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Update-Part 2...Extremely Mad!


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Well just got my Camaro back from the dealer as they were so nice enough to paint my stripes on for me (enter sarcasm here) because they didn't want to mess with replacing my vinyl stripes. Anyways I got the car back after a month and half of being in the shops. The painter told me to look the car over for any spots that need to be corrected and bring it back.. Well I have a freaking list of crap! After three days of it being rainy and cloudy the sun showed up. I went to inspect and I found a ton of issues. The stripes are ok but look splotchy and the clearcoat is screwed up in so many places. Not to mention holograms from the rotary buffer they used..I called the bodyshop manager told him I wanted it all redone. That the work was total crap. Here are some pics of some of the poor work. This isn't HALF of it. I don't know what to do....any suggestions would be great!









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I can't believe they would think that would be acceptable. Is it an actual body shop run by the dealership or one that they use? I have had experiences with both situations and the one that the actual dealership ran their work came out perfect. The other instance I had clear coat issues. Now that I know where to go locally I stick with that. Good Luck, and I hope they resolve it to your liking.

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ask to talk to the manager or the owner of the dealership start contacting GM themselves ride it all the way to the top asap. Either they pay to have it done at a pro shop or they give you a new car this is totally rediculous in my opinion also tell them you want the DM's info and start formal complaints with everyone including the BBB if you have to.

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Don't touch it! And document everything that's wrong with pictures and videos.

I wouldn't have driven it out of the shop like that. I know you were anxious, but you should have inspected it with a fine tooth comb before you drove it off. That is definitely crap. I know it's hard to see when it's indoors. When you take it back in, give them a deadline to have it done and when you pick it up again, take a buddy with you or two and some halogen flashlights and inspect the heck out of it. Was this a dealership that did the work or an independent? If it's a dealership, you may have some extra help on your side from Chevrolet. Good luck

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if i remember right you have had a multitude of issues with your car. Honestly calling corporate wont do anything but waste your time and all you will get is "were sorry for the issues your having" and a free oil change for life, the dealer will just get a slap on the wrist and forced to pay for your maintenance.


At this point it sounds like your fed up (as I would be) My Lemon law lawyer also delt with dealers/GM alot. I dont think going in and going ape sh** on them because that will not make them care any more then they did before. At this point the only thing to get them moving is lighting a fire under their a$$


A month and a half is well over the lemon law (actually 27 days in NJ lemon law) in the shop means automatic lemon for what ever reason it was in for. i hope you have documentation of when it went it. Let me know if you want the number of my lemon lawyer, She was fantastic!

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ask to talk to the manager or the owner of the dealership start contacting GM themselves ride it all the way to the top asap. Either they pay to have it done at a pro shop or they give you a new car this is totally rediculous in my opinion also tell them you want the DM's info and start formal complaints with everyone including the BBB if you have to.



My experience with the BBB has been this. Don't waste your time. To make the long story short. Had and issue with the individual that put my HVAC system in my house. He kept telling me their was nothing wrong with it. After I confronted him with documentation he refused to fix it. Wasted 9 months dickering with the BBB and they did nothing. Even was told by the equipment rep who knew that it was installed wrong that the BBB would do nothing, being the company involved was a "paying member" . Went to small claims court and in that 9 month time frame my statute of limitations had run out, and I lost. Because the state of Utah doesn't recognize the BBB as a state agency. Cost me $11,400 to rip out and replace everything.


Lesson learned, came in handy when I had to help another family member with a similair situation. Company fixed it ASAP.


Me personally I would start with the Dealership Manager that you bought the car from. If you don't get any resolution, try contacting the dealership owner. Then go directly to GM. And file small claims at the same time. Don't let them try to sweet talk you, and snow ball you. Be nice, yet firm. Chances are you won't have to get as far as GM and small claims if they get the impression that your not going to waste your time.


Looking into the Lemon Law is also a good avenue. I know a lady that had issues with a brand new car and she just mentioned "Lemon Law" and they replaced her car.

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Yeah, BBB is a joke. Useless. They have become a organization that just collects payment from the members. When there is an issue and they "hit" the company in question the company has the option to either back out or pay to "drop" the negative information.


