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The new iPad


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anyone hopping on this bandwagon?


yet again i'm not impressed with an Apple update, and still don't foresee myself buying a tablet anytime soon. Apple ruined it with the massive leap a couple years ago when they rolled out the iPhone 4 with how different and better it was compared to the 3GS. they set my expectations too high.


i was expecting an iPad that was identical to the iPhone 4S, just bigger. the retina display, 4G LTE, and A5X processor had to happen to keep up with other brands, but they couldn't load it with Siri, or change the design of its shell?

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anyone hopping on this bandwagon?


yet again i'm not impressed with an Apple update, and still don't foresee myself buying a tablet anytime soon. Apple ruined it with the massive leap a couple years ago when they rolled out the iPhone 4 with how different and better it was compared to the 3GS. they set my expectations too high.


i was expecting an iPad that was identical to the iPhone 4S, just bigger. the retina display, 4G LTE, and A5X processor had to happen to keep up with other brands, but they couldn't load it with Siri, or change the design of its shell?


What's wrong with the shell now? Who's to say Siri won't come on it later? It's all evolution not revolution now. Plus, I never compare hardware specs between android or windows phones and apple devices. It's always been true that Apple can do more with less. Even on their PC's. Their software is always VERY thought out and clean. The faster processors are for the huge games coming out now which I don't play. I use it for surfing and watching Netflix. :o


I'd pull the trigger just to have the new retina display. It'd be worth it, except that I now have bigger priorities and my iPad 2 is only 6 months old and not worth replacing.


iOS5.1 Does fix issues and clean up some things though. Liking it.:rockon:



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I'm very tempted, as I'm still on an iPad 1 and it's getting a little sluggish trying to run the latest iOS software. honestly, though, I feel like I spend too much time already in front of a computer and iPad -- I think weaning the electronic connection a bit might be good for me.

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I'd be more tempted to jump on this one than I would have been the last one.


This is generally how Apple operates, every other generation is an overhaul... the in betweens are just minor tweaks and evolutionary change. Same thing with the Iphone 4... I didn't get one, waited for the 4S... not a totally revamped phone, but an improvement over the standard 4 for sure.


If you have an ipad 2 theres no way I'd jump on this one, just not enough there to justify the purchase, but if you didn't have one, or still had the gen 1 then this is a nice unit to consider IMO.

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I'm very tempted, as I'm still on an iPad 1 and it's getting a little sluggish trying to run the latest iOS software. honestly, though, I feel like I spend too much time already in front of a computer and iPad -- I think weaning the electronic connection a bit might be good for me.


That's no fun! I use them a lot at work and when I need to look something up, but I don't live on it.


Of course I did just buy a sling adaptor to sling my DVR content to all my devices... :o


Rich, I don't know what I'd do without my camera phone. I have more videos of Eli growing up, and it's due to having the camera in my pocket all the time.



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I'd be more tempted to jump on this one than I would have been the last one.


This is generally how Apple operates, every other generation is an overhaul... the in betweens are just minor tweaks and evolutionary change. Same thing with the Iphone 4... I didn't get one, waited for the 4S... not a totally revamped phone, but an improvement over the standard 4 for sure.


If you have an ipad 2 theres no way I'd jump on this one, just not enough there to justify the purchase, but if you didn't have one, or still had the gen 1 then this is a nice unit to consider IMO.


Way more was changed between 3gs and 4 than the 4 and 4s IMO. Camera was MUCH better, faster processor, different shell completely, retina display, forward camera and much more.


4 to 4s gave us a better back camera, Siri and a faster processor and a couple other small things.


3gs to 4s yes... HUGE difference.


I was given the iPad 2 as a gift from work. I would have waited to upgrade from my one to the three if I hadn't been given this one. The difference in speed between the 1 and the 2 are noticeable. The 3 will be just that much better. The screen is what I'd want over anything. I don't use the camera on it other than for FaceTime.



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Chris my wife has been bugging me for forever for a new droid or something similar. It's just not in our "retired" budget.


Hey! I TOTALLY understand... Not saying you need to get a smart phone and pay for the package, but a camera phone is pretty much standard fair now. Can you buy a new phone without a camera? :confused:


I grabbed my phone out of my pocket last night to grab this video of Eli playing in the one and only unlocked drawer. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZQUbzDtEUQ]Eli playing in the drawer - YouTube[/ame]

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the way i see it, is its just a large iPhone, without the talk/text capability. i don't read and when i'm on the go, theres nothing it can do that i can't do on my iphone. i'm sure there is stuff it can do that i can't on my phone, but all i really use my phone for is talk, text, games while on the toilet, and the map when i'm lost. i'm not a big reader :)

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It always seems like Apple creates a really big hype for something that isn't relatively that new or one-of-a-kind. I do have the Iphone 4S, but that's about the only Apple produc I've ever gotten and I upgraded from the previous iphone to be able to keep my unlimited data plan. Anyways, the first tablet PC came out around 2002, with Windows of course, and no one really cared. Yeah they didn't have as nice of screens and available apps, but they were still out there. Once Apple released the iPad, and all the "fanboys" got the hype up, it seems like Apple gets the credit for all the tablets out there now?


That's all just back and forth arguments though, but I really dislike how Apple will block apps from the store which are fantastic and really release the iphone or ipads potential, only to make the same thing, add an "i" to the beginning of the name and release in the next update claiming it to be their brand new idea and a world-changing app. Now those original apps are only available on the jailbroken market, which is a disappointment.

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the way i see it, is its just a large iPhone, without the talk/text capability. i don't read and when i'm on the go, theres nothing it can do that i can't do on my iphone. i'm sure there is stuff it can do that i can't on my phone, but all i really use my phone for is talk, text, games while on the toilet, and the map when i'm lost. i'm not a big reader :)


But you can talk with it (w/skype or Facetime) and text (exactly like a iPhone).

