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How long is your commute?


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The wife and I are looking at buying a new home for the family, and since she is a stay at home mom we only have one income. Having said that we can't stay in the area we are in now, with house prices for a 4 bedroom and 2.5 bath being close to $550,000 and taxes at $12-14,000 the further "out" we look the better the prices are. I have a 25-30 min commute now and I was wondering what you guys were doing for commute times.

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I live ten miles from work, and if I leave early enough I can get there in 15 mins, leave a bit later and i'm looking at 35-40mins each way. For some reason speed limit signs mean nothing here in VA Beach first thing in the morning. I second the question of your daily driver and to factor in the cost of fuel.

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1 hour in, about 1.5 hours home (on a good day).




One house we looked at will be about the same. Does the distance bother you, were you wish it was closer or it doesn't really bother you too much??


Thanks guys for the responses! Keep them coming!!

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My office is the next bedroom over, so what, a 10 second commute? My warehouse is about 10 minutes away. My wife works at the local hospital, which is about 4 minutes away. Screw wasting money on gas!

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After 20 years of a 4 mile commute my company moved further away. It's about 20 miles, so in the AM about 20 minutes. In the evening it can range from 30 minutes to well over an hour. Wasted time...

The good news, my wife and I carpool, so at least I have company.

If I were younger I would probably move, either homes or jobs.

Just remember, time commuting is lost time, but sometimes a necessity.


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Less than 5 minutes for me. Hopefully will be getting a house soon that will make it about 10-15 minutes.


I agree with Bruce though: time commuting is time lost. You also have to factor in what it will cost you in gas to commute further. I was in the same situation last year and where we wanted to move was going to cost me an extra $90/week in gas. For us, this didn't justify the savings in a cheaper home further away.

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Depends where the job site is. My bread and butter is apartment make readys. So.. Wherever I have contracts. Usually no more than 15-20 min. And I use the back roads... With the work van it's all good. Not tearing up the nice rides.


Wife's is 13 minutes to downtown Huntsville... Medical area. With the 300, she's made it in 7 a few times. Lol.

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