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I know what you mean.  My work in done in the daytime, but when we take a project 'live' it is done in middle of the night for minimal customer impact.



Swapping some files and rebooting some clusters, trying to resolve an issue that has been causing failovers. Nothing serious but it has been causing me pain for a few weeks. Unfortunately I only have tech windows in the middle of the night and in some cases only on weekends.



Ah yes! I work for a global company so that means our change windows are REALLY wonky. We try to do a lot of stuff in a dev environment and then just flip the switch (as you know sometimes a 3 hour process) to make Dev Prod, and Prod Dev. The virtual environment really makes a lot of this so much easier. 

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Got to wash the truck at work today, even though it's 50 degrees here, still convenient to use their water and in a nicely lit bay. Another guy I work with was side swiped last week and of course the other guy took off. I got 80% or better of the marks out of his door for him. I only took a couple pictures on Snapchat so I'll try to add them in a bit.

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And technically my day isn't over, I have something that I can't start until 1 AM, should be done by 3 AM if all goes well.


It is better than the middle of the day when all users are online and waiting very patiently.



Today, I was able to wash my daily driver (SUV), my father's daily driver (SUV), and moms car. I could not believe how much the suvs needed to be washed.  I think the DOT uses cinders with the salt how dirty was vehicle was.

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Got one dash camera about 3/4 of the way installed.  Too tired to finish.  Stuff always sounds easy when you watch the manufacturers install videos.  Finding switched power was a lot of work as I didn't want to cut into anything.  And there was none in the regular fuse block on the interior, and I didn't want to poke holes thru the firewall.  Did find it eventually in another interior location and modified a connector to fit. Will have to make a trip next weekend to the "have everything" electrical supply place that I found a few years back for a proper one.  


Thinking my wife's car I will have to remove the back seat and who knows what else to run wires from the fuse block that is in the trunk up to the front.  Haven't even looked at my DD to see what kind of work that is going to entail.   

Edited by LFairbanks
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After sleeping late I went to a great nieces birthday party then came home and worked some more. Now i have a little time to hit the treadmill then get a few hours sleep before working some more. Oh well, at least it won't be interrupting any football watching and I won't be on call next weekend so I'll get to watch the Super Bowl.

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I Rinseless Washed the front half of the ATS4 with the intentions of correcting the dealer installed swirls after dinner. Dinner came and went and so did my motivation. I know it's around here somewhere, I just can't seem to find it at the moment. I'll wash the rest in the morning so the car looks right unless it's raining;  then **** it, I'm going to the office. Speaking of rain, it poured most of the day today. A year ago today we got 18" snow.


I'll take the rain, but I digress. While driving home at lunch I was mesmerized by the raindrops running along the side of the rear view mirror then when they got out of the wind stream the drops condensed into big drops and stayed in place until I slowed or stopped. That H2O Guard & Gloss beads like a champ!

Edited by Captain Slow
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Looks like a good place to start! It's infectious, I'm sure your collection will grow quickly.


Today has been a very expensive day for me... I bought wheels and tires for my truck and placed another $100 (after discounts) order on Adam's products...

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Finally got out to the garage and corrected the hood. It is now, except for factory installed orange peel, flawless. Took two hours with competitor's MF pads followed by white polishing pad. The dealer installed swirls and RIDS plus bird turd etchings were quite the challenge. The rest of the car was rinseless washed then pink Detail Sprayed. Interior got wiped down then treated with Leather Conditioner. Quick Sealant on the wheels is working great. I hit the wheels with Rinseless Wash from pump sprayer and everything just rinses off! That stuff is magic in a can. This morning the garage smells wonderful.


Next up is the trunk lid and roof. Roof has two bird turd etchings that may require my auto painter friend to wet sand for me. The ones on the hood were nowhere near that big or deep.


I measure this etching at two by three inches.



Dang dealers! Dang birds! Dang detailers eye!

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Rinseless wash of Cherokee, and as long as in garage, clayed and then used new Cyclo for first time, corrected couple little spots then liquid paint sealant. Darn that Cyclo is a lot easier on my arms/shoulders than my old PC. And then finished it off with coat of Patriot.

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Dan, you need to get your buddies together make a trip to Moab.



Cool video! Looks like some of those were close, might lose a stock bumper.


One of the guys from yesterday (white Raptor with blue hood lights) is stationed down there and is trying to organize a trip to Moab.

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Can't sleep... Besides my team losing, I watched probably the worst Super Bowl I've ever seen in a long time, lol! Food was great, however, with a full spread. Chili, buffalo wings, piglets in blankets, buffalo chicken dip, and a few more goodies. My daughter ended up with a stomach ache and I guess that has me worried since I cooked all the food. I will probably call in to work which I should have taken a vacation day anyway. Sucks though since it's going to rain...again, so I can't wash my truck. My new shed isn't really wide enough to comfortably wash under it (might give it s try).


Sorry for the boring and long post but as I said, can't sleep!

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Cool video! Looks like some of those were close, might lose a stock bumper.


One of the guys from yesterday (white Raptor with blue hood lights) is stationed down there and is trying to organize a trip to Moab.



There are different levels when it comes to those trails depending on difficulty.  There are even some that you would have to be plain nuts to take a vehicle on unless it was designed and built strictly as an off road vehicle.  

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