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Things that drive you mad!!



I am talking more about what people to do their cars that make you cringe.


My example:


I was at WAWA the other day getting something to eat and some gas. As I am waiting for the gas attendant to finish with a car, I notice something. He spills a small amount of gas on the car in front of me. What does he do? He takes the window squeegee and turns it over and rubs it right on the paint!!! On top of that he than squeegees it.:snap:


While the owner of the car was in it!!! He didn't say a work.


When the attendant came to me I said one thing "If you spill ANY fuel on my car let me take care of it" He gave me a puzzled look like what did I do wrong.


So what do you see people doing to their cars that drives you mad? "Or your wives"

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What I hate to see is when a smoker throws their lit or unlit cigarette out of the car onto the roadway..like the streets are their ashtray. :mad: Fortunately, when I am at work, I drive a car with a siren and red and blue lights. No warnings for this one, ticket every time.


Thank you!:2thumbs:


Yes thanks!

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I go to the same station all the time and know the guys there pretty well and I pump my own fuel every time! In fact if they see me they don't even come over anymore. They know I do my own fuel. (I mainly go to the same station because I need a station that has diesel that doesn't sit too long)


Be careful, if anyone from the Department of Weights and Measures is anywhere near that station and sees you pumping gasoline, both you and the station owner will receive a fine. Diesel is specifically excluded from the full service laws in NJ and can be legally pumped by a patron. I managed a station in NJ for several years while I was in college.

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In NJ and OR you aren't allowed to pump your own gas.


In NJ you are not allowed, however I stand right next to them. I had one guy got to my filler cap before I did. He let it flop right down onto the side of my car. I walked over and placed it in the holder before I answered him, than looked directly at him and said fill it. So when I got home I cut the wire the cap as tethered to.



I go to the same station all the time and know the guys there pretty well and I pump my own fuel every time! In fact if they see me they don't even come over anymore. They know I do my own fuel. (I mainly go to the same station because I need a station that has diesel that doesn't sit too long)

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Alright, people who put HUGE spoilers on crappy slow cars. I always joke that Im going to get a cordless sawsall and cut them in half.


People who race on public streets or try to race with me. Ricers...cars that sound like my DIRTBIKE! Put a silencer in that coffee can exhaust. I think all these mods are a little easier to understand if the car is actually putting out some serious HP.

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I know what drives me nuts (and I bet everyone else on here as well) is when I park at the farthest, emptiest spot in the parking lot and some yahoo parks right next to me. I mean..........WHY?? I'd like to puncture his tires.



Seems to happen to me all the time!!! There are times I have driven around the parking area several times just to find a "safe place" only to come out of store to find some junker parked inches from my ride


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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I will never have someone else pump my gas, there was a guy on our jeep forum once had an attendant fill up his jeep not once but twice with regular gas. id flip sh*t on that person, i dont get it, id rather pump my own anyways. But anyways my peeve is when kids (yes im 21 lol), text in the car, more particularly girls that do it. I almost was killed today by a girl on the freeway that drifted into my lane and luckily i saw her, then she looked at me pissed like i did something wrong! that will always make me mad.


You definetly do not want to move to Oregon or pass thru it on a trip. It is actually against the law to pump your own gas in that State. I travel to Oregon about 4 times a year and always get out and give the "evil eye" to whomever is about to run the pump!!! If he or she is super carefull, the I pass them a couple of "thank you bucks"

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1. When people drive under the speed limit. THAT is against the law too. I have been thinking about changing careers JUST to pull people over for this.


2. Texting while driving and smoking a cigarette at the same time. Doing one and driving is dangerous enough, but add a burner in there, and that's asking for even more distraction.


3. My wife parking under trees.


4. People not being able to differentiate Polish and Wax.


Well, living in Cali is not so bad after all;

* Cell phone usage (of any kind) while driving will cost you around $225 for first offense.

* State is actually considering passing a law (with fines) for eating while driving !!!!

* When you come to a stop sign, you better stay put for 3 seconds or you will get a heafty fine for what the law refers to as "rolling" stop.


BUT we still can pump our own gas and in most cases have to since most staions are 100% selfserve

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Alright, people who put HUGE spoilers on crappy slow cars. I always joke that Im going to get a cordless sawsall and cut them in half.


