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How did you end up with....


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the career that you have. Dave, posting that link with regards to space studies got me thinking about starting this thread. I will start.


For me I just kind of fell into the career that I have. It wasn't something that I said "that is what I want to do". Started young, out high school, part time, while going to school and have stuck with it. 22 years later I'am still there. Happy where I'am at.

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Im a full time student studying Accounting, will eventually be a CPA. I also currently work full time as an EMT in an emergency room. Talk about polar opposites lol.


I ended up here thanks to my dad. My dad works at the same hospital and after i lost my last job as a beer delivery guy, i was looking for a job and this position opened up. He let me know, i went on the interview and here i am 3 years later. Paid my way through school and holy **** is it a cool job.

Edited by FarbeyondDriven
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For me, I was in speech class. I was undecided on what I would be getting for my bachelor's. I was taking business administration classes and I overheard some people talking about healthcare administration... never heard of it before then.


So I told someone I was interested in the field, next thing I know I had a family friend with an open position give me a foot in the door with a clerk job in medical records.


Fast forward 2 years and I'm the youngest supervisor in 30 year company history working at one of the best hospitals in the world.


Once I finish my BA in healthcare administration I'm either getting the combination MBA/MHSA(Masters of health service administration) or I'll settle for an MPH.

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I was out of High School and in college, it was getting rather expensive for a flight technology degree, so while I was working at the local gas station an army recruiter came in talking about the Chief Warrant Officer program and how I could be flying helos. I was all about it, but he kept dragging his feet. One day the Navy recruiter was in, overheard our conversation and helped me to get the tests and before I knew it I was heading off to boot camp. 10 years later and it has been one heck of an experience.

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Hmmm, lets see. Grew up in a pretty wealthy suburb in WNY, and everyone was going to college. I hated school and still do. I still view it as a way to seperate the heard, I can do any job that anyone with a degree can do....with a little OJT of course. (Although I have my Associates and am a Junior at Park University...peer pressure from the wife :)) So I worked in a factory for a year, that didn't work out....so joined the USAF.


16 years, 4 assignments, 10+ deployments/TDY's, 2 kids, 1 wife later wouldn't change it for the world. I will hopefully retire in 4 years, and the wife maybe a little longer because she'll be a Chief by then....then the second half of our life begins. We've invested well for 16 years + both retirements, hopefully I'll be able to do a job I love when I'm done, and REALLY enjoy the curtain call.


Hopefully I will be emptying garbage cans in the Adam's warehouse just to get my foot in the door :)

Edited by 07RS4
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...And here's how I got here.


About 6-7 years ago, I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas online on the Xbox 360. I was in a Team Sharpshooter match, and was getting some decent tips from a couple of guys that had Southern Accents. They were kind enough to ask me to keep playing with them. Those two guys? The Cousins of DemoN on this forum. We ended up meeting up with DemoN in another lobby, and between the smack talking that he and I were throwing at each other, we realized we both had a real passion for the truck scene, and ended up becoming pretty good friends. (Heck, I've been down there a couple times to hang out with him and the rest of My Fuel Junkies!)


Right around this time, he launches Fuel Junkie.com, and I start shopping for a new ride. I start by test driving Hybrid Ford Escapes. At the time, Gas prices were scaring everyone, and for about 5-7 minutes I thought I needed to be environmentally cautious. PFFFFT. I quickly found myself test driving Jeep GC and Jeep GCSRT8. I had never had a V8 before, so all the HP was really attractive. The one thing I didn't like on the SRT8GC besides the sticker price, the "squished" feeling inside.


So I began to ponder wanting another SUV, or perhaps getting a Pickup. I stroll over to the Chevy dealership, and what's on the lot? A Trailblazer Super Sport? What the heck is this? It has a Corvette Motor in it? A LS2!!!?!? Let's drive it. From the second I got back from the test drive, shopping was over. After a couple weeks, I now had my first V8, and performance SUV.


I was so excited to tell DemoN that afternoon, and he was pretty happy for me too! He was like, "Hey, I have this friend named Dylan that has a pretty sick looking one of those. You two need to meet and he can help you dial that in." So, by chance, Dylan happens to pop onto the FJ Forums and we begin to shoot the breeze.


