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Thank You.


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Today is Thanksgiving Day 2012. Just put our 2 and 4 year old kids down for a nap, and was sitting here at home in silence for a minute, reflecting...


Wow, do I have a BUNCH to be Thankful for! Let's start with YOU.


  • Thank you, our faithful, loyal customers for keeping us in business for nearly 13 years.
  • Thank you for participating in our forum!
  • Thank you for your honest, real feedback that helps us tweak products, and make them better.
  • Thank you for spreading kind words about us amongst your friends, as that has to have helped us grow steadily for years!
  • Thank you for choosing SHINE as your THERAPY. I have always used SHINE as mine, and it's a healthy way to obsess.
  • Thank you Moderators, for your selfless efforts and guidance! Without you, there would be no Adams Forums.

I'm humbled to have achieved a solid customer base of kind, thoughtful, and downright groovy humans!


Besides the gratefulness I'm feeling towards you, our customer, I'm feeling grateful for more!


I'm so grateful for our awesome full-time team of 12, and part time/ show team of 9 people. YOU ARE AWESOME!!


Boy am I grateful for my parents who helped guide my siblings and I.


I'm grateful to our Veterans and active Military who have given us the ability to live incredibly well and freely in this awesome country, the United States of America. THANK YOU!!:patriot:


I'm grateful for God, who has provided two healthy and happy children, and a fabulous wife. Boy, do I have a lot to be THANKFUL for today!


Happy Thanksgiving Friends, and have a wonderful, blessed time with your families this Thanksgiving weekend!



Edited by Adam
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Thank you for offering a great product line that is American made and is of superior quality.


Thank you for teaching us how to use it in person and with free videos.


Thank you for a great customer service staff and company policies that outshines any I have ever seen.


Thank you for a free form where members can help member and where your staff participates and drives communications.


Thank you for a company that is consistent in its great handling of clients.

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Your thanks is appreciated Adam. But I'm the one who is thankful to you. For being a friend. For allowing me to help in a small way on this forum. For making such great products that I'm proud to use and refer people to. Most of all, for being a friend.

Hope you and Melissa and the kids had a great holiday.

Thanks again.


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In my opinion, your products aren't just "product." Adam's polishes truly is a LIFESTYLE. The videos, the staff, and the results don't lie. What you've created is incredibly special, and it's awesome to be a part of all of it. Because every part of what's been created, WORKS. It's my pleasure to recommend and use Adam's Polishes. And I just feel lucky to have found you guys. :)

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No ..Thank you Adam for producing a great American made product that always gives awesome results!

People ask me all the time what I use to make my rides look showroom new and I tell them to check out adamspolishes.com ..I also explain to them that everything is made in this great country of ours. :patriot:


Your dream as a child has now helped thousands!

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