had just as good a view as I did.:( Sad to see the Shuttle program come to end, but it went on longer than was originally planned.

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Well I tried to watch the final Shuttle launch, but with the cloud cover Dylan and Mook had just as good a view as I did.:( Sad to see the Shuttle program come to end, but it went on longer than was originally planned.


I watched it on HDNet, it was kind of sad to see it come to an end.

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I put the girls down for their afternoon nap and hit the garage. It was 104 in there. After two plus hours I had Cali dusted the G8, clayed the glass and sealed it with Adam's Glass Sealant. I then cleaned the interior glass. I forgot just how good Adam's Glass Cleaner is. (I had ran out and was finishing out the old stuff from Barry's. It's going to the office with me on Monday, we can clean the mirrors in the can with it I guess.) I WCWed the car. I then used the 4" Focus pad kit and fixed the mess I had made on the lower trunk shelf by carelessly resting then dragging topsoil bags across it. I also touched up the tail lights and finished off by giving the G8's rear end Americana x 2. No beer in the fridge so it was big glass of cold water, green popsicle and then into a cool shower. Thank you Adam's :bow: for this afternoon's Zen, it was needed and I appreciate it immensely. :2thumbs:


BTW: I just stumbled on this 'making words into links stuff.' Ain't technology the shiznit?!?! :jester:

Edited by sportredmistress
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I am having withdrawls...haven't had any Adams therapy for 5 days now. I hav been touring Yellowstone Natl Park for the past several days. Awesome country we have here!!!


Sent from the Dark Side using G2/Tapatalk

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Put in some reqs so I can HIRE a couple people. Got a half dozen travel requests in so peeps can get sum ed-u-ma-ca-tion, getting pedicure then feed horses...Mojo and guinea chicks(called "Keets"). Water gardens....water some more. I might flop down in an inner tube in pool after that with tunes on.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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I drove to the office this morning in a hellacious thunderstorm. We had 65+ mph winds and sideways rain. I dodged garbage cans, tree branches and assorted flying debris but fortunately no hail. When I got to the office my wife called to say we lost an apple tree. It snapped off at ground level. On a good note I got to test Adam's Glass Sealant which worked GREAT!:2thumbs:

I didn't use the wipers at all on my morning commute.

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Day five of the worst case of mudbutt i've ever had. Due to a storm that was finally declared not a tornado(i disagree based off the trail of destruction and the fact it was only within this trail this amount of destruction occurred). I think i have climbed so many poles and repaired so much cable that mentally i am gone, physically im wasted and yet i still have to continue. 5 days later still no power to some homes, still no cable, phone, internet, and the outages continue. I think i've seen war without ever being to war, this is the war mother nature can inflict in an hour of time whenever deemed necessary. So on a few hours of rest i get between destruction i tip this beer to another day of helping people stay in communication with one another and watch the veg machine.:cheers:

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Bought a charcoal grill and made a nice ribeye with grilled vadalia onions and portbella mushrooms.


Seriously... why didn't I buy a charcoal grill sooner. It takes patience, but taste so much better than a gas grill. Tomorrow I am going to experiment with wood chips and smoke some ribs.

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I drove to the office for the morning in my freshly cleaned and Brilliant Glazed G8 just in time for a 5 minute rain shower followed by a sick azz bird bomb. That bird got my roof, left rear window and left rear door handle. I don't know what that bird ate, but YUCK! I'm glad I keep neoprene gloves in the trunk and Thank God for that Adam's emergency kit.

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