Time progresses on that site a little bit, and my Detailing bug starts popping in there. What's everyone use? What do you use for this? For that? Under the Hood? BLAH BLAH BLAH. Dylan chimes in about every thread I start, "I use ... from Adam's." So, being the un-informed detailer I was at the time, blew him off a little bit. I couldn't find Adam's in a store, therefore I thought Dylan was full of manure. I needed to see this stuff in person, and play with it, to make sure it would be good enough :lol: for my new ride.


KABLAM! I was immediately hooked, and began sinking a lot of money into product. Before too long, Adam's Warehouse was now in Colorado, and I was heading up a lot to get more juice. One day, I had coordinated a Meeting between Adam and the people that do our TShirts, and their rep was late. This was in the middle of the Spring Sale. Knowing where everything is, and having nothing better to do, I started pulling orders. Adam comes out when the TShirt Rep finally shows, sees what is happening, and asks me to come back again tomorrow. This went on for about a week. Then one day, he brings it up to Mario and Flaco that there is an Auction in Auburn, Indiana that we would be a part of and he needed someone to work it. No one else was available except for me...who technically didn't work there...yet.


After the Auction, I guess I impressed enough people that I was offered a P/T Official position with the company, to come in the afternoons, ship, and also work Clinics and Shows. So, 2 Show seasons later, and who knows how many boxes, HERE I AM!




Edited by Mook@Adams
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...And here's how I got here.


About 6-7 years ago, I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas online on the Xbox 360. I was in a Team Sharpshooter match, and was getting some decent tips from a couple of guys that had Southern Accents. They were kind enough to ask me to keep playing with them. Those two guys? The Cousins of DemoN on this forum. We ended up meeting up with DemoN in another lobby, and between the smack talking that he and I were throwing at each other, we realized we both had a real passion for the truck scene, and ended up becoming pretty good friends. (Heck, I've been down there a couple times to hang out with him and the rest of My Fuel Junkies!)


Right around this time, he launches Fuel Junkie.com, and I start shopping for a new ride. I start by test driving Hybrid Ford Escapes. At the time, Gas prices were scaring everyone, and for about 5-7 minutes I thought I needed to be environmentally cautious. PFFFFT. I quickly found myself test driving Jeep GC and Jeep GCSRT8. I had never had a V8 before, so all the HP was really attractive. The one thing I didn't like on the SRT8GC besides the sticker price, the "squished" feeling inside.


So I began to ponder wanting another SUV, or perhaps getting a Pickup. I stroll over to the Chevy dealership, and what's on the lot? A Trailblazer Super Sport? What the heck is this? It has a Corvette Motor in it? A LS2!!!?!? Let's drive it. From the second I got back from the test drive, shopping was over. After a couple weeks, I now had my first V8, and performance SUV.


I was so excited to tell DemoN that afternoon, and he was pretty happy for me too! He was like, "Hey, I have this friend named Dylan that has a pretty sick looking one of those. You two need to meet and he can help you dial that in." So, by chance, Dylan happens to pop onto the FJ Forums and we begin to shoot the breeze.


Time progresses on that site a little bit, and my Detailing bug starts popping in there. What's everyone use? What do you use for this? For that? Under the Hood? BLAH BLAH BLAH. Dylan chimes in about every thread I start, "I use ... from Adam's." So, being the un-informed detailer I was at the time, blew him off a little bit. I couldn't find Adam's in a store, therefore I thought Dylan was full of manure. I needed to see this stuff in person, and play with it, to make sure it would be good enough :lol: for my new ride.


KABLAM! I was immediately hooked, and began sinking a lot of money into product. Before too long, Adam's Warehouse was now in Colorado, and I was heading up a lot to get more juice. One day, I had coordinated a Meeting between Adam and the people that do our TShirts, and their rep was late. This was in the middle of the Spring Sale. Knowing where everything is, and having nothing better to do, I started pulling orders. Adam comes out when the TShirt Rep finally shows, sees what is happening, and asks me to come back again tomorrow. This went on for about a week. Then one day, he brings it up to Mario and Flaco that there is an Auction in Auburn, Indiana that we would be a part of and he needed someone to work it. No one else was available except for me...who technically didn't work there...yet.


After the Auction, I guess I impressed enough people that I was offered a P/T Official position with the company, to come in the afternoons, ship, and also work Clinics and Shows. So, 2 Show seasons later, and who knows how many boxes, HERE I AM!









btw: remember i went there once too. and we also raced and you lost. i feel that last is important.

