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Irene (East Coast)


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All I can say is that you guys that are in the path, I wish will pray for you and your family.


I have been thru only one hurricane and that was Yugo back in the 90's. I remember arriving at school and then about 1 hour later heading back home. Still can not believe how much water it dumped where I lived and I am inland.

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Everett thank you for the kind words. I live in about 2 hours from main point of impact of the storm. Our local TV station in Raleigh is calling for flooding and winds up to 70mph or faster! I work this weekend and most of y'all know I work as a police officer so I could be away from my family up to 72hrs. I've stocked up with water, and food. I work 15mins from my home but if things get bad its possible I may not make it home. There's no telling how bad it'll be until Saturday. A few years ago in Rocky Mount the city was about 65% under water. Ive been through several hurricanes and well all you can do is hold on for the ride. I appreciate any and all prayers.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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We are prepping here in Northern Virginia, I didn't realize what the scope of this actually was until yesterday especially for those of us on the east side of 95. They are calling for 5 to 10 inches of rain. Grocery store was mayhem yesterday. I think it might be wise for me to find a parking garage to put my car in until this blows over, parking on the street may bring more harm than I care to think about with large tree overhands, debris, and such. Hope everyone else stays safe!

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It looks like I'll be on stand by at the FH for this Biatch making her way through the area..


I really hope that she dies down and doesn't cause any harm to anyone or anything..


I wish I could be with my Wife, Smokey and the Bandit to make sure they're safe.. we have a few HUGE trees just behind our property that could cause some serious problems.. I've seen some big branches fall already.. Unfortunately, we dont have the $$ to remove it, nor will it be an easy removal because of the way our property is, wont be able to get a crane back there..

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man Katrina was wild here in Mississippi. I live in central Miss and we were without power for a few weeks, luckily we had backup generator at the house! No warm showers and no cooking food unless ya had a fire or it could be eaten cold. The gas was awful, they had restrictions on the pumps for 30 bucks is all you could get, not to mention the clean up that needed to be done! I really hope it doesn't impact you guys like that! Good luck and my family will be praying for yall!

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Jon, Nick, and anyone else that is doing Public Safety work during the storms, I wish you the best.

My wife is scheduled to fly home out of Newark at 6:00 on Sunday, but I don't think that is going to happen. She has been 'down the shore' for the week, but they are shuttering up her friends place and heading inland. Who would have thought that she traveled FROM Florida during hurricane season, and still found a hurricane!


During our storms of 2004 most of the damage was caused by falling tree limbs, and in some cases the whole tree (a friend lost a car that way). We were kind of lucky with Charley, as it had a narrow path, and lots help arrived shortly after the storm passed to begin the cleanup and power restoration. We were without power for about 4 days. The "lucky" part was the when the other 2 storms came through the weak trees and structures were already down, so there was minimal damage. My parents in north Florida had not had a hurricane come through for over 25 years, and even though they only got several hours of 50+ MPH winds from the 3rd storm that year (we had an hour of 90+ MPH winds with Charley), it took a week for them to get power back.

We are also a little lucky as the "sponge" we live on here is flat, so there is no 'down hill' for the water to flow.

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Hurricane Tracker - weather.com


Double click onto the map - updated by the second due to satelitle imaging - to zoom in as much as you like to view Irene's path [of destruction].


Initial reports were it was going to match Hurricane Gaston of 2004 but now they're claiming we are out of the doo-doo.... for the time being.


God bless.

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I am leaving for vacation in less than 25 hours but that doesn't mean my place will be here when I get back. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Since my sn is stormchaser.....I am kind of sad to be leaving but....I don't think is even stay if I weren't. I love my SS too much. LMAO!!!


I don't have a cool cell signature.....I just use tapatalk

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I am leaving for vacation in less than 25 hours but that doesn't mean my place will be here when I get back. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Since my sn is stormchaser.....I am kind of sad to be leaving but....I don't think is even stay if I weren't. I love my SS too much. LMAO!!!


I don't have a cool cell signature.....I just use tapatalk


I actually thought of you when I saw this... I knew you were getting out of dodge which is great because you have plans... Would suck to have to leave and find a place to stay.


Stay safe everyone! LEAVE if you have to!



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All I can say is that you guys that are in the path, I wish will pray for you and your family.


I have been thru only one hurricane and that was Yugo back in the 90's. I remember arriving at school and then about 1 hour later heading back home. Still can not believe how much water it dumped where I lived and I am inland.



Thanks Everett. It wasn't for my knee surgery I'd be at work Sunday in Middlesex County, NJ.


The biggest worry we have right now is that we are surrounded by tall trees!


My generator is fueled with 25 gallons of back up fuel. As our Department of Public Works supervisor said, "It's not a matter if we loose power but WHEN."


To all those who will be out in the storm protecting us THANK YOU!

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I dont have a generator and I hope the battery backup in our new french drain system works if we need it..


I am not looking forward to this at all, too many problems with this house so far, dont need more..


I may talk to my Chief about letting me respond to the FH from home, I'm not far at all, and the roads wont be flooded on the way to the FH.. My Wife is really nervous about this especially after seeing all the news coverage on it.. I would like to keep her calm as well as keep her safe..

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Good Luck Nick. We can add you guys to our Prayer list.


Until recently we never has a drop in the house. last storm we noticed a little moisture after 8 inches of rain not even enough to mop.. I have my shop vac ready in water removal mode.


Depending how long you're going to be in your house you may want to consider a generator. It has bailed me out 3 times, once for 36 hours straight. I actually got one because of my saltwater fish tank.

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Thanks Steve..


I was thinking about getting one.. we shall see.. been really tight on $ lately..


I said to my Wife that if the drains weren't working, we would use the 20gal shop vac, but then it clicked, if they're not working do to power, how would the vac? :lolsmack:


At lease we didnt hang the drywall yet..

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