People who race on public streets or try to race with me. Ricers...cars that sound like my DIRTBIKE! Put a silencer in that coffee can exhaust. I think all these mods are a little easier to understand if the car is actually putting out some serious HP.


spoilers jeez, its not even that they make me mad, they just look ridiculous on the cars people put them on. SO many international student put them on their cars when i know they dont use them for road racing or anything. Kids with them on evos that arent tracked, there is even a guy with one on his M6 that did piss me off actually. though a guy i know does have an RX-7 FD with around 425HP and it has a wing, but its used for autoX, so it makes sense for down force.

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What I hate to see is when a smoker throws their lit or unlit cigarette out of the car onto the roadway..like the streets are their ashtray. :mad: Fortunately, when I am at work, I drive a car with a siren and red and blue lights. No warnings for this one, ticket every time.


Thank you!:2thumbs:

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What I hate to see is when a smoker throws their lit or unlit cigarette out of the car onto the roadway..like the streets are their ashtray. :mad: Fortunately, when I am at work, I drive a car with a siren and red and blue lights. No warnings for this one, ticket every time.

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Excellent Adrian!

For anyone with young drivers I would recommend checking out a Street Survival course in your area - Street Survival "Teaching Your Teen Driver to Survive Behind the Wheel" | Teaching Your Teen Driver to Survive Behind the Wheel. While is it only a 1 day event, they teach safety and car control, which is great for young drivers!


Shoot I used a empty parking lot and the hand brake :glasses:


I had to take my X to work one snowy morning. I was using the hand brake to correct myself her reply was how can you have this much control. :2thumbs:

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I know what drives me nuts (and I bet everyone else on here as well) is when I park at the farthest, emptiest spot in the parking lot and some yahoo parks right next to me. I mean..........WHY?? I'd like to puncture his tires.



I do this all the time. It never fails!

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We have taught our now 18-year old daughter how to drive and we had her drive in all sorts of conditions; during the day and night, in the neighborhood, in the city and on the highway, in the mountains and in the rain and snow. AND we let her drive both my wife's car, an automatic SUV, as well as mine, a stick shift compact.


Excellent Adrian!

For anyone with young drivers I would recommend checking out a Street Survival course in your area - Street Survival "Teaching Your Teen Driver to Survive Behind the Wheel" | Teaching Your Teen Driver to Survive Behind the Wheel. While is it only a 1 day event, they teach safety and car control, which is great for young drivers!

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Being a Dutch native and having lived there for 40 years I completely agree with what's been written above about driving skills in Europe vs. here. It's not just Germany or the UK, in all Western European countries have similar rules for "earning" your driver's license: driving lessons by a certified instructor in a car with double pedals, classes for the traffic rules, and a much more involved driving test, which takes about an hour and involves driving in all sorts of traffic, parallel parking, turning around in a street, driving away from being parked on an incline, etcetera.


I believe the problem with bad drivers in this country is that nobody is taught to drive properly. Then those people teach their children and you have many generations of incompetence.


We have taught our now 18-year old daughter how to drive and we had her drive in all sorts of conditions; during the day and night, in the neighborhood, in the city and on the highway, in the mountains and in the rain and snow. AND we let her drive both my wife's car, an automatic SUV, as well as mine, a stick shift compact.

In contrast, her best friend was "taught" by her parents and all she did was drive from her home to school over and over, only during the day, in her mom's automatic minivan. She passed for her driver's test the first time.

Then when she was here one day, and it was raining lightly, she didn't dare to drive home. Both her parents had to drive here and her dad drove her home in her own car with her in the passenger seat. To this day she can't parallel park and she is not allowed to drive any of their cars into their garage because her parents simply don't trust her to do that "yet". These are the type of people that scare me on the road!!


And then the "keep right except to pass" thing. I don't think people will ever get that here. The consequence of that is that faster cars are passing left and right, which greatly increases the chances of an accident.


Germany is the only country in the world where highways have large sections without a speed limit. Yet, Germany has the least number of highway fatalities of ANY country. This is because people know how to drive, and anticipate other (faster) traffic. I used to drive from Holland to Frankfurt once a month for many years in my job back then, and I enjoyed those drives, even in heavier traffic. Here long drives on the interstate are a drag. Trucks are a big part of this. Why do they always drive in the middle lane? And another thing: why is the speed limit for trucks the same as for cars?? I think it'd ridiculous that 18-wheelers can go 75 mph on some sections of the interstate. In Europe trucks are typically restricted to 80 km/h or about 50mph. They are usually not allowed in the left lane of the highway if there's 3 or more lanes. Then during rush hour traffic they are not allowed to overtake at all. This greatly improves traffic flow.