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We have a technology center in town and i was in 10th grade. Well in 11th and 12th you get to go to the tech center for half a day everyday and do whatever class you want. I was either going to do mechanics or body and paint but my mom said i should try architecture and drafting because i'm so meticulous with everything i do. I was in art since middle school and everything had to be precise when i did work. So i tried out the Drafting and Architecture class and fell in love with it. Did it both years, graduated then went to a college in town to get all my basics out the way then i was going to go to OSU. They have an amazing architecture program. September i got fired from my job at the time and started putting applications everywhere. One place i tried was Landmark Engineering, at the time they said theyre not looking to hire but if something comes up theyll give me a call. 3 weeks later i got my call, one of the engineers were moving to colorado, she trained me before she left and now ive been here over 2 years. I got out of the college shortly after i got the job.

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It all started when i was in my 10th grade year of high school. I went to a vo-tech high school and you pick a trade to learn. So I picked the electrical trade because it was the one I really liked. Well it just so happens that less than a mile from my house is a large electrical supply company. So one day after school I ride my bike there and fill out an application. Not even a week later I got a call for an interview and I was hired on the spot. I was still 15 and had a few weeks until I turned 16. It was the greatest feeling ever, I felt like I was on the top of the world. So i worked everynight after school monday-friday 1530-1900. That continued for the rest of the year, I worked fulltime hours during the summer and then back to after school hours during my 11th grade year.



The summer before my 12th grade year i got a job thru my school with a commerical electrical contractor. I worked there fulltime thru the summer and during my 12th grade year we went to school for 2 weeks then work for 2 weeks. During that time i realized this is not what i want to do for the rest of my life and a big part of it was due to most of the employees and supervisors were drug users. Also I realized that after going thru the 4 yr apprenticeship i wouldnt be making much money at all.



So once I graduated high school I went to a local CC and studied electrical engineering tech. I started working the 4pm to 12 am shift at a trucking warehouse while going to school from 8-2. I was miserable. I had litttle time for homework and sleep. It really started taking a toll on me plus I felt like I wasnt going anywhere. I dropped a few classes, failed a few classes and it was looking like i was doing to be on the 4 yr associates degree plan.



Then one day im walking thru the halls at school and see a flyer on the wall for an electrical contractor looking for an electrical estimating helper. So after a few weeks i grow a big enough set to contact them. Sent them my resume, had an interview and got hired within a couple days. So i finally thought great this might finally be what ive been looking for, not physically demanding, with the ability to make a good living. I worked there for about a year and the company and people i workes with were great but there was just one thing. I HATED IT! I literally dreaded going to sleep because i knew when i woke up I had to go there. I did not like looking a blue prints estimating how much it would cost to do a certain job. I didnt get any personal satisfaction out of it. Not only that, i felt as though i really did not know what i was doing.



At this point i am 20 approaching 21. Everyone else there worked their way up to estimating starting as an apprentice so they had a ton of experience. Now i was rethinking my whole life plan. I hated working inside in a cube, i hated looking at blue prints all day and above it all i didnt care about it. It didnt matter one way or the other to me if we got the job or not. It was not personally satisfying for me. So i decided i was going to go after my dream job as a LE officer.



I applied to the county that i grew up in as a young kid. I had moved to a different state as a teenager as my mom got a new job . At the time the agency i wanted to work for was only hiring correctional officers and not LE officers. So i decided to apply for the corrections position and use it as a stepping stone to LE as it is within the same agency. I got lucky enough to get thru the long hiring process and was accepted to the 12 week para military correctional academy. All of my coworkers couldnt understand why i would leave an office job where i could make a good living to work in a jail. But i had to do it for me.



So at the age of 21 i jumped ship and never looked back. i would rather make less and not mind going to work. It would wind up to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I made a ton of great friends, made good money with alot of OT, and most of all it was self satisfieing. I felt like I was making a difference even if it was extremely small. I was officially part of being one of the good guys. I worked at a county jail that held around 500 people on any given day. After about 1.5 yrs at the jail I had seen that they were now accepting apps for LE. I was on the fence. I didnt want to endure the long nail biting hiring process and a 28 week academy especially if it was like the first one. But I knew if i didnt apply i would be mad at myself and who knew when they would be running another one. So at the last minute I submitted my app and i started the hiring process again. After completing each step it was a small victory. I knew i was one step closer to my dream. After completing the last step it was time to wait........ for that almighty phone call.



