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"Died of Natural Causes...."


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Looks like Florida has a sheriff like Arizona has!


Polk County Florida Sheriff - "You kill a policeman it means no arrest...no Miranda rights...no negotiations...nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you...PERIOD."




A man in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state-wide manhunt ensued.


The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.


Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times.


Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had." Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what!


The Coroner also reported that the man died of natural causes. When asked by a reporter how that could be, since there were 68 bullet wounds in his body, he simply replied: (BEST QUOTE ever) . . .."When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die."


I hate it when dirt bags kill cops. ;)

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I've heard this before and Snopes confirms it to be true.

Deputy Matt Williams who was killed by the dirt bag, was a father of three and a 12 year veteran. May he RIP.


Father of three....that I did not know. Man, what a bummer. I hope my family never has to deal with my premature expiration, especially at the hands of a dirtbag like that.:mad:

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I had a friend killed by her crazy ex bf. When he took off he had police chasing him for about 30 miles or more. he shot at about 20 cops, they open fired 2 cops hurt, and that guy was hit something like 40+ rounds. of course the family thought it was wrong for them to do so. but you know you pull a gun on a cop kiss you life good bye.

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In the criminal code there should be a law " if u take a life, the criminal justice takes yours". Now I know what your thinking, sometimes innocent people are wrongfully convicted of crimes. This law should only be used in cases they are 100% certain. I also believe that the way u killed that person is the way a person should receive the death penalty. Forget the chair(if they still use that???) or lethal injection.


The criminal justice sucks, u serve your time and ur free. A girl I went to school with, her father shot her mother 3 times in the back, he got sentenced to 12 years in jail. In 2014 he's a free man.


Everyday u see cases where people are killed for no reason, not to mention poor innocent children. This sounds horrible, but I'm glad this guys body was riddled with bullets!


My rant is now complete.

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In the criminal code there should be a law " if u take a life, the criminal justice takes yours". Now I know what your thinking, sometimes innocent people are wrongfully convicted of crimes. This law should only be used in cases they are 100% certain. I also believe that the way u killed that person is the way a person should receive the death penalty. Forget the chair(if they still use that???) or lethal injection.


The criminal justice sucks, u serve your time and ur free. A girl I went to school with, her father shot her mother 3 times in the back, he got sentenced to 12 years in jail. In 2014 he's a free man.


Everyday u see cases where people are killed for no reason, not to mention poor innocent children. This sounds horrible, but I'm glad this guys body was riddled with bullets!


My rant is now complete.


I agree! About a month ago a 9 year old girl was made to run as punishment for getting a candy bar from a friend on the bus on the way home from school. Her grandmother made her run. She ran for 4 hours until she passed out. She later died at the hospital. The mother did nothing to stop this. I think the mother and grandmother should be made to run till they drop dead.

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Father of three....that I did not know. Man, what a bummer. I hope my family never has to deal with my premature expiration, especially at the hands of a dirtbag like that.:mad:


Just keep two hands on that Flex at all times Adam and you'll be OK...


This story just pisses me off! :willy::willy::mad:


Personally I think the guy got off easy being shot like that. He should have been pinned to a wall and shot execution style starting at his feet and working their way up. :mad:


Poor kids and wife... How horrible...

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Yea...this is too bad. Cop just doin' his job.


I'm not sure if it was this incident or another, but a question was posed "Why was the suspect shot 'only' 68 times?"


Answer: "Because we ran out of bullets."

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I get rather heated on the subject of our backwards legal system. I'll try to keep my opinions tidy though.


The police officer is paid by us to protect us! He was killed and shot a number of times. The bullet to the back of the ear suggest he suffered and the killer wanted to make sure he was dead. Now, if the guy was still alive and gave himself up he might be sentenced the death penalty. Which means he is strapped to a chair, chemically put to sleep, then injected with a poison. No suffering. How is this making a man answer for his crimes?


Alternatives that would make me happy! Hanging, firing squad, thrown in a pit with rattle snakes, thrown in a pit with a hand grenade following him. Anything that scares the living crap out of the general public to motivate young people to not do these crimes. Some people just do not value their life and knowing at most they will get a needle and never feel anything doesn't bother them at all. America is way to kind in some respects.


On a side note, if I found out I had someone around me was a sex offender I would do nothing but make their life miserable. The only benefit to them is they get what they deserve in prison. Shanked, raped, and then murdered in most cases. They are the only ones who get what they have done come back on them in most cases. I don't believe doing the same to someone is fair either. The story Len posted about the little girl. I vote her grand mother and mother wear 20 pound weights and go for a run until they die. Always needs to be worse than what the killer as done. (Yep, I'm cruel on the subject of neglectful and premeditated murder.)


Kudos to the Sheriff for standing up for what he believes in with his men. If America as a whole felt militia styled justice was beneficial we'd see a huge drop in crime.

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Not many of u guys know this but my Uncle was killed in the line of duty. He was the Chief of Police in a small town of about 2000 or less. The dirtbag shot him point blank in the face as he was following the guy up a set of porch steps while on a domestic call. Stories like this sadden me and I pray for those families of the fallen all the time.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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In the criminal code there should be a law " if u take a life, the criminal justice takes yours". Now I know what your thinking, sometimes innocent people are wrongfully convicted of crimes. This law should only be used in cases they are 100% certain. I also believe that the way u killed that person is the way a person should receive the death penalty. Forget the chair(if they still use that???) or lethal injection.


The criminal justice sucks, u serve your time and ur free. A girl I went to school with, her father shot her mother 3 times in the back, he got sentenced to 12 years in jail. In 2014 he's a free man.


Everyday u see cases where people are killed for no reason, not to mention poor innocent children. This sounds horrible, but I'm glad this guys body was riddled with bullets!


My rant is now complete.


The problem is very few case are 100% certain. So what you'll get it people acting on emotion and adrenaline in the name of the law and killing innocent people. Now obviously in cases like this where there are shootouts and such there is no doubt, but 99% of the time there is doubt. Here in America we've already had so many of our rights and liberties taken from us, we can't just give cops the right to shoot to kill on site without a trial. This country was founded on "innocent until proven guilty." however it's so quickly becoming "guilty until proven innocent, seriously I saw it on Nancy Grace you're guilty." We can not allow it to degrade further.


Again situations like this really should have had no other outcome but a swarm of bullets.

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