I could go on for hours, but I'll stop here. Good thing I don't have to drive on the highway very much art all here!

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My wifes probably sick of hearing me drone on and on and on about this, but I wish the US would adopt Germanys much more stringent driving regulations. Theres a reason they can have an autobahn with no speed limit and fewer accidents than we do on highways limited to 65-75mph:


Germany was the third largest producer of automobiles in the world exceeded only by Japan and the United States. Germans take their driving very seriously (like everything they do). This is understandable when you realize that a German driver’s license costs over $2500, after a minimum of 25-45 hours of professional instruction plus 12 hours of theory, and once you pass you're licensed for life!


Training is done in cars marked “Fahrschule” (driving school) The practical, on-the-road training time has to include night driving, autobahn experience, in-town driving, and a multitude of other driving situations.
The test for a German driver’s license includes questions about the mechanical aspects of an automobile, in addition to the usual examination on the rules of the road...
(this is genius b/c I maintain - if you understand HOW a car works you're destined to be a better driver!)


German traffic law has a few variations from North American laws, most are the same but American drivers may not always be aware of the laws, or simply just refuse to obey them.
For instance, it is illegal to pass on the right on the Autobahn. Slow moving vehicles must always move to the right, and faster vehicles may pass on the left only.
fines for moving too slowly in the left lane exceed those for speeding in restricted zones and causing an accident as the result of improper speed (slow or fast) is punishable by fine in addition to lengthy (often years) of the license and requirement to be recertified ($1500-$2000) at the cost of the at fault driver.


I believe if it took much more to be licensed (financially and training wise) and the penalties for stupid behavior were much higher our roads would be much more efficient and safer to drive on. I bet most people don't even know that slow traffic is supposed to move right.


Heir von Kleist signing off :D


I've driven on the autobahn, occasionally at speed in excess of 100mph, and felt far saver there then on any American highway. Drivers in Germany (and France, in my experience) know how to drive... they're aware of their surroundings, aware of other cars, and follow the rules of the road.


I have driven quite a bit in the UK and the drivers there are on the motorways are similar - slower traffic moves back to the slower lanes. One thing I like that they do is require a placard with a large red "L" on the front and rear of the car. The "L" is for learner and is kept on the car for the first year of driving. Age does not matter, everyone that starts driving has to have it (my cousin didn't start driving until her 30's and had one). I know I would be a little kinder to a new driver if I knew they were a new driver!

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Winter annoyance:


If your vehicle is stored outside, clean the snow all the way off of it.





We just had our first good snow storm here in Colorado and Mook probably saw the same thing I saw:




Now this may seem like an extreme example, but yesterday (the day after our snow fall) I saw numerous cars with 8-12 inches of snow on their roofs. Who are these idiots? Is 2 minutes of snow removal really too much work to ensure your safety? Do these people not realize that when they brake suddenly, all that snow will be right on their windshield?? Your wipers aren't going to be much help then, either. And I'm not even talking about the annoyance when you drive behind one of these cars on the Interstate and get gobs of snow thrown at you at 60 mph...

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People that drive 60mph in the fast lane and are oblivious to the fact theres a line of cars piling up behind them.


This and my favorite..


2 lane country road and the car(s) in front of you wont pass the tractor doing 30 in a 55!!!



This morning I passed 5 cars & the tractor! :burnout: Got to love the LS Power

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+1 here. If you are too short to reach the top of your truck/SUV/mini van get a telescoping snow brush and a step stool if you must. It is an offense that can be ticketed for here in MA. I think they should also be able to add on a stupid and lazy surcharge as well.


If we implemented a "stupid and lazy fine" this state would be rich.

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Winter annoyance:


If your vehicle is stored outside, clean the snow all the way off of it.


+1 here. If you are too short to reach the top of your truck/SUV/mini van get a telescoping snow brush and a step stool if you must. It is an offense that can be ticketed for here in MA. I think they should also be able to add on a stupid and lazy surcharge as well.

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My ride share and I constantly comment about bad drivers on the way to work. People that can't merge, people that stop at the yield sign, people that block the intersection EVERY morning. His idea to punish bad drivers stems from something that they did when he was in the Boy Scouts. When you had an infraction they would clip off a corner of your membership card. If all four corners got clipped then you would have to be re-certified in certain areas. I think they should do this for drivers. Can't merge *clip*, can't park *clip*, block traffic *clip*.....

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