One day in the middle of this past june on the way to work I got the call i had been waiting for. I had made it! 2.5 years after starting at the jail and now 24 years old. Fast forward to now Im almost done week 24 of 28 of the academy. My dream is coming true and its still hard for me to believe. Im excited, anxious, nervous to start. Im very grateful to get this opportunity and very grateful to have the experience from the jail. That is something no one can fathom unless having worked in a correctional setting. So the lessen I learned is dont select a job only because of the money. Do something you enjoy and the money will come. Now ill get off my soapbox. Thanks for reading. Sorry if theres miss spelled words and parts dont make sense, i typed this all on my phone.

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I was 19, right out of high school bar tending, working the door and cleaning the bar after hours. Mind you legal age was 21 but if the owner didn't care then why should I? I was getting 16-20 hours a week but not having Friday nights or weekends. Major league suckage at that point in a young man's life. This worked though because I could got to junior college around my schedule.


A friend came home from Indiana University for a weekend break in February and needed a ride back. I was sick of the bar and decided to call in sick and take my friend back to Bloomington. While on the drive down I mentioned to Eric that I was sick of the bar but needed more hours, hours that worked around my schedule and not the other way around. I drove his parents (woody) station wagon back to Illinois. I picked up Eric's dad and on the way to my house he tells me of his conversation with Eric while I was on my way back home. I knew Eric's father was a business owner but I would never have asked him for a job. Don told me to come in the next day and fill out an application. I filled it out in mere minutes which impressed him. He told me it was the fastest he'd seen one done. He showed me the lab and introduced me to many of the employees. The last employee introduced was told I was starting the next day! That's how I found out I got the job.


I worked part time while going for my Associate then continued while going to college. After graduating I decided in 3 days I was not going to teach (BS Biology) so I stayed with the company planning to move on when something better came along. I ended up in customer service for a couple of years followed by sales. I hated sales and came in off the road to run the lens department then returning to customer service. Somewhere along the way I really started to love what I do and have stayed. The people I work for are like family to me, more father and brother than employers. Next year will be my 30th with the company, I hope to work here for another 30 years.

Edited by sportredmistress
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Mine's easy. I found a listing online for Craigslist. I nail interviews like it's nobody's business and I got offered the job the next day after only 1 interview. The funny part is my company is huge and they were posting craigslist ads. Don't think only ****ty jobs are on Craigslist. After ~1 year, our team lead left working for us and he taught me everything. I became psuedo-team lead and have been since. Everyone naturally comes to me for information. There are people who have been with the company for 7+ years coming to me for information. This was the same way when I was in the Marines, I would have officers coming to me as a LCpl for information on insurgents/areas/intel. haha, seems to be a trait that I have I guess.


They keep giving me every raise I ask for, so I must be doing something right, haha.


About to be promoted to Network Security Administrator or Network Security Architect once I finish my degree. Unsure of which title I'm going to suggest, haha.


I love my job and if offered enough/in the range I am looking for, I will stay with this company once I finish my degree.

Edited by Laguna
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nice thread.. good stories..


I'm not happy where I am..


When I finished HS, I went to a retailer for Verizon Wireless.. I was supposed to be a technician, but it turned out to be sales.. a couple years later I moved to Verizon Wireless.. a couple after that, I wanted to get out of retail and join the corp side of VZW and was offered the position of a trainer.. well, they decided to cut the head count in that department before I even switched, so I was stuck in retail.. that really didn't make me happy so I made the move to car sales after my bro-in-law said it was the greatest thing since sliced bread..


I sold Toyota, Ford, and Nissan throughout my short career in car sales.. I then went back into what I went to school for and worked for a company designing circuit boards.. three years later, I got laid off.. and now I work for a company as an Inside Sales/Applications Engineer in the packaging industry.. I dont mind what I do, but every day seems to be getting worse being there.. there are a lot of issues with getting equipment out and the gm is not capable of running a company so unless something happens soon, I'm screwed..


now I just need to take the time and update the resume..

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One thing not to do: start reading this thread immediately after the "how did you meet your spouse" thread. I was getting confused reading Mook's post referencing DemoN. :lol:


The short version is my company created a job for me out of grad school. The long version requires a few beers, ironically the reason it is such a long version!

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Mook, I never knew Auburn was your first show?!? That's awesome!


I knew you were an Adams n00b at the time, but I had no idea you were that green.



SPRING Auburn was my first show. ;)


I got invited to HAN 11 on my way INTO the shop truck, on the way to Auburn!



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