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Everything posted by TR6speed

  1. I was looking at that one earlier on Amazon. Thanks as always Dylan.
  2. You are right. Sorry about that, but Dylan understood.
  3. Seeing Adams does not offer a foam gum, can anyone recommend a good one?
  4. I agree with the fact that you want to make sure there is no grit on the sides. Most likely there is. I have made it a rule in my case if I drive in the rain the car get a real bath. At least in my area, there is no way that I will not have grit on the sides of the car. I only use the Waterless Wash to get the normal road dust off, and I do not mean dust/dirt from driving on dirt roads.
  5. Thanks to both of you. Mook, I do wax the car regularly so that is not a real issue, but I was wondering if maybe I would need to do it more often. Chris, I do about the same as you, except it sounds like I wash mine a little more often. The reason is to keep the brake dust off the wheels and I know I clean them when I do a waterless wash, but I just like to really get in there and use the power stick and also clean inside the wheel wells with soap and water.
  6. My car is not a daily driver and is garage kept and therefore it does not get real dirty. As long as it has only been out for short trips, not in the rain or on dirt roads, I find that the Waterless Wash does a fine job. I sometimes only do a full wash and dry once a month. So my question is, does the Waterless Wash remove the Americana?
  7. Don't you just love finding a 5-6 year old car that was well taken care of. That was the way my '07 Vette was when I traded my '01 for it. Oh by the why nice looking ride.
  8. Well I am a GM person, but of the three pony cars (Camaro, Mustang and Challenger) I do believe Dodge hit a home run with the new Challenger as far as the resto look goes. Nothing wrong with the Mustang or the Camaro, but of the three I do like the Challenger the best for looks.
  9. I am not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but a while back I placed and order and one item was the Microfiber Revitalizer. I did not use it for a month or so after I receivied it and it was in the back of the cabinet. When I went to useit it was leaking at the bottom of the bottle. Now I just pulled out a bottle of Leather and Interior Cleaner that I have had packed away and it two is doing the same thing. Anybody else had a problem with the bottles?
  10. Thanks everyone for the compliments, and thanks to the great results we all get with Adams, I not only won in my class (Corvette 2005-2009), but also overall Peoples Choice Corvette Class. As this was a Corvette and Chevy show there were 4 different People's Choice awards, Chevrolet, Truck, Custom and Corvette.
  11. Thanks Dylan, but I am an old hand at shows and I also act as a judge at our annual Corvette show. But everything you say is right on the money. Only one show that I kept the windows closed and that was a show where the weather was not that good and the Oak trees were dropping those brown seed pods, so we were told to keep it closed up and open when the judge arrived.
  12. I will be attending a car show tomorrow. It is called the Ultimate Corvette and Chevy Show. They are expecting around 500 cars. So I thought I might want to get the car ready. I was lucky, as I did a complete detail in Aug. clay, polish, glaze and Americana. So this time was just a wash, followed by Brilliant Glaze and then a nice coat of Americana. Also spent some time on the interior as well as the wheel wells. Here are the results. Interior shots, Engine Bay, Wheel Wells Body,
  13. Thanks Mook, but I am old school, and I seemed to always remove each application, SHR (if used) then the polish. As far as the glaze goes it is easy to remove by hand and I never use the buffer to remove the Americana. I guess I like to see the results of each step as I go. That way if there is a place that needs a little more attention I can do it then. I have always felt that the idea of doing a small area to see what needs to be done prior to the entire vehicle can still leave area that may not be done completely. I like to look the car over prior to starting and hopeful work the area that appears to need the most work. But even by getting it just right, I find that there is always the chance that something is missed. So I like to use the SHR completely remove it and if need just do a touch up. Next is polish and again the same procedure. I know I am doing more work then doing the 3 step process, but that is how I have done it for a long time now and I am just use to it.
  14. A helpful hint at removing the residue is one I learned from Adam a long time ago. I use it all the time on the Swirl and Haze Remover as well as polish. Once you are ready to remove the residue get a clean micro fiber towel (I have a lot of the older blue plush towels), lay it out fully opened on the surface of the vehicle. Now take the PC buffer with a clean dry pad (don't use the one you used to apply the products) and place it on the towel. Wrap the excess towel material around the buffer where you will be able to hold it. Turn on the buffer and let it do the hard work. You will need to change to a clean part of the towel every so often and it may take a few towels depending on the size of the vehicle. I will normally go back over the car by hand to and get the areas that I could not get at with the buffer. I also use a soft toothbrush to get any excess residue out if cracks and seams. So makes it a lot easier to remove the polish then doing it by hand.
