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My SS Has Had Some Things Happen

THE Mook

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Good Morning!


In the little free time I have, and with a little help, I have been slowly changing a few things on the TBSS, and getting closer to completion.


This latest round of changes included:


  • Fixing Front Bumper Cover
  • Painting Brake Duct Trim Black
  • Install Factory Wheels (Colormatched to the 07 Black TBSS Color Code)
  • Paint Brake Calipers Inferno Orange Metallic (Corvette Color)


There are still a few things more I plan on doing in the immediate future...paint interior pillars to match the dash board, paint some bezels in the same Orange I have on the outside, yada yada yada...you'll see hopefully someday.


I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to JD_SS for helping out and donating his mind, hands, and time to get me from where I was to where I am. Did I mention through all of this, I entered and WON my first show?



Where do I start?


Ok, on my birthday, whilst out at Colorado Performance Unlimited, I was picking up my freshly painted wheels, and hit an irrigation drain. :( NOT GOOD. I had separated a clip from the front bumper cover, and the whole thing needed to come off, so JD and I could repair it the proper way. The process was to remove the cover, clean it all up with Adam's APC, scuff the areas needing epoxy, attach clip to cover, then let dry for 24 hours.



As you can see, it didn't take more than a couple feet for me to really make this look wonky.








JD met me about 10 days before the show at 6AM to help me get the cover off, so I could do all the prep, in an effort to re-install the bumper the next morning.


It was important to mask off the entire face of the cover, as I didn't want to have to correct paint in addition to making changes.






After it was all masked off, the next step was to remove and of the "Quick Fix" glue that didn't hold, and then scuff any area I thought needed to have epoxy put to it. After scuffing, I cleaned the surfaces with Denatured Alcohol until I thought they were clean, then cleaned them one more time.








We laid down the epoxy on all parts needed, then clamped off the clip to the cover, and let dry.




While that was drying, I got the idea to paint the Chrome trim on my brake ducts black, to match the rest of the main secondary color on the exterior of the vehicle. Since I was planning on removing my Chrome wheels, there was no point in leaving these two pieces Chrome, if everywhere else was now Black.


I had already painted the Grille Honeycomb black long ago, and that helped a ton. With this change, I suspected I would be very happy when it was done.


(Next post cont.)

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I planned on painting these a Pearl Black, with a Gloss Clear over the top. I know, so low to the ground who is gonna see Pearl? ME.




Upon flipping the cover over, I learned that I indeed have scraped things from time to time, and when I hit that drain, chewed up some of the duct itself. I began to sand some of that down to even everything out, so I could begin paint.










Once I was comfortable in the masking/sanding portion, it was time to shoot some Adhesion Promoter to the ducts for the paint to lay down better.


Four coats or so of Adhesion Promoter later, I was ready to shoot paint.






Here are a couple shots while it was still wet.







Once the paint setup a bit, I went into Clear.





I let that be all for the day, and actually went to work....


(More continued in next post)

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JD was so kind as to meet me before Dawn again the next morning, and we proceeded to re-attach the front bumper cover to the body of the TBSS. We decided that because we were trying to re-install a once broken piece that was now mended, it was best to grease the area that the bumper cover would re-attach to. PERFECT IDEA. The sucker went back on, and feels stronger than the stock side!


Don't worry anyone, while the cover was off, I was sure to take some APC to the actual bumper, and anything else that looked dirty that was normally hidden. I was sure to lay some QS down under all that too. Crazy? NAW!








Once that remedy was in place, it was a CERTAINTY that I could enter the Rocky Mountain Auto Show! That said, it was time to hurry it up and get the Brake Calipers Painted!

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The Brake Calipers were painted with G2 Blue way back before I went to the TBSS Southern Fallout of 09 I believe. I did those in my garage, by myself, and it took me the better part of a Friday Night, and a lot of beer.


This time around, with JD's help yet again, we started early on a Saturday, and worked into the early evening. Because there was paint on them previously, JD and I had to brainstorm a bit on best practice. We decided to pull the brackets off, grind the old paint off a little bit, and paint what we could in place. The stripping of the old paint proved to be a real bear, as G2 Paint is very durable! I recommend them to ANYONE!




The color change was because: 1. I was sick of looking at the blue. 2. I wanted a Corvette Color on my calipers, having the soul of a Corvette under the hood.


Here are a few random shots from that experience. While I had the wheels off, I felt it a good idea to hit the rotors with WD-40 to remove any rust that had built up.











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Once the Caliper Paint Project was complete, it was time to move onto getting some new tires put on my now Black Stock Wheels! I was advised from JD that the Discount Tire in Longmont has one of the two "touchless" tire mounting machines in the state, and that if I didn't want my paint screwed up, this is where I would need to go. I called them up, got some tires ordered. Set up an appointment for Friday morning (Four Days before I had to be parked in the show) and began to get even more giddy!


I ended up going with Yokohama Parada Spec, 275/45/20. At some point, I will go even wider with the tires, but that's way down the road. I was switching from the Kumho Ecsta, and was looking forward to better quality rubber. I get to Discount on Friday morning, and low and behold, they lied to me! They didn't have three of the tires needed to complete my order (which I already paid for). What grinded my gears even more was that I wanted to originally General Grabbers, but the guy there only had "These in stock" and wouldn't be able to get me the Generals until after I needed to be in the show.


Long story short, the guy that helped me over the phone, wasn't the guy that helped me in person. Andy, the guy in person, stopped his world to get the tires to me by days' end. So, after blocking out most of a morning to go get tires, I now had a wasted 45 minute drive plus all the BS from Discount to deal with, oh, and had to go back at close to have them install them on the wheels! What a hassle!


