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My time here is well spent.

Captain Slow

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I wanted my one thousandth post to be more than a forum welcome or smarmy comment on the latest silliness in our culture.


I've been on here around three years and over time this forum has become my favorite of all the places I visit on the interwebz. The group is for the most part very well behaved and accepting of one another. While we tease each other on occasion it is all done in a good hearted manner with no one getting all shades of butt hurt and going out starting a flame war. Newbs are accepted and helped instead of being mocked and ridiculed. When my girls get old enough to get on the 'puter I know they'll be safe if I leave this site up and they stumble upon it. I don't think I've come across anyone I've communicated with on this site that I would not want to sit down and break bread or bend an elbow with.


So thank you Adam Pitale, your on line staff and moderators for making AND keeping this a great place to come to every day. :patriot:

Oh, and thank you fellow Adamites for doing what I mention above all day every day. :grouphug:

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great 1000th post! i completely agree though, most other forums on on there is alot of "sass" towards new guys and beating them down with the "use the search function" nonsense. I like how everyone here is friendly and here to learn and share information without that, like every forum should be. Glad to be part of the Adams community :D

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Excellent post! Captures the essence of this community! It is truly a top notch site of GREAT people.. well mostly there is that Brandi (Stormchaser) girl, but we can let her slide! LOL






now she will call my wife and get me whooped for that comment! Hee Hee

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Excellent post! Captures the essence of this community! It is truly a top notch site of GREAT people.. well mostly there is that Brandi (Stormchaser) girl, but we can let her slide! LOL






now she will call my wife and get me whooped for that comment! Hee Hee


You know I'll do it too.....hahahahahaha.


This is my favorite forum as well.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Paul right on! Very very well said. I am on another forum and although I get a lot of info from it the people there will not let you have an opinion! You are always wrong with your opinion!sometimes it is very frustrating,so to relax I come here. It's is people like you that make this a great place to be. Well of course Adams also and Adam and Dylan and all the Adams crew!!!!!!

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