  15. I do what has already been said, and I can have the body completely dried in less time then it takes me to do the two door jambs, rear hatch and engine bay area.
  16. OK, I have only had my C6 for a short time now and the dash is different then that of my C5. So here is my question, what does everyone that has a C6 use on their dash and the upper door panels, Super VRT, Leather Conditioner, In & Out, or Detail Spray.
  17. Last year IMSA/ALMS had Corvette Racing handcuffed This year at Sebring Doug Fehan as one of the speakers in the Corral, and he said that they came to Corvette racing and apologized for it and they leveled the playing field for Corvette. He then said that ALMS told all the other teams that they had better be ready to race this year because the field was leveled. I believe they were really directing that at a certain team the has a cafe racer in a sports car class and was given a massive amount of concessions last year.
  18. I realize that these are two completely different series soon to be one (which really worries me), but I am a fan of ALMS, always have been and even with the so called Corvette DP (really not a Corvette at all) I have not been able to get enthused with Grand Am. All I can say right now is, Corvette Racing is the 2012 ALMS champion in all three categories, Drivers, Team and Manufacturers.
  19. Nothing better that a Waterless Wash followed by a Detail Spray application. It is like the garage is a large fruit salad. I love it. I know what does this have to do with In and Out Spray.
  20. They are great cars, but really that car is basically the same as any other Callaway you can order from any of the authorized Callaway dealers. The difference is the special 25th Anniversary badges and that there are only 25 produced. Did you know that if you have a Callaway dealer in your area you can get a Callaway Camaro, Callaway Avalanche, or a Callaway Suburban. A friend of mine has a Black Callaway Z06 it it produced 13 more HP then the ZR1. Now that is a fast car.
  21. If the car has been on the lot far a few weeks, you may think the paint looks great, but if you do a close inspection with some good lighting up close I am sure you will find some swirls and minor scratches. White cars will hide these a lot more then a dark color, but I bet they are there. The lot guys at the dealership have no idea on the proper way to care for the finish and besides they really don't have the time, so they go around and simply wipe the cars down usually with the same towel on car after car. I suggest that step one is a good bath, followed by clay bar the car to remove all of the contaminates that are in the paint. When we bought the wife's new GMC Acadia, I used up a complete bar just to get it smooth. Next either swirl and haze remover or just polish. You can do both by hand or machine. If you do it by hand you will want Revive Polish if by machine you want to use the Fine Machine Polish. I assume this is a daily driver so then I would apply the sealant followed by Brilliant Glaze and finished with a good coat of Americana. I know this sounds like a lot of work, and it can be, but once done you will be set for awhile and you will only need to do the glaze and wax next time.
  22. Well I am not sure it is a major part of being a car guy. Don't forget the are waxers and then there are gearheads. Both are car guys, but the gearheads look at the car in a different light then the waxers. Now there are those that fall into both classes and that is a real car guy.
  23. Remember many of these cars go to big time collectors and get put in a large warehouse and left there. They are not driven often if at all between when it is purchased and when it turns back up at another auction. Usually the owner has a large collection and has some people that take care of them. Now you know they do not pull each car out, hand washed regularly, and detail like most of the forum members do. Most likely someone goes through the shop where they are parked and dry wipes them. Also if you watch the major auction, you will see the handlers wiping the cars down before they go on the block, I cannot remember ever seeing them spray anything on the finish prior to wiping them down and lets remember I am sure sitting and waiting there is a lot of dust that settles on them. dealerships new and used are the worst offenders. Two years ago, when we purchased the wife's GMC Acadia, I sat there and watched the lot guy go around with a towel and dry off one car after another. Because it had just been delivered, I told our salesman, not to let anyone touch it. I would detail once we got it home. He asked why as that was part of the deal for them to turn over a nice clean new car. I simply pointed out the issue with the one towel fits all issue.
  24. Well I was waiting until I could get both cars done befor posting any pictures, but here is the wife's 2010 Jewel Red Tint Coat amd my 2007 Monterey Red Corvette. First the Acadia Now my Corvette In case you did not notice Jewel Red Tint Coat and Monterey Red are the same color. Both vehicles even have the same interior. Almost looks like we planned it that way, but they do look good sitting side by side in teh garage.
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