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Mercedes Sporting Adams Shine!


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Let me start out by saying Merry Christmas everyone! So now onto the story... For the past few years my mom has had an on going joke with my dad... every time she would see a Mercedes she would say, "Honey, when are you going to buy me one of those?" Well little did my mom know, my dad had always wanted to do something special for her, like getting her a luxury car... but he just could never "pull the trigger". Well after a couple of days talking with him about Christmas gifts for my mom, he decided that he was finally ready for that special gift. So after a few hours of searching, I found the one... a black 2010 certified pre-owned Mercedes Benz C300 with 16,720 miles. After a long day of sitting at the dealership, we were finally able to bring my moms dream car home.




Because we were going to have the car for a full week before Christmas, I decided to take it to my shop and give it some loving... some much needed loving. I want to apologize now because my nice camera ended up breaking, and I was unable to get good before and after pictures as a result that the camera on my phone wouldn't take any good ones.


I started with giving it a nice bath using Adams Car Shampoo with some APC and the two bucket system. Once she was all washed up, it was obvious that the car had not been properly taken care of. This poor car was covered in holograms!!!!! I then clay barred the entire car, and broke out the big guns to tackle the holograms. I used the flex on speed setting 6 and did two passes SHR and one pass FMP... Man was I happy with the results! I finished up the machine polishing with revive by hand to ensure all oils left behind were removed. I then sealed the car with Adams MSS. While I waited for it to cure, I popped the hood and tackled the engine bay with WW and SVRT, and also hit the trim and tires with SVRT. I also shined up the exhaust pipes with MP1 and MP2. I then gave all the door jams a wipe down with WW, and sealed them with MSS by hand. I figured while I had the MSS out, I mine as well seal the rims. I let the car sit for 24 hours and gave it a final wipe down...


After all this hard work, I figured why stop now? :lolsmack: So I brought out the BG and Americana... After I finished up waxing, I decided to hit the glass with some Adams Glass Sealant. And for the final touch, I added a nice big red bow... I placed a double soft under it for fear of swirls!




The day had finally come to give the car to my mom... everything was set and ready to go. So I sat at the shop waiting for my mom and dads arrival.




After all was said and done, and some tears shed... we all ended up in the car and went for a nice drive sporting an all Adams Shine!


Here are some reflection shots once the car was finally parked in our drive way...










Thanks for taking the time to read my post! And again, I hope everyone has a great and Merry Christmas!!!

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Justin: Have to say that car turned out fantastic. Excellent! Now, if I can get my wife's 2012 Mercedes and my 2012 Dodge 1500 4x4 (All Black) to turn out like yours did then I can honestly say I accomplished what I thought could not be done.

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