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Everything posted by RayS

  1. I've thought about this a bunch over the last day and I'm not sure about the answer: If someone gave you as a Detailer a Black vehicle, is that a Gift or a Punishment?
  2. Welcome to the Forum. What part of Florida are in you? We have multiple members in Florida and I am a regular Florida visitor going to the Ridge Manor / Dade City area.
  3. The local Chevy dealer has been so good to me from a service and deal standpoint, that I would be willing, if they asked nicely, to do them the favor of advertising for them in a black Vette. However, I reserve the right to use selective adjectives while attempting to keep any black vehicle shiny and clean, including my full bird Colonel Uncle's SUV.
  4. It is SIO2 Infused as a hybrid product, which leads me to believe yes, but I do not know that as fact. I would question why would you want to? If HGG does a wonderful job on White, it lasts for many months and is easy to apply and make White look absolutely beautiful, skip the CSC and stick with HGG. It comes down to what the vehicles owner/maintainer chooses to do. I do not use CSC on all my vehicles nor those that I maintain for others, but it is a choice, for some it is financial for others, I just think other products are sometimes better suited for that vehicle and the usage of the vehicle.
  5. Check with your local Chevy or GMC/Buick dealer. Many of them are Adam's dealers and the ones near me have a decent stock and will give me a discount when there is a sale online. I'll admit that with driving a Chevy and a GMC that use Adam's products, I'm an advertisement when I show up to get Adam's supplies. I've had more than one person ask about the products when they see my vehicles and I'm more than happy to tell them about the products and pick up some side work. I just don't understand why the Chevy dealer won't give me a Red Vette to advertise with, I'd even let them keep their dealer sticker on it.
  6. I did that 20 years ago and don't like when it gets to the 50's. For the topic on hand, the ambient temperature can be taken care of with a portable canopy with sides and a propane heater, ensuring that you have proper ventilation. A three sided canopy usually works fine until it gets really cold. The bigger challenge is getting the vehicles body temp up to where you can work with it. The metal takes a while to get warm and while not required for a wash, except to be above freezing, it needs to be reasonably warm for Paint Sealant, Waxes and CSC to work properly.
  7. The vehicle looks great, the windows not so much. Adam's makes product called Glass Cleaner, just for that purpose and it does work. I know you put Buttery Wax on it for now, but I have a recommendation that is cost effective and really works great on White vehicles and that is H20 Guard and Gloss. I'm sure sure, Chris will jump in, but I'll take him to make sure - Hey @falcaineer. Chris did a white vehicle with HGG a year or so ago, I think it was his, and it really impressed me to the point that the next white vehicle that came my way also got HGG and I was hooked on it for White vehicles thereafter.
  8. If it is anything the previous Audi, BMW's that I've done it will be on the harder scale. The Range Rover is also very hard, which I consider to be good since it tree sap and bird dropping don't see to etch it and my daughter loves to park where she gets plenty of both. I have also found that with the Range Rover, I can use the Clay Mitt without worrying about additional marring. You are spot on with the test section, I just consider that to be an automatic method for every vehicle. I have also found that the harder clear coats take well to going over with Revive Hand Polish after you have done the full polish and prior to using Surface Prep. Good Luck Steve.
  9. Welcome Bret. The black Sierra would look great and hold up well in your winter with Ceramic Spray Coating. I'm currently working on a design for a 36x32x14 with a wash bay that I can get out of the heat and sun during the summer. I don't think much about the winter weather, although we do get a few cold days.
  10. @Castus Car Care Thanks for sharing the pictures and helping the charity.
  11. Hi Webb, Welcome to the Forum. My son-in-law got a F-150 at the beginning of August and one week later, I put CSC on it and it turned out very good. Unfortunately, it isn't Red, so I won't say that it turned out great. Here's the short write up that I did along with the some pictures. If you have a tonneau cover, I did both ours shortly thereafter and have a thread on those if you are interested. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  12. Thanks Chris, It's the angle of the sun, the top is a nice deep black as shown on the picture inside the garage.
