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My buddies TBSS on a back road.


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Headed down to the Corvettes at Carlisle on Friday, and obviously had to pick me up some goodies from Adam's, and low and behold who checks us out when we go to pay? None other than fellow TBSS owner MOOK! So we stood there and chatted it up with him for a few minutes, and then continued on our way walking around the thousands of vettes. Then we headed back home and he grabbed his SS, and we headed out to a back road he knew of to try and get some fresh photo's of his SS since we lowered it a few weeks ago. And I think they turned out pretty bad ***!


So here's a few of the better ones from the night!



















Edited by L1lD3v1lRydr
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Thanks for the compliments guys. He converted to 2wd a few months back, and like I said, we just got her brought down to mother earth a few weeks ago and haven't getting any real good pictures of his. So we set out to do that. Next on the list is some bad *** burnout pictures!

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Headed down to the Corvettes at Carlisle on Friday, and obviously had to pick me up some goodies from Adam's, and low and behold who checks us out when we go to pay? None other than fellow TBSS owner MOOK! So we stood there and chatted it up with him for a few minutes, and then continued on our way walking around the thousands of vettes. Then we headed back home and he grabbed his SS, and we headed out to a back road he knew of to try and get some fresh photo's of his SS since we lowered it a few weeks ago. And I think they turned out pretty bad ***!


So here's a few of the better ones from the night!




















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