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It always seems like Apple creates a really big hype for something that isn't relatively that new or one-of-a-kind. I do have the Iphone 4S, but that's about the only Apple produc I've ever gotten and I upgraded from the previous iphone to be able to keep my unlimited data plan. Anyways, the first tablet PC came out around 2002, with Windows of course, and no one really cared. Yeah they didn't have as nice of screens and available apps, but they were still out there. Once Apple released the iPad, and all the "fanboys" got the hype up, it seems like Apple gets the credit for all the tablets out there now?


That's all just back and forth arguments though, but I really dislike how Apple will block apps from the store which are fantastic and really release the iphone or ipads potential, only to make the same thing, add an "i" to the beginning of the name and release in the next update claiming it to be their brand new idea and a world-changing app. Now those original apps are only available on the jailbroken market, which is a disappointment.


I don't see any issue with Apples Marketing. It's all about making a buck.


If the developers of apps don't like it, they don't have to try to sell them to apple. Also, how do you know Apple didn't already have something in the works? We don't... What ever Apple has done, is working. I can't fault them for that. :thumbsup:

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Nope, Really boring apple event. i was expecting a bigger update from the Apple TV but that only got 1080p.....Yawn


Ipad is boring too, 4gLTE is cool but my 3g verizon ipad speeds are more then sufficient for what i need. Retna display is ok but nothing im going to trade my ipad2 for. For reading the news and showing clients pictures the screen is more then sufficient.


Apple has been extremly boring lately, im not even excited about the rumored TV sense it will probably suck and just have ATV built in.

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Nope, Really boring apple event. i was expecting a bigger update from the Apple TV but that only got 1080p.....Yawn


Ipad is boring too, 4gLTE is cool but my 3g verizon ipad speeds are more then sufficient for what i need. Retna display is ok but nothing im going to trade my ipad2 for. For reading the news and showing clients pictures the screen is more then sufficient.


Apple has been extremly boring lately, im not even excited about the rumored TV sense it will probably suck and just have ATV built in.


Nope I can now use my laptop and mirror it to the Apple TV like I can with my iPad and iPhone. That's cool!


Hard to revolutionize ALL the time. The problem is, is they came out with a lot of cool stuff in a short period of time and people are spoiled! lol


Tim DID say to look out for cool stuff this year... Apple flat panel? :xfingers:

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Nope, not in my cards, they are cool and all, but I do way to much graphics work on my laptop to justify one of these..


Yep! They're not up to replacing the laptop yet. We have a laptop as well.


It IS nice to have instant on and off though.



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Negative Nelly:lolsmack::lolsmack:


Nope, Really boring apple event. i was expecting a bigger update from the Apple TV but that only got 1080p.....Yawn


Ipad is boring too, 4gLTE is cool but my 3g verizon ipad speeds are more then sufficient for what i need. Retna display is ok but nothing im going to trade my ipad2 for. For reading the news and showing clients pictures the screen is more then sufficient.


Apple has been extremly boring lately, im not even excited about the rumored TV sense it will probably suck and just have ATV built in.

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To the OP.


I hope I'll be on that bandwagon.


5 Apple TV's, Ipad G1, Iphone 3g, 2 Itouch...I love them ALL, and I'm not even an Apple fanboy. I just love itunes, and all the intigration these devices provide.


You have to take personal opinions on questions like these with a grain of salt man. It's whatever's right for YOU. You're always going to have your fanboys, your haters and the people that are indifferent and just buy the product because they are...well...good products and fit their needs.

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Big surprise that I placed an order for one as soon as the pre-order page opened up yesterday. I can at least claim that I have to buy it for work. :D


If you have an ipad 2 theres no way I'd jump on this one, just not enough there to justify the purchase, but if you didn't have one, or still had the gen 1 then this is a nice unit to consider IMO.


I disagree a bit here. The jump from the iPad 2 to the new iPad is like the jump from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4. The screen alone will make it worth it, especially if you do any significant amount of reading on it. I'm reading books all the time on mine now. So this was the number 1 item on my wish list.


BTW, if you go with the LTE version, it looks like verizon is the way to go. The told engadget today that the person hot spot feature will be supported at no additional charge over the data plan. ATT has not committed to supporting it yet and it looks like that's because they're trying to figure out how to charge for it.

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To me Siri is just a novelty. I personally would never ever ever use it. It's lazy and gets stuff wrong over 50% of the time.


This iPad is a ton better than the first two just with the screen alone.


However I would expect to see an LTE iPhone (6th Generation) in June or September and I would also plan on seeing a small screen tablet (7") around the same time. It's kind of like I know someone that works at Apple or something. Hmmmm:willy:



the way i see it, is its just a large iPhone, without the talk/text capability. i don't read and when i'm on the go, theres nothing it can do that i can't do on my iphone. i'm sure there is stuff it can do that i can't on my phone, but all i really use my phone for is talk, text, games while on the toilet, and the map when i'm lost. i'm not a big reader :)


This is where you are wrong. You can text (kind of) iMessage allows you to send messages between iPhones and soon to Macs, you can also use FaceTime when on WiFi which is fun and just as good as a phone but better. I replaced all my paper magazine subscriptions with digital ones on the iPad and I also prefer using my iPad while laying in bed to browse the internet vs my laptop (gets hot) or my iPhone (small screen)....

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With the $100 price difference on IPAD2 vs. new IPAD I jumped on the 2. Don't need the screen update because I only use it to surf. My wife has a 2 and I enjoy using it to surf the web, so I thought I would just bite the bullet and buy my own. Plus, I was given a $50 credit and I had $45 in Reward Zone certificates at Best Buy. Made the purchase even better.

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