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Woke up at 0230 to a GS that thought it was time to get up. Spent the morning at 0500 picking up a few extras at the store before the rest of the world woke up. Had a great Thanksgiving with the family.


That bird looks good 2008fx4. I picked up a turkey breast and cooked it on the BGE and it was a hit. That was on top of the bird that was cooked in the oven. I know at Christmas time I see a lot of these pass thru the system. Had one given to me a few years back and it was delicious.


Greenberg Smoked Turkeys

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Did the polishing portion of the full correction yesterday. Letting the MSS cure now and then when I get home it's time for a coat of BG and Americana. I also hand polished and quick sealed all of the jambs and the gas hatch. Figured it couldn't hurt. Didn't bother with the wheels since they are coming off this weekend and I'll clean them then before they go into hibernation and the winters go on.


Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! The turkeys look delicious!

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+1 on the Greenburg Turkey's Chris! We get one or two each year and they have a amazing smell & taste.
Thanks for the tip. Going to order one for Christmas Eve.


Staying at Disney's Boardwalk this weekend. Getting Re-Caffeinated then head over to Epcot to exercise by walking around the World then catch some Football at the ESPN Club. :thumbsup:

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Well, my mother-in-law has been over since Wednesday so I needed to get out of the house. Got an itch to go to Best Buy and check out the new TV that Sharp introduced. Took a nice trip with my daughter and pulled the trigger on this beauty. Scheduled for delivery on 12/13/12. Looking forward to watching my alma mater (Notre Dame) win the BCS Championship on it. Go Irish!


LC-90LE745U | 90 Inch LED TV | 90 Inch Flat Screen TV | 90 inch LED TVs

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Well I figured I would post about what I spent the last 3 days doing. Started some of the interior remodel I had planned for the interior of my house.


Started by moving everything out of my office/bedroom 2 and we ripped up the carpeting and removed the baseboards and doors. Discovered this lovely cira 1950's Linoleum flooring. We then installed new Laminate flooring, and installed a new door, and part of the new baseboards. I still have to install a door in the closet and do the trim around the doors, then we will paint eventually. It is so nice having a door that actually closes and stays closed. We are going to continue this flooring throughout the entire house


Here are some pics:





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Went back to work... Then the baby Dr this Afternoon and then the gym!


Nothing car related has been done for a few weeks and detailing is dead for several months. Snow tires/wheels are going on the G8 this Saturday though. (BOO)


Goal for us is to get the house sorted before December 12th. This is when our son comes into our lives and joins his "big" (2 year old) brother. God help me!



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Went back to work... Then the baby Dr this Afternoon and then the gym!


Nothing car related has been done for a few weeks and detailing is dead for several months. Snow tires/wheels are going on the G8 this Saturday though. (BOO)


Goal for us is to get the house sorted before December 12th. This is when our son comes into our lives and joins his "big" (2 year old) brother. God help me!




Two children don't make you twice as busy...try three or four times. Good luck !:willy::thumbsup:

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Had a busy, yet great long holiday weekend. Spent Friday detailing a Acadia Denali and Saturday doing a full paint correction on a Lancer Evo that was a sweet little car. Sunday I took the day off and spent the day with the family getting our Christmas tree and decorating the house.


Today it was back to work and I think I'm still in a food coma from the weekend due to all the food I consumed over the past 4 days!

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Working; just finished a CTSV coupe. Then home today is diesels birthday! He turns 3, I am registering me and him under the AAC (agility association of Canada) so we can attend trials. Hoping to do some soon! And put a bunch of Adams stuff on my Xmas list; hope I get some :)

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well on Tuesday last week we were to have a couple new appliances delivered..


they came in to deliver and then told me my gas line was not up to code, go figure.. I've never worked with gas lines before but figured I'd give it a shot.. so I relocated it closer to the wall, raised it, and added a ball valve.. then the copper line for the ice maker was kinked like crazy, so I had to route a new braided line and put a new tap..


all that is left now is to secure the lower cabinet as the moron that had the house before me put the outlet to the fridge and stove behind the cabinet with no access, then glued the cabinet in.. also have to secure the top cabinet above the fridge and the side filler piece..


I took these Thanksgiving morning..




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