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The Guz

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Everything posted by The Guz

  1. Either one will be fine. I would still recommend some sort of prep wipe to remove any surfactants left behind by either one.
  2. Sure you can wash it. Just be sure to blow all the water out of the various seams to not mess things up during the coating application. Do you have the prep wipe product? If you do just use that.
  3. Looks like you are getting good results. I always liked how my brothers red 03 grand prix looked when it was polished and coated many years ago before he sold it.
  4. I haven't used the swirl killer other than holding it in my hands on display at the Anaheim location. But the philosophy should still be the same. Microfiber pads in my experience like to be used on a slower speed with slower arm speed like speed 4 and just the pressure of the machine. Also microfiber pads like to be primed with product to get all of the fibers coated with product. Higher speeds and pressure will dry up the product along with the temperature and humidity one is working in. Shrink your area shoulder width apart on slow speed and see if that helps. I have found the paints on Grand Prix's to be on the medium side and correct fairly easy even with a foam cutting pad but still need a polishing step as compounding usually leaves micro-marring behind. Have you done a test spot to see if you actually need to go this aggressive? You could probably go straight to polishing after your correction step. You asked about the number of pads needed. About 6 pads for cutting and 4 for polishing for an average size car like the Grand Prix. The Camaro on the other hand has hard paint and microfiber and compound is usually needed to remove deep defects.
  5. Best to work panel by panel. I had no issues the other day when using it as a drying aid in full sun as I was cleaning up whatever water was left behind after a sheet rinse.
  6. What vehicle are you working on? You should be working an area about shoulder width apart. What speed on the tool? How much pressure?
  7. A quick clean up on my brothers 2018 Equinox Redline Edition. It has a 20 month old cquartz coating and it was still somewhat there. His lease is up in 3 months so not looking for a full polish and recoat as he is not going to keep it. A quick once over with Essence Plus and topped with a double coat of Adams UV spray coating. Good enough for 3 months.
  8. Dylan posted his contact info a couple posts above. They will repair it.
  9. You should not need to apply the coating 6 months down the line. With proper maintenance it will perform just fine for a year or two. I say this because the paint will more than likely need a repolish not only to restore gloss but to remove any marring developed over that period of time and also road grime which can stain paint. More readily seen on light colors. At most a chemical decontamination wash every few months is a good idea. I would not recommend claying as it has the potential to marr the surface and the way to fix that is polishing. Seeing as your truck is garaged contamination should be relatively light. If I had a black vehicle I would not touch it until its weekly wash. The more one touches the paint the more chance of risking marring. With that said most people like to constantly touch their paint and you plan sounds fine.
  10. Detail clinic Saturday. Topic of discussion is coatings. it is still a go as I asked if there were any concerns with the Coronavirus.
  11. That would be the least of my concern. Simply use it again. That is the beauty of a spray product.
  12. You won't need to use the spray coating that often. You would be better off using ceramic boost, CS3 or ceramic waterless wash. You could do the same for the spray coating until you are ready to polish and start fresh.
  13. The paint coating will work fine on chrome window moldings. If you are asking about the typical plastic trim then the paint coating will work. The regular trim coating will have more of a darkening effect than the paint coating. If your trim is in good condition then the paint coating will work fine. If you need more restoration on the trim then you have the option for the ceramic black trim restorer. I have a how to on the forum with video on how to use this one. As far as the paint coating on glass, it will do just fine on the side and rear glass (without a wiper). It won't handle wiper abrasion that well. You will be fine using the paint coating on wheels as well. Go with a double coat and maintain with ceramic boost and the spray coating 1-2 times a year and you will be just fine. Wheel coatings in general are designed for higher temperature resistance. But in most cases a daily driver won't see that high temperature and a paint coating will do just fine. I have had success with a standard paint coating on wheels and in some cases better performance than a wheel coating.
  14. Does anyone know the contact angle of the paint coating? From my experience with coatings it looks like it is in the 115-120 degree range.
  15. Don’t overthink it. Durability is going to vary with factors such as care and environment it is exposed to. muse the spray coating and maintain with ceramic boost. If you so desire use the spray coating a few months down the road once again.
  16. One thing I will mention is to flush out the sprayers with hot water after using the spray coating. It helps to prevent the coating from clogging up inside the sprayer.
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