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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Gen 2 Pad Sets For Sale


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Friends, we just found some Gen 2 Pads, and have 3 sets available:







$20/set of 4 pads. Shoot me an email, and we'll send you a set of pads!


Thanks, Adam


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I'm sorry but sale of Adam's products is not allowed in this section :lol::lol::lol:











Well I guess it's ok if your name is on the products :jester:

REALLY!!! Who does this Adam Pitalesomethinorother think he is???:bow:

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Yes... its in his sig too.




Assuming you have either our gen2 or gen3 backing plate... yes.


Oh ok cool and yes I have the newest PC from y'all. So 3gen



Mistyped from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OK, 3 emails, and 3 pad sets sold! I thought it would be a nice deal for a member.... might be some more deals coming on discontinued items soon!



I'll take the bottles of Clear Polish Adam! :D



Sent from my iPad using special algorithms and data nodes.

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I have a couple of sets of the gen II's and they're great, but MAN are the gen III's easier to clean... Just wash them up and then squeeze the water out of them. Amazing how much faster they dry without having to spin them.



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