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Really!? Whats the point?

SS LeadFoot

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I got a front plate ticket this morning and I really would like to know what is the point of having one? What makes me mad is I wasn't speeding or acting stupid I was just driving along minding my own business. I couldn't believe he pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I asked him, once I had my ticket, what's the point of having one of these? He said I don't know, just my job to hand out the tickets in a smart a$$ tone. I said it must be a slow morning if this is the best thing you got to pass the time. Needless to say I am a little frustrated. I know it is my fault for not having one on the car and its the law I should have one ..... but why? Please someone give me a valid reason so I can feel better about getting the ticket. End Rant :angry:


On a side note, anyone know of something I can do besides putting a plate on the car?

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Keep the spare in your glove box and toss it up on your dashboard if you get pulled over again. Use the excuse you do not have the front bracket and do not want to drill holes in your bumper. I keep the front plate in the vette at all times but the cops shouldn't pull you over if you are driving within the law. You just got unlucky and drove by a jerk cop.

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I would guess the point is ease of identification. Front and rear plates give two shots at getting the plate # as the vehicle passes, or if it is backed in it can still be identified without an officer leaving their vehicle.


There are hidden bracket options, motorized if you want to hide the plate when parked.

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I had the plate in the car and told the officer there was no where to put it. I guess GerryC had it right, I just ran into a jerk cop. I think I will go with the show and go motorized option. It just pisses me off that I have to do it. I think I may try to talk to someone in the state government. I know I've signed many petitions on line to stop it maybe it just takes one person.  

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I had the plate in the car and told the officer there was no where to put it. I guess GerryC had it right, I just ran into a jerk cop. I think I will go with the show and go motorized option. It just pisses me off that I have to do it. I think I may try to talk to someone in the state government. I know I've signed many petitions on line to stop it maybe it just takes one person.  

Do you scrape the front end going in/out of the driveway?  I read that the motorized version has tiny wires that will break easily (and not covered under warranty) basically leaving you with the non-motorized version.


Move to Pennsylvania!  We don't have stupid laws here................just stupid people. :lolsmack:


 um, everyone?


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In some Australian States your front registration details can be printed on adhesive vinyl so you can choose a stick-on front registration "plate."  This way there are no holes and you can place it wherever suits your car.


However, motorcycles in Australia only require a rear registration plate so where's the uniformity????


Perhaps an adhesive front vinyl "plate" could be an alternative for your road authority to consider if they won't just go with a rear plate?

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i know the feeling.  I hate the way cars look with front license plates on them.  I think most southern states do not require them with the exception of Virginia.  I know Kansas doesn't cause that's where i live now 

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I have my front plate and backer very cleanly zip-tied to my vws lower grille. I looks better than the stock location and I didn't have to put holes in the bumper. I'll post pics later.


As to why some states require them.... Well the laws are the laws. Whatever the rationale was 80 years ago is probably no longer valid, but with all the traffic cameras, automated tolls and everything else, I can't imagine them going away. I got pulled over in the vette once for not having a plate on there; I was polite to the officer and got away with a warning (and having promised to put the plate back on).

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I've always disliked this law as well. I've got away with a few of them back in SoCal and here in CT by asking the officer "if a Corvette or Ferrari doesn't come with a front plate off the dealers lot, then why aren't you guys giving them tickets all the time?"


Like I said, a few times this worked, the other times the officer would say they have a specialty registration allowing them not to have a front plate. WHAT?!?!


I shouldn't really talk though right now since my front plate box is off my truck to get painted white.  :xfingers:

Edited by JBlack151
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lol specialty registration, yeah, ok. In many ways, cops issuing tickets are like dealers selling cars. Any BS they can say to make you believe them they will try, because they think it sounds legit enough to make people shut up. What they don't know is there are some people out there who aren't complete idiots.

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Or, if you have a 4th gen Camaro, which by your avatar it looks like you do, mount it on the plastic air dam underneath the car.

I live near the TX/LA border and they require front plates and we don't. Over the years I've known quite a few Texan Corvette and Camaro guys who either put their plates on the air dam (unreadable, but technically mounted to the front of the vehicle) or on the dash so it can be read through the windshield. They've had mixed results with tickets, but most chalk it up as cost of ownership (the citation is non-moving, much like a dark tint citation) and choose to risk the periodic fines rather than deface the front of their cars.

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In some Australian States your front registration details can be printed on adhesive vinyl so you can choose a stick-on front registration "plate."  This way there are no holes and you can place it wherever suits your car.


However, motorcycles in Australia only require a rear registration plate so where's the uniformity????


Perhaps an adhesive front vinyl "plate" could be an alternative for your road authority to consider if they won't just go with a rear plate?

Great point about motorcycles.



Traffic cameras (including toll bridges), and dealing with stolen vehicles.  Also identification after hit & runs, crimes, etc... Lots of reasons.  Mainly it's to piss of auto buffs. 

Traffic cameras and toll cameras in MD and DE all take the back of the car. I don't know about other states.


Do the hide away bracket. Or, if you have a 4th gen Camaro, which by your avatar it looks like you do, mount it on the plastic air dam underneath the car.

This time I was pulled over in my Grand Prix. I've been pulled over in the Camaro but never ticketed. I might have to put it on the Grand Prix... NEVER on the SS :)

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I have friends and family that are cops and I asked them about this and they said I just ran into an A$$hole cop. Being in customer service, I asked a lot of my customers who are cops about it. No one gives out tickets for this! I could see if I was speeding and doing burnouts or something else but I wasn't.


I can see some of the points about the hit and run and cars being stolen but really? If someone steals a car the first thing they do is change the plate. They steal it from someone else. Plus motorcycles don't have them so if you are going to steal a vehicle steal a motorcycle :)


Oh well the law is the law and I was breaking it so I got a ticket. Someone should change this law.

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