  13. Back in January, the Mustang was given a coat of Ceramic Paste Wax, since then it has been maintained with regular washes, got one Wash + Coat after it came out and every 6 weeks or so hit with Ceramic Boost. The CPW held up well for a close to 10 months with regular maintenance, which is rather impressive in my book, but it was time to redo the car. I started with a Strip Wash, followed by Iron Remover, Clay and then the Swirl Killer came out. It cleaned up nicely, albeit that it already has a couple of stone chips and a scratch on the front bumper, plus the daughter kicking the thresholds. The front clip (hood, facia and fenders) required Correcting Polish and an Orange Pad. The doors and rear fenders and truck got One Stop Polish with the One Step Wool Pad. Then the entire vehicle was gone over with Finishing Polish and a White Pad. There were a few touch up spots and I decided not to use Revive Hand Polish this time. Then it was on the Surface Prep followed by Ceramic Spray Coating. While it looks good, I think the additional step of going over the vehicle with Revive is a worthwhile step and will continue to be part of the regiment. The first picture was taken in the garage last night and the second picture is once I got it outside this morning. I still need to condition the top and I'm going to use CSC on it and we're keeping our eyes out for some original wheels in good condition to replace the pitted ones on it. For having almost 200,000 miles on it, I'd say it is in good shape overall.
  14. The Mustang received some much needed attention this weekend, which I'll post the details about in my Mustang thread. However, this picture with three Red vehicles, came our rather nice, so I'm posting it here, since they all some attention this weekend. The three colors are Mustang Red, Cajun Red and Red Quartz. In the addition, the Dogwood is finally starting to turn colors, so that means the rest are only a month or so away from changing also.
  15. Hi Joel, That's a good looking blue and for me to compliment a blue, it has to be good. The references have given you some good feedback. My recommendation is rather simple, make sure you have two days that you can dedicated to the car the first time around. Don't try to do too much or do it too fast, just take your time and when you get tired, take a break and in the end you'll have a job you can really be proud of. After the first round, you'll understand the prep required and know what it will take the next time, which will be less and by the third time, you'll be an ace.
  16. You'll be amazed at the difference a SK can make in your game. The rental program is a great way experience the difference it will make and for those that may only need one once or twice a year, the rental may make more sense long term.
  17. Welcome. Let us know what you are keeping shiny.
  18. As for the inside of the garage door, it is a insulated door with that are full panels on both sides. Like anything else it gets dusty and dirty and needs to be cleaned every once in a while. I generally notice it when I'm doing a waterless wash on the wife's garage queen at night or a rainy day when the door is down and then once I'm done with the car, I just do the door. I'll refer you to this thread that has a list of alternate uses for the Adam's products and there are many others around for the forum.
  19. My wife didn't have any complaints at all. I was working away on her vehicle and she simply stated, no worries, I'll just take your truck to go shopping, , so I was left with no vehicle or money.
  20. For the exterior of the Garage Door and Vinyl Fence, I have been using Wash & Wax. For the interior of the garage door, I use waterless wash. The fence is rather big with 38 8 foot panels and then a few 4 foot panels. The garage door is a 16x7 insulated door with one row of windows. Using the foam gun, I got over the entire outside of the door then wipe it down with one of the Adam's Red Car Wash Wedge's. For the fence, I do one panel at a time with the exception of the inside corners, then I do two panels. I can do the inside or outside of the fence in one day, refilling the foam gun 2 or 3 times. The same routine is followed with getting the shampoo on it, wiping it down with the Red Car Wash Wedge and then rinsing it off. The garage door needs its fall wash and I think I'm going to try Wash + Coat since that is what will go on my truck next weekend. As for the inside, I have no doubt that I'll use Ceramic Waterless Wash the next time I do it. I have been using Ceramic Boost on the tile walls in the show and the glass door has Glass Sealant on it. You have to be careful with shower and make sure you don't get it on the floor, otherwise it will be very slick. Don't forget to do the mirrors with Brilliant Glaze.
  21. I've also had luck with Brilliant Glaze that another member suggested a short while ago.
  22. While the one section of the vehicle looks pretty beat up, the question is whether or not the entire vehicle is the same way. I had many vehicles that needed different levels of correction on different panels or areas. Test areas are the best way to find out, just mark of a few 1 x 1 foot areas on the hood, door and quarter panel and you even find that one side is rougher than the other. Case in point, one trail runner's vehicle had a wasted passenger side, but the drivers side was in excellent condition. The reason being that he drove the trails with his window down so he avoided all the brush and stuff and let the passenger side get hammered.
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