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Nice Play Set.


I to built something today. This was the first time I have ever built a gate, and I think it turned out pretty good. It was a little bit of a PITA because I could not dig a hole for the post next to the house because the Natural gas Line runs right next to the house, so I had to attach the post to the house which means I had to drill through the Cement/Asbestos Siding, Good Times. Next project is to build a 6ft fence down the side of my house so I dont have to look at my trashy neighbors houses.


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We got up early and went to Easter services with my mom. We had breakfast at the church after services. The youth pastor is a former chef and makes a mean spread, yummmmmmmmy. All proceeds go to the youth groups. Did I say yummy? Eggs, sausages, fruit mix, french toast, biscuits n gravy:thumbsup: , waffles, an omelette station and beverages. :drool: Yummmmy!

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We got up early and went to Easter services with my mom. We had breakfast at the church after services. The youth pastor is a former chef and makes a mean spread, yummmmmmmmy. All proceeds go to the youth groups. Did I say yummy? Eggs, sausages, fruit mix, french toast, biscuits n gravy:thumbsup: , waffles, an omelette station and beverages. :drool: Yummmmy!


Sounds very much like my morning. Went to sunrise service. Breakfast at church. Now I'm home with the kids watching the movie "Hop"

Happy Easter!

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i took the day off from work to detail my truck! just finished the strip wash and will clay the paint and windows, SVRT tires and trim, spot correct a few minor scratches on the bed rails and running boards with SSR, SHR, & FMP, FMP the paint, then finish up with a coat of MSS on the paint and QS on the wheels! gunna be a long afternoon!

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Loaded up the car and headed to the beach! Stopped at one of our favorite barbecue places (phenomenal ribs!) for lunch, then on Sarasota. Took a walk on the beach, then chilled at the pool with some frozen "umbrella" drinks. Out to dinner at another favorite restaurant (although this location is not as enjoyable as the others), walked the 'Circle', and stopped for ice cream. Today will be another rough day - sitting on the beach reading, and some snorkeling. Headed home on Wednesday, and will need to wash the car, then back to the real world on Thursday.

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Kicked my brother out on the street. Well, not exactly...I'm sending him to live with my sister in Perkasie, PA to get into a rehab center out there and seek professional help. He's lived with me for a year. During this time, he's lost his house, lost his job, lost custody of his son, tried to commit suicide and has turned my home into an episode from "One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest" with all the depression and anxiety drugs he's been on together with being a raging alchoholic. I thought I was gaining back a brother from childhood originally, thought it would be nice having him in my life, thought I would have a family member to share life's joys and dissapointments. What I inherited was a ride into hell for a year. I finally reached the boiling point Saturday discovering him passed out in bed at 1:00 p.m., rushing him into ER where he blew a 3.5 blood alchohol. It tore me up feeling like I was the real failure and not the least bit a positive influence for him the past year and I'm devestated to see him gone, but I feel I had no choice left. I did not want to discover him dead from another suicide attempt.

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^Wow! You have done what you can. You are a good brother. Alcoholism is a disease that you could never cure your brother of. He will need to decide when he's hit bottom and wants to get out of the lifestyle he's put himself in. I come from a family with many alcoholics on both sides; aunt, uncle, great grandfathers. That and I've buried two childhood friends that never could admit to their addiction. (Chuck and Jeff: I hope you finally found the peace you never could find in this world.) I've learned so much from my aunt/godmother and her twenty five years of sobriety. She used to polish off a fifth of vodka a day and never thought there was a problem. She was a professor at a very large university and hid it from faculty and students alike, but not from her friends and some members of the family. I did not know of her alcoholism until my mother called me 'her enabler.' I would visit her on football weekends which involved the game and the festivities afterwards. A colleague of hers approached her and she came to terms with her addiction, getting sober and becoming AA sponsor to other alcoholics. I've gone to a few meetings to help understand the physiology and psychology of alcoholism. IMHO you putting your brother out could very well be the wake up call he needs. It is up to him though. I wish you well and pray your brother gets sober and stays that way.


Alcoholics Anonymous :

Edited by sportredmistress
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Between yesterday and today I replaced the inner fenders on my Suburban. All the years of New England winters and living near the ocean are catching up to her. Driver's side was barely being held in place at all.






























If I could sell rust this truck would make me rich. :help:

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Between yesterday and today I replaced the inner fenders on my Suburban. All the years of New England winters and living near the ocean are catching up to her. Driver's side was barely being held in place at all.


If I could sell rust this truck would make me rich. :help:


I'll give you $1 :cheers:

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Kicked my brother out on the street. Well, not exactly...I'm sending him to live with my sister in Perkasie, PA to get into a rehab center out there and seek professional help. He's lived with me for a year. During this time, he's lost his house, lost his job, lost custody of his son, tried to commit suicide and has turned my home into an episode from "One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest" with all the depression and anxiety drugs he's been on together with being a raging alchoholic. I thought I was gaining back a brother from childhood originally, thought it would be nice having him in my life, thought I would have a family member to share life's joys and dissapointments. What I inherited was a ride into hell for a year. I finally reached the boiling point Saturday discovering him passed out in bed at 1:00 p.m., rushing him into ER where he blew a 3.5 blood alchohol. It tore me up feeling like I was the real failure and not the least bit a positive influence for him the past year and I'm devestated to see him gone, but I feel I had no choice left. I did not want to discover him dead from another suicide attempt.


You did right by getting rid of him. You did everything you could. He can only help himself (if he so chooses) so I hope your not feeling guilty about anything.


Found out I have a torn ACL and need surgery :(





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



I know how that feels. I tore my ACL completely off a few years ago. That is one of the more painful injuries you can have.


I hope you were doing something fun while it happened. I launched about 30' through the air on an ATV. I was having a blast but that big puddle came up before I could slow down. :lolsmack::lolsmack:

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Joined the iPhone clan. We will see how I like it. I went from a Droid X. Now I am writing a paper that is due this evening. Hopefully I will be done in time to finish the interior cleaning on my moms Subaru.


Please Let me know if you like you Iphone better than the Droid X.


I currently have a Droid X and I can get a new phone on the 24th. I cant decided if I want to get an Iphone or get another Droid like maybe the Razr.


There are Pros and Cons for Both

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