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I Need A New Job


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after working at walmart for 2 years as an assistant manager i am tired of all the bull crap....im tired of having my job threatened each week...my boss will throw myself and another other assistants under the bus to make herself look better to her boss....she gives direction which i follow then tells others later on she never gave that direction and wouldnt know why i would make that decision....she lies constantly....she even finds ways to make my days off hell....its always fun getting a text your first morning off saying an accident was entered into the system when it wasnt supposed to have been but yet i get that direction from our market person (one step above her).....im pretty much fed up with how she runs the store and how the company operates as a whole.....most of the reason i have high blood pressure is thanks to them as well....anybody got any suggestions for job types i should look for? i got a double bachelors with one being business management and the other in marketing....thanks

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I've heard of the way that they run there business and have never and will never buy from mall wart. You have a leg up on many that have been unemployed for a year or more. Employers are more willing to give someone that is working a chance. You sir can do better just have patience. Derek you have a double degree, that also helps.

Best of luck and keep your job until something better comes along.

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I've heard of the way that they run there business and have never and will never buy from mall wart. You have a leg up on many that have been unemployed for a year or more. Employers are more willing to give someone that is working a chance. You sir can do better just have patience. Derek you have a double degree, that also helps.

Best of luck and keep your job until something better comes along.


i remember reading on yahoo awhile back that companys are looking to hire people that have a job versus those that are unemployed..i hope thats the case...thanks


just got a call from our asset protection manager at the store and he said i did everything by the books like i was supposed to even though the store manager said i didnt....i can garuntee she will never admit she was wrong or apologize for saying i made a mistake

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i remember reading on yahoo awhile back that companys are looking to hire people that have a job versus those that are unemployed..i hope thats the case...thanks



Yes that is true especially in a down turn in the economy like the one were in in now. As a general rule companies get rid of their worst employees first and keeps the best ones. So the people with jobs many times are better employees and worth more than those who aren’t. Now of course that’s not always the case, there are plenty of great workers on the unemployment line right now.


Sounds like you are going through almost exactly what my father in law just went through. His boss had an attitude that He could push his employees around and treat them like crap because they had no other job opportunities. They finally laid him off and he has never been happier. And he has a great job that will start this summer, so until then he is sitting back relaxing and collecting his unemployment.


BTW you are the 3rd Assistant manager of Walmart that I have talked to before that absolutely hates their jobs, their bosses and the company in general.

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maybe transfer to another walmart? no idea how many are near you so that might not be an option.


try and get a job at target? :D


there is a broad scope with the 2 degrees you have, you could work in almost any industry. what interests you? find an industry you like and try to find a position with a well established company in that industry.


are you willing to relocate? i can get you a job in West TX as a roustabout on a frac crew making triple what you are now... but you'll be working 80-100 hours per week :D

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That sounds like a hostile work environment go get a lawyer they will help you. Big companies like Walmart will pay you off before any word of a law suit hits the street and makes them look bad. If you can record what she says and does and print emails were she's makes you look bad to others the evidence you have the more you'll get. Good luck on the job search

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maybe transfer to another walmart? no idea how many are near you so that might not be an option.


try and get a job at target? :D


there is a broad scope with the 2 degrees you have, you could work in almost any industry. what interests you? find an industry you like and try to find a position with a well established company in that industry.


are you willing to relocate? i can get you a job in West TX as a roustabout on a frac crew making triple what you are now... but you'll be working 80-100 hours per week :D


I had to google that, I don't speak Texan. ;)

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That sounds like a hostile work environment go get a lawyer they will help you. Big companies like Walmart will pay you off before any word of a law suit hits the street and makes them look bad. If you can record what she says and does and print emails were she's makes you look bad to others the evidence you have the more you'll get. Good luck on the job search


i agree, a lot of smartphones have recorders on them now... it is not illegal to record someone without them knowing. i would record every conversation you have with her from here on out! if you can find a nice job elsewhere quickly, i wouldn't bother though! no sense in putting a case together, she doesn't sound worth it! :cheers:

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In Nevada it is illegal to record phone conversation without the consent of all parties. And there are exceptions. Federally it is legal to record as long as you are a party in said conversation.


So it isn't simply legal. So before one starts recording one should do some research. Yes?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This is photos law for recording conversation



Ohio's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Ohio law makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.52. Thus, if you operate in Ohio, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.


Additionally, consent is not required for oral communications (e.g., in-person conversations) where the speakers does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the communication. See Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.51. This means that you are free to record a conversation happening between two people in a public place such as a street or a restaurant, so long as you are not using sensitive recording equipment to pick up what you otherwise would not hear.


In addition to subjecting you to criminal prosecution, violating the Ohio wiretapping law can expose you to a civil lawsuit for damages by an injured party.


Consult the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press's Can We Tape?: Ohio for more information on Ohio wiretapping law.

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Yes that is true especially in a down turn in the economy like the one were in in now. As a general rule companies get rid of their worst employees first and keeps the best ones. So the people with jobs many times are better employees and worth more than those who aren’t. Now of course that’s not always the case, there are plenty of great workers on the unemployment line right now.


