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Obama withdraws US forces from Iraq

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Happy to see our military men and women finally are gonna come home!

All partisan politics and hateful rhetoric aside, having American soldiers coming back home in time for the holidays is something everyone can smile about.


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Im always glad to see our troops come home. I whish we lived in a world where our military does not have to ever go over seas but of course we dont live in that world


I just hope the Iraqi Government/ Military are strong enough to fight off the insurgency by themselves. I would hate to see Iraq turn into a country that is always at war with itself (like a few African Nations are).


I thank all the Troops that have served in Iraq and the rest of the world:patriot:

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As a veteran, I'm always glad to see any conflict end and lives saved, yet I mourn those who died. I hope this and the Social Security raise wasn't just re-election action. We need to fix our own country first before we can fix anyone elses. And we need a whole lot of fixing.


But thank you to every man and woman who has served in this war, and to those who continue to serve everywhere. :patriot:

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As a veteran, I'm always glad to see any conflict end and lives saved, yet I mourn those who died. I hope this and the Social Security raise wasn't just re-election action. We need to fix our own country first before we can fix anyone elses. And we need a whole lot of fixing.


But thank you to every man and woman who has served in this war, and to those who continue to serve everywhere. :patriot:




Very well said!

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yea...funny how that works out eh? candidacy ploy anyone?


It was an original campaign promise but recall Congress in 2007 passed a spending bill that stated a timetable for withdrawal but Bush vetoed it.


The agreement with Iraq in 2008 set the timetable for December, 2011 under the Bush administration. History will ultimate tell us if the trillions spent (all deficit spending) was worth the effort as well as human toll on all sides.

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I too am glad our people are coming home, but I wonder if this is the real reason behind the end of year deadline.


"But he had already announced this earlier this year, and the real significance today was in the failure of Obama, in spite of the cost to the US in dollars and deaths, to persuade the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki to allow one or more American bases to be kept in the country.


Obama was formally told of Maliki's final decision on Friday morning in a video conference".



Quote came from this article.

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal | World news | guardian.co.uk


So, could it be both a campaign promise plus (getting kicked out) not renewing leases for our bases?

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I too am glad our people are coming home, but I wonder if this is the real reason behind the end of year deadline.


"But he had already announced this earlier this year, and the real significance today was in the failure of Obama, in spite of the cost to the US in dollars and deaths, to persuade the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki to allow one or more American bases to be kept in the country.


Obama was formally told of Maliki's final decision on Friday morning in a video conference".



Quote came from this article.

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal | World news | guardian.co.uk


So, could it be both a campaign promise plus (getting kicked out) not renewing leases for our bases?


1) We didn't get kicked out they basically refused to provide immunity to our soldiers, so basically if by mistake or in conflict we killed an Iraqi citizen, the Iraqi government wants to arrest the American soldiers who did that and take them to trial in Iraqi courts!! In their dreams of course that won't happen


2) We already have a base there, but we call it "embassy" lol, it costs us more than $600 million dollars to build and it's fortress like. We have Army members and rocket launchers and the building is rocket and grenade resistant. Research the US embassy in Iraq and you will see what I mean and by the way its HUGE :patriot:

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My niece's husband just arrived home from his 3rd Tour in Iraq. It has to be such a great feeling when you step back onto American soil. :patriot:


He is in the Marines and he is headed out to sea for 6 months in a few weeks. He is a Blackhawk mechanic and loves the Marines.




Thanks to all the Military soldiers and their families!! :2thumbs::2thumbs:

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As a veteran, I'm always glad to see any conflict end and lives saved, yet I mourn those who died. I hope this and the Social Security raise wasn't just re-election action. We need to fix our own country first before we can fix anyone elses. And we need a whole lot of fixing.


But thank you to every man and woman who has served in this war, and to those who continue to serve everywhere. :patriot:


I agree with you Rich completely. I feel we will see more since we know what next year is.

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Some interesting discussion I heard about this over the weekend....


How does this influx of soldiers coming home impact the economy - there seems to be 2 schools of thought on this.


1) It helps. These are people that have been away, not consuming, not spending, not buying homes, cars, groceries, etc for years now. Many of them will come home, have babies, buy houses, get cars on the road, etc. and in a way stimulate activity that otherwise hadn't been here.


2) It hurts. Theres a strain on them financially and many won't be able to be able to find work outside of military service given the state of the job market should they leave active duty or return to normal reserve rolls.


I'm not sure how to think about that... too many variables, but some of the analysts I heard discussing it and taking the #1 option equated it to a much smaller scale 'baby boom' type of time coming where there will be a sudden spike in pregnancies, home purchases, car purchases, etc. I hope thats the case!


My buddy did 3 tours... and he hasn't spent much money at all over the last 9 years +... when he was home he was on base and when he was gone he was just socking money away. Hes got a big fat nest egg and is planning on buying himself a new ZL1 camaro and a new house so lets hope hes the norm!

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Some interesting discussion I heard about this over the weekend....


How does this influx of soldiers coming home impact the economy - there seems to be 2 schools of thought on this.


1) It helps. These are people that have been away, not consuming, not spending, not buying homes, cars, groceries, etc for years now. Many of them will come home, have babies, buy houses, get cars on the road, etc. and in a way stimulate activity that otherwise hadn't been here.


2) It hurts. Theres a strain on them financially and many won't be able to be able to find work outside of military service given the state of the job market should they leave active duty or return to normal reserve rolls.


I'm not sure how to think about that... too many variables, but some of the analysts I heard discussing it and taking the #1 option equated it to a much smaller scale 'baby boom' type of time coming where there will be a sudden spike in pregnancies, home purchases, car purchases, etc. I hope thats the case!


My buddy did 3 tours... and he hasn't spent much money at all over the last 9 years +... when he was home he was on base and when he was gone he was just socking money away. Hes got a big fat nest egg and is planning on buying himself a new ZL1 camaro and a new house so lets hope hes the norm!


Some soilders are like that, where they save and save when they are deployed and come back and help stimulate the economy, but some just spend there money buying things the whole time thay are deployed. I had a friend who wha deplaoyed and he spent like every penny he had on things like, paintball guns, movies and did not save to buy a house or car, and now he kicks himself


I really hope these troops dont have to many problems finding jobs. I would hate for the withdrawl of troops from Iraq and create larger unenpoyment. I know the Border Patrol is hiring like crazy and they mostly hire ex military, plus i think there will still be many Civilian contractors jobs out there. These troops coming home can go back to Iraq work for a private company and make twice what they were making in the army.

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I think we're only talking about 40K more soldiers coming home at this point... Spread out over 50 states and countless communities, I can't imagine that the impact will be anything more than the very slightest blip on the economic situation.


I think they're meaning more on a local level. Nationally I don't think the impact would be as big either way.

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