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Adam's Clay Bar is MAGIC!



i was out on the town friday night, and when i was walking up to my truck to head home i saw this!!!




i know what your thinking, thats too deep to just buff out! well thats what i thought too. here is the process i laid out before going at it the next day.



clay bar

IPA wipe down

Touch Up Paint

Langka Blob Eliminator

SSR, SHR, FMP on 4" pads & PC



well, when i was done clay barring the area, the scratch was magically gone! no joke! it definitely felt like a scratch because i could feel it with my fingernail, but when i was done claying, it was smooth as butter without a trace of a scuff!




i'm clueless as to what it actually was, maybe a bug that hit at just the right angle on the highway, or road tar... whatever it was, the Adam's Clay Bar and DS are MAGIC!!!

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