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Started to become a legal business


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Just thought I'd share some exciting news.  As I've mentioned before on the forums I've been detailing for select clients.  This has always been a very informal deal for cash that I'd split with my partner that works with me.  After talking to my wife a lot, and having a neighbor who is a small business & advertising consultant (his own company)...I've been pushed into the realm of making it a legal entity.  This weekend the LLC was filed, this week I'll be registering with the IRS and State of Connecticut Department of Revenue and become a legal business!  I'm still waiting on some insurance quotes to come back since I know that's a major part of the whole deal.  


Now it's just a game of patience as I learn the legal accounting back end of the business and start to actively try to make it grow.  Detailing is not something that will ever replace my career, but it is something I enjoy and if it can make me a few dollars along the way...great.  My partner will still be working with me since he's my one and only "employee." Not to mention that he does great work.


For now, it'll still be a mobile business or out of my garage at home.  When/if the time comes that I have enough clientele and the numbers work, I'd love to have a location somewhere.  In the meantime, we will still put out a quality product and use the majority of Adam's Products for our detailing.  While they aren't the cheapest, the certainly are among the very best!


Just thought I'd share this little bit of exciting (and overwhelming for me) news.  Never thought the day would come that I'd actually own a small business!  You never know what life brings.

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Congratulations and good luck! That's a big endeavor I'm sure but they always say the first step is the hardest.


Thanks.  It's definitely a little bit overwhelming.  There's just a significant learning curve to the whole process.  I'm pretty business savvy as far as costing and things like that go.  But the back end of where you have to show what is a confusing thing to pick up on.  It's not a decision that was made lightly.  I'm fortunate in the sense that it won't replace my career, so if it were to go nowhere I'd only be out the few hundred that it's costing me to get it going.  I'm not looking at high risk where it'll be my primary income.  Fortunately, that allows me some flexibility that someone else may or not get to enjoy.


That's AWESOME!!!  I am too seriously considering creating an LLC and starting my own detailing business.  Please let me know how it goes.  



Thanks.  Like I said above, the LLC is actually the easy part.  In Connecticut it cost me $120.  The state wants their money.  Registering with the IRS and CT Department of Revenue is inexpensive since they'll make money on the taxes.  All told, the startup isn't bad except for the equipment which is something I've (like most here) have accumulated over time.  Now I just get to "sell" it to the business to help offset other expenses this first year while I'm building it.  


Insurance is another strange world to navigate.  Some companies will give a rate, but then refuse to insure since you haven't been in business for three years.  It turns into a what came first scenario?  I have my insurance guy working on it.  He assured me he can get my coverage.  It's a basic liability policy with some rider for my storing a vehicle overnight if I do a coating.  Like my agent said, it's a pretty low-risk policy.


If you decide to do it, talk to as many people as you can and learn the pitfalls they encountered.  It'll help you to avoid some of them as you stumble into others.  It's exciting and a little scary at the same time.

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Thank you. Out of curiosity, can I ask what your hesitations are?

The unknown pretty much. This guy use to have a small detail shop on the side, he's a State Trooper. Complications happened so he closed it down. I was detailing his 2011 GT500 and he offered to start the detail business back up with me as a partner. It would be a simple wash and wax with interior detailing. But, idk I'm really tedious and methodical and I take a while to do things so I can be very thorough. Idk what to do yet.

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The unknown pretty much. This guy use to have a small detail shop on the side, he's a State Trooper. Complications happened so he closed it down. I was detailing his 2011 GT500 and he offered to start the detail business back up with me as a partner. It would be a simple wash and wax with interior detailing. But, idk I'm really tedious and methodical and I take a while to do things so I can be very thorough. Idk what to do yet.

Unless you know the complications already, I'd start by asking him what the complications were that caused the closing of the business.

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Time for some business cards and a Facebook page. On a serious note, I've got a friend who is an advertising graphic designer if you need a logo done up.

The business cards are in process already and the Facebook page is small, but slowly growing!


www.facebook.com/detailedreflectionsct not all parts of services are filled out yet. Still working on all of the finer things like that to see how I want everything worded.

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Thanks Matthew.  The insurance policy is a general liability policy that would cover defects in work or problems caused by any products. There's also a garage keepers portion that covers a vehicle stored overnight in the event that anything happens to it while it's in my possession.  That's something I requested since any coatings needs to be kept for at least 24-48 hours.

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Congratulations. Welcome to the club.

I started my auto glass and detail shop 4 months ago. After the corporate auto glass shop I was running decided to close their store. So I had two options, change careers or start my own shop. So I chose to open my own place.

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