Here they are en route back to Louisville. Notice the insane amount of masking done. I am that OCD about these wheels getting hurt!




The next morning, I got up once again at Dawn, and headed out to the Warehouse. I needed to get these polished, and ready, and installed onto the TBSS!


Upon picking my wheels up, and then promptly wrecking my front clip, I hastily threw them into boxes a little wet. Guess I pad the price for that. All the wheels had marks like this. I was a very sad person for about 5 minutes that morning. I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and formulated a plan of action.




I tried everything I could with a DA, and Rotary polisher, and was handed a sandwich full of wetsanding. I should put it out there, I don't like to wetsand. AT all. But, I did. I followed up, after a little experimentation, with the PC7424XP on the 4" Pad, Speed 4, with SSR, SHR, and then FMP.









Here it is just after FMP. I was able to get most of it.



I finished up the other three wheels, and let them sit over the weekend until Monday. I knew Monday, my prep time would be limited with The Godfather coming in for show prep too. I showed up at Dawn again, and slapped them puppies on!








I ordered Gorilla Lugs for the new wheels, and then went to Harbor Freight to pickup some lined sockets. Turns out, I didn't need the sockets, as the Gorillas have their own key.




Being AR as I am, the little things matter to me. These SS Stem Caps almost match identically, and that low, you can't tell a bit!






While installing each wheel, I took Invisible Undercarriage Spray and a Block Sponge, and hit anything and everything I could inside the wheel well. The well itself, the chassis, parts, all of it!





Edited by Mook@Adams
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So now it's what, Monday Afternoon? Show prep in full bore....truck needs the entire order loaded, along with the Show Setup, The Godfather needs attention, oh, and did I mention we are busy too?!?!?!


I have to now prioritize the tasks at hand. I realize that the SS won't be clayed, polished, glazed, or waxed for the Show I have looked so forward to entering all year! That's ok....you all know how clean I keep it! I spent a good portion of the two weeks prior to the tire debacle prepping my Interior and Engine Bay to perfection. You all have seen my work in those areas, and I won't bore you with more pics from that. Also, I deleted them.


I was able to sneak up the street for a quick shot.



After a couple long days, Lynn, Sydney, and I were able to get the booth in order, and everything parked and ready for people!





This is my favorite show in Colorado and it was a pleasure to be a part of it again! We doubled our sales from last year, and I think laid a lot of nice ground work down for the Toys for Tots Clinic to follow the week after.


So it's now Friday morning, first day of the show, about 8:57 AM. The doors open at 9AM, and I've just finished The Godfather. The SS hasn't seen so much as a wipedown since I parked it. I hear over the loudspeaker, "Attention: if you plan on being judged, at 9AM no more detailing."


EXCUSE ME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I rally quickly to do a DS wipedown, Dress everything in sight, and hit the engine with In and Out Spray one last time, and have to be ok with it. I was being judged, and well, didn't want to be DQ'd.




After a couple of LONG yet amazing days, the show was over. Awards were handed out on Saturday night. Our friends from Weaver Customs and KindigIt Design won a lot of awards, and what d'ya know, I WON TOO!







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I had planned on taking the stock wheels off for the winter, in fact, right after the show. I guess I will do that by week's end. I still have them on, the weather has just been too nice to change them!


Here are a few shots I have taken since then. I plan on a whole shoot with Dylan sometime in the Spring, or maybe later this week. G2 wants to do an album on the TBSS now also, so sooner the better!


THANK YOU AGAIN to JD_SS for helping me through all of this. If not for you, from the start of all this a few years back, my truck wouldn't look as good as it does now. It certainly wouldn't have won an Award! Thank you to the rest of you for putting up with the Novella I just wrote. :lol:


















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Nice little tasteful details make all of the difference. Very well done all the way around my friend! There is one more thing tho, I think it needs to go lower :jester:


Just curious for anyone that doesn't know but how long have you been tinkering on this bad bird? I have only had mine for a little over a year and it's slowly but surely getting there. Beautiful work as always!

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Nice little tasteful details make all of the difference. Very well done all the way around my friend! There is one more thing tho, I think it needs to go lower :jester:


Just curious for anyone that doesn't know but how long have you been tinkering on this bad bird? I have only had mine for a little over a year and it's slowly but surely getting there. Beautiful work as always!


Thank you all for the kind words!


I took delivery in September of 2007 on this. Been doing something to it one way or another ever since! Don't see a stopping point any time soon either!



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I've been lucky enough to have helped with the tinkering from almost 2007! I think I was there from one of the first times a PC touched the truck! time flies!


Truck looks great Mook and congrats on the award. it was a pleasure! GREAT writeup too. haha. I enjoyed reading :)

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I think this latest round of changes made a badass ride even badder! :rockon:

Knowing how detail oriented you are, did you consider doing the whole wheel black, or did you just do the face for contrast?


Raw barrels were decided on and that's how I spent 8 hours masking them... the paint line is damn near perfect too. I like the contrasting look! :2thumbs:

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I think this latest round of changes made a badass ride even badder! :rockon:

Knowing how detail oriented you are, did you consider doing the whole wheel black, or did you just do the face for contrast?





JD masked and left those bare for a reason. :D This winter, I will be polishing the barrels to hopefully make them melt faces from behind the wheel face itself!




LOL Greenroyd...read the post again. ;):thumbsup:

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JD masked and left those bare for a reason. :D This winter, I will be polishing the barrels to hopefully make them melt faces from behind the wheel face itself!




That's gonna look amazing! After that you can focus on building the motor, right?:glasses:

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