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Undercarriage spray.. Disappointed.



So I sprayed this on a 2010 Honda civic fender wheel, I wiped it and spread it evenly. It look amazing at first and not even 5 mins later it slowly started to go back to its original look. I did clean it before hand with all purpose cleaner. What's wrong? More product or what?

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If the wheel well hadn't been dressed before, then its possible that they may need more product for the first dressing, as the wheel well will soak up the product the first time. Also make sure that your wheel wells are nice and dry before you apply the Undercarriage Spray

Edited by Gen9Rolla
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I love Adam's products, but I've never been a big fan of the undercarriage spray.  I think it performs pretty well, but I'm not thrilled about having to put down towels so that any excess doesn't drip and stain the floor.  It is probably used less than any product in my Adam's arsenal.



However, I do go bonkers over the scent.  Only one that tops it is the original detail spray.

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I love Adam's products, but I've never been a big fan of the undercarriage spray.  I think it performs pretty well, but I'm not thrilled about having to put down towels so that any excess doesn't drip and stain the floor.  It is probably used less than any product in my Adam's arsenal.



However, I do go bonkers over the scent.  Only one that tops it is the original detail spray.[/qu


I spray my UC spray on one of those dish cleaning sponges with a plastic handle and then "paint" it on the wheel wells. Never drips at all that way.

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Same with me - never really had a problem with it not leveling out on its own after a few minutes.

Yup! Same here. I think that's the great thing about the product. Spray it on and let it settle while you bask in the glory of the grape scent then walk away. I've also had great longevity with the product lasting for several weeks at a time. I hope things work out, but the VRT idea is also a good one. Good luck!

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Yep, I only use UCS when I want my car to be at its best.  Otherwise, I NEVER use it.  I think I've used it once in the past 12 months.  


With my G8 becoming a GQ soon, I'm sure it'll get used more often.   


I never wipe it though...  I just spray it on and walk away! 

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Since putting the lift on my truck I've increased my usage of Undercarraige Spray. I spray and wipe and even after driving thru rain and my mud terrains throwing everything from the road up in my fender wells it keeps them looking dark and black. I couldn't be happier with it.

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It's funny our different preferences for the same product. Some commenters love it while others are indifferent or even dislike it. But I'm sure we all agree the Undercarriage Spray smells great! :drool:

I think this product is essential for trucks and SUVs since the inner fender is so exposed. Not having a dark, even look to it can distract from the cleanliness of the paint (much like neglecting to dress the tires). Also, the rear frame rails are pretty visible by the wheels, and the IUC does a great job of dressing up the ugly coating on them. It's all about the details, right? These are the kinds of things that most people won't notice when they're clean, but they stand out when they're dirty. :ph34r:

Edited by Redbeard
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Sorry to hear there are a few people who aren't pleased with Undercarriage Spray. As a guy who drives pretty much nothing but trucks and SUV's I love the stuff... even more ever since I got this latest truck and went UP with it instead of DOWN like usual. 


Of course for anyone who is less than satisfied I encourage you to take advantage of the satisfaction guarantee... what good is the backing of the product we provide if you don't take advantage of it when you're not pleased? 

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I use the UC Spray on the frame and iron....... Not really a too impressed with it on my wheel wells and when I use up the rest of my gallon I will not buy more.

I will try the diluted VRT cocktail on my wheel wells and see how it works.

Ill take it off your hands :D

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I guess I am the minority on this thread so I must be using it wrong...... I will start applying it on a regular basis instead of once a month.

I am going to mix up that VRT cocktail and try it on my Charger and use the undercarriage spray only on the 4x4's. I also travel dirty roads left over from Hurricane Sandy (dusty conditions) so maybe that is why I am not too crazy about it.

I do think that this UC spray has one of the best smells in the "Adams Arsenal" and the worst smell is from the Deep Wheel Cleaner but it is the best wheel cleaner out there.

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