Sounds like you are going through almost exactly what my father in law just went through. His boss had an attitude that He could push his employees around and treat them like crap because they had no other job opportunities. They finally laid him off and he has never been happier. And he has a great job that will start this summer, so until then he is sitting back relaxing and collecting his unemployment.


BTW you are the 3rd Assistant manager of Walmart that I have talked to before that absolutely hates their jobs, their bosses and the company in general.


there are 6 time day managers and of those i know for a fact 4 of them (including myself) can not stand working for her....i started applying to places online and the best part is there is no 2 week notice for management because she had a manager in the past put his 2 weeks in so she took his keys and told him he was done that day....so with that knowledge i will be letting potential jobs that i can start as soon as they need me


maybe transfer to another walmart? no idea how many are near you so that might not be an option.


try and get a job at target? :D


there is a broad scope with the 2 degrees you have, you could work in almost any industry. what interests you? find an industry you like and try to find a position with a well established company in that industry.


are you willing to relocate? i can get you a job in West TX as a roustabout on a frac crew making triple what you are now... but you'll be working 80-100 hours per week :D


ive worked in 2 industries since i graduated....manufacturing and retail....ive learned retail while i can do and be good at isnt my favorite thing in the world....i enjoyed my sales job in manufacturing but it got outsourced after i worked there for 6 whole months....im trying to get back into a manufacturing job since i did enjoy that while i had the chance to do it


there is a walmart 5 minutes from my house but it is a hole and i could never work there because the manager is very arrogant and the people there are far from friendly...there are probably about 5 or so within 30 minutes of me that i could put in for so that is always another choice.


relocating isnt possible since i have a 5 year old son but havent been with is mom since he was 6 months so i have to stay within a certain radius of where she lives.

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...there are probably about 5 or so within 30 minutes of me that i could put in for so that is always another choice.
You can still stay with the same company.



best part is there is no 2 week notice for management because she had a manager in the past put his 2 weeks in so she took his keys and told him he was done that day


Many places have that same policy, but with the position I can see it.

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i wish i had the funds to open up my own business....i know i could do it and i would like being my own boss....i would just need to figure something out that my town doesnt have that would take off....we got a bunch of fast food places, couple gas stations, 2 average sit down restaruants, 1 sports bar, and a few other misc. places....one thing we dont have is a decent movie theater...closest one is around 30 minutes away but i would think that would take a lot of money to get started plus a place big enough...just kinda rambling lol

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i wish i had the funds to open up my own business....i know i could do it and i would like being my own boss....i would just need to figure something out that my town doesnt have that would take off....we got a bunch of fast food places, couple gas stations, 2 average sit down restaruants, 1 sports bar, and a few other misc. places....one thing we dont have is a decent movie theater...closest one is around 30 minutes away but i would think that would take a lot of money to get started plus a place big enough...just kinda rambling lol



Brainstorming IMO


Keep the ideas going and maybe someone can help you along

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Derek, I have been with SAMs Club for almost 24 years. Never in management. I tried the supervisor thing for a while but didn't like it. I've seen a lot of GMs come and go. A few of them leaving were a direct result of the hourly workers sticking together and continually calling the home office.


The way people are treated now is almost insane. We are no longer allowed to think for ourselves. We are sent pictures of the way they want everything.


Our GM is a lifer. He used to fly around with Sam Walton to pick out new locations for stores. He is also a yes man. He tells you what you want to hear when you want to hear it. Then does nothing regarding the situation.


I recently called regional personnel about a problem and never even got a returned call. The company has gone to crap.


Bottom line is if you like what you do at Walmart stick it out and eventually you'll get a new manager. If you don't like it, well, you know.


Good luck man.



i wish i had the funds to open up my own business....i know i could do it and i would like being my own boss....i would just need to figure something out that my town doesnt have that would take off....we got a bunch of fast food places, couple gas stations, 2 average sit down restaruants, 1 sports bar, and a few other misc. places....one thing we dont have is a decent movie theater...closest one is around 30 minutes away but i would think that would take a lot of money to get started plus a place big enough...just kinda rambling lol



Is there an Adam's dealer in your town? I'm slowly building up a nice little customer base here and haven't even done a car show yet. I can't wait till April when show season starts.

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yeah ive been through 4 supervisors under me in 2 years because the expectations are unrealistic for the amount of help they have...the worst part is im in the position where its either me or them so i have to put food on my table so ive had to make some tough calls....i think thats what my manager wants and that is someone that thinks just like her but guess what i have a conscience compared to her and cant treat people like crap and not care about it.


i dont think there is one within a couple of hours of me...what is all involved in being a dealer?

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yeah ive been through 4 supervisors under me in 2 years because the expectations are unrealistic for the amount of help they have...the worst part is im in the position where its either me or them so i have to put food on my table so ive had to make some tough calls....i think thats what my manager wants and that is someone that thinks just like her but guess what i have a conscience compared to her and cant treat people like crap and not care about it.


i dont think there is one within a couple of hours of me...what is all involved in being a dealer?


Contact Ashley. She can email you the info. I don't want to quote anything in case anything has changed.

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