I have a stupid rep of the BBB harass my phones every month trying to get me to sign up. It is nothing more then a scam now. When i see the logo i just laugh and shake my head and feel bad for the people that got scammed. At one time it used to be credible, now its just a money driven get everyone you possibly can even sign up the guy that has no insurance/no skill/terrible business practice since he has money.


Most now a days dont even know who the BBB is.


Seriously man, go the lemon law route. The dealer will string you along until its too late. Even though GM doesn't warrant paint you have a case against the dealer and the evidence falls very nicely in your favor.

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I have no idea. I saw something similar on another thread. Said it was moisture under the clear.


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Looks to me like improper masking and clear coat got on this area. Then they tried to buff it off resulting in these blotches. You may get it off with some isopropyl alcohol, but be careful. The rest looks like bad rotary buffer swirl and may be ok it properly buffed out. So sorry man, it sucks when people mess up your car.

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Ouch - terrible. I am so sorry for you to have to deal with this.


If you went through the dealership, keep after them. It's not your job to deal with the paint shop, it's the dealership who hire them to do their work, let them do the leg work. Escalation up the chain in the dealership and up to GM is appropriate. That's lousy work. I think that GM ought to know about this sooner than later, it is blackening THEIR name too.


The holograms can be fixed with a PC, but the clear coat rough orange peel and splotches are on the dealer, no question. Of course, you dropped it off in pristine condition (show car) and they give it back to you looking like it came off the used car lot - that is frustrating.


On the upside, love the blue stripes!

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By "dealer," if you mean an automobile dealer then I know what you are going through. Just bought a 2012 Dodge 1/2 ton. Service manager and personnel are putting out some really bad work on this truck. Start out with a supervisor, then if nothing is accomplished, work your way up through their chain of command. If you still can't get anything done, find the dealers district rep. No help - go over his head and keep going until you find somebody who will make this right. I'm at the district level now. Keep a cool head, document everything - names, dates, places, times, etc. Main thing is to show them you are not going to just go away!

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Lots of good advice here, only problem I see is how can you ever trust this dealership to do right by you after the time they took and the mess they made the first time around?


I totally agree! I don't know if I can trust them or not with it anymore. The bodyshop is own by the dealership. The dealership isn't the place I bought the car. I went to this dealership because it was local. It all started with the car having paint issues from a long time ago. The paint was chipping off the rear trunk and bumper. They told me that they contacted GM Regional Rep and that he told them to fix it under a customer appreciation claim not a warranty issue. So I took it in and they repainted the rear of the car from the right rear quarter panel to the left rear quarter panel. They also replaced the stripes on the trunk and spoiler. Well a month after I got it back the stripes on the trunk and spoiler started to peel off. Well I took it back and they said they would fix it. Well I got it back and I inspected it and no fixed. They tried to fix it with a heat gun and melted the stripe on the trunk and did nothing to the spoiler. So here again I took it back a third time! So they kept it a month to finally to tell me they wanted to paint them on and well now its gotten to here...Im freaking p*****! I don't understand the body shop manager and the painter are nice as can be. Im not sure any of them are competent to know wtf they are doing. Im going up there Monday and having a meeting with the bodyshop manager. Im demanding them fix it with another bodyshop and that if they deny my request Im going to the dealership manager and go from there. From there I will seek a lawyer.

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From there I will seek a lawyer.

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Dont even bother, your wasting your time. they will assume your bluffing and string you along. (i know because i met with the Service manager and they did the same thing) Go straight to a lawyer and let them deal with it. Make sure you go to a lemon lawyer because other ones dont know who to talk to at corporate.


Take it from someone that delt with much more then your dealing with. Go to the lawyer, dont waste your time going on monday.

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Just looking at the photos of your car is freaking me out. Looking at in person...

I understand why you are so angry and frustrated.


They may be nice, but they are clearly incompetent.


I don't see the harm in talking to them Monday. If they refuse to make this right, by taking this to a qualified shop (quickly), or try to string you along, then go to a lawyer or take them to small claims.

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