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Autobahn Policecar


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Expensive car.... cheap light bar.... kills me! :lol:


I agree cheap lightbar...Gheesh lol


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk



I would agree! Although the first chance at over 120 should take care of the light bar being on the roof!!:lolsmack:

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I grew up as a teenager in the Netherlands and my Dad being in the Air Force would take us into Germany quite often. Even in the early to mid 70s when we were there, cars simply fly on the autobahn and pass you like your standing still. Even after I joined the Air Force and found myself in northern Italy, they have the Autostrada and they do the same thing there too. Pure power.

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In 2009 I was on vacation in Germany and driving on the Autobahn in a Mercedes A-Class, going about 80mph. One of those R8s – a blue one – came up behind me and zoomed past on my left. It was almost a religious experience... that car, at speed, in it's homeland.


I'm with Dylan... I'd be happy to get pulled over by that one. It'd be worth it. :bow:

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How exactly are the on-ramps for the Autobahn now that I think of it? Also, what happens if someone is coming at 200 MPH and you're going 110MPH and they're catching up too fast and can't brake in time?


I am curious on the safety of a road like that.

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From what I understand from people that have been stationed in Germany, people that go 110 stay to the far right. :D


That is absolutely correct. The far left lane is for passing only. If you are caught in the far left lane and are not passing anyone, you get pulled over and fined.

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How are the on-ramps? Are they all longer so that cars can get up to a decent speed?


I honestly don't recall, but I also don't ever remember being stressed about getting up to speed. Most cars were traveling at about 70-80MPH anyway, so it wasn't like you needed to do anything drastic. As mentioned above, the far left lane is for passing only, so that's where the really fast guys were traveling. Most cars on the autobahn were just Opels, VWs, MB & BMW sedans, etc -- just everyday people going about their business and probably more concerned with fuel economy than with speed.


Interestingly enough, in 1 week in germany I only saw about 3 Porsches on the roads. I see that many here in a typical run to the grocery store.

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As someone who spent 15 years in the communications industry I never understood the need for an insanely fast police car. You are not going to outrun a radio.


True, but visual deterrents are the best way to keep people from speeding. Might as well plant that thought in their mind -- "man, the cops have Camaros, Mustangs, etc... they're serious about speeders in this state, I'm going to be careful."

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True, but visual deterrents are the best way to keep people from speeding. Might as well plant that thought in their mind -- "man, the cops have Camaros, Mustangs, etc... they're serious about speeders in this state, I'm going to be careful."


OK I will buy off on that. For example, when I was a cop in the military no one looked at me, my M-16, my Beretta 9mm, or the Hummer; they looked at the German Sheppard by my side. My what big teeth it had. Visual deterent.

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