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What % tint


What % tint?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. What % tint?

    • 40%
    • 35%
    • 30%
    • 20%
    • 5%
    • ...Where is the black spray paint

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Just go with what is Legal in your State. Trust me its more of a PITA than its worth to go darker


+1, keep it legal. It sucks to worry everytime you drive by a cop if they are going to pull you over or not just because your tint is illegal.


I have 35% on my GTO, which is the legal limit in NC(where I lived when the car got tinted.), and 20% on my Camaro. I got pulled over and got a ticket in my Camaro for having illegal tint.

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Here is 5% looking out on a sunny day. Rainy days make ZERO difference. Its a bit dark at night but i can see through it fine. Ill snap some pics of 3 1/2 percent on the workvan, and 20% on my dads Audi at dusk and at night later tonight.


I am really tempted to layer the 5% with another 15% to bring it down to 3 1/2 % and tint the windshield 35%.




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I have 20% and have had no problems so far....now watch me get a ticket on my way home today. I like the look too, not too dark and not too light.


I like the look of 20%, seems the closest match to stock tint on my Jeep.

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Remember you still have to look out this window at night. If you are going to tint it (which I do not reomend) go with the lowest possible. Your state may not even allow tinting of the front window, so make sure you do your research.

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Id say go 20% all around, please match them up, if your gunna be illegal (like the no tint law in michigan), then make is look good at least. And if you get pulled over just roll them down, not to hide them, ,but just to reassure the officer of his safety. that said here a few pics.







Thats 20% around, nothing on the windshield but im getting 50% soon probably. As you can see in different lights it looks all different, from looking like little tint to being almost black. Anything darker than 20% is a little much and its gunna be asking for attention from cops, most cops i have came across tolerate 20% or lighter. You can always layer on top too, going too light is good, easier to fix then going too dark.

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I got 20% as well.




Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Just curious, and I apologize if this is off topic, but as a cop how do you feel about the tint laws that are out there?

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Some laws I think are suitable as those in NC but some are just overly picky. 35% seems to be nicest looking and the safest for law enforcement. As Josh said roll them down and just be curiosity if you go illegal.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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