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Car Dealers (Kind of rant)


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A little intro my parents recently bought a house in Orlando and are looking at a car down here. My dad asked us to stop in and take a look at a Grand Cherokee to see how my mom liked it.


So last night we stopped at a Jeep dealer in order to look at a new Grand Cherokee. The salesman came out and before we even looked at any of the jeeps the guy wanted us to come sit down and talk a price. I spent about 10 minutes talking to him and finally said I am going to see if there is even a Grand Cherokee we like.


I found one that is close to what we are looking for. The car had a $7,000 market adjustment fee on it. I could not believe that as there are many other jeep dealers around here that have many very similar jeeps. Currently there are around 100 of the jeeps we are looking at within 75 miles of here.


When I finally sit down with the guy to talk a little bit about the price for them they immediately want me to sign an "agreement to buy". Which basically says I will buy the car if we can come to a mutually agreeable price. Which I do not do because I honestly do not think it is an honest tactic. I then tell him about where I am looking for an out the door price. The salesman does not even listen and keeps going back to the market adjusted price and knocks some cash off with the price way above sticker.


We keep talking and the guy proves he is more and more of an idiot. I finally tell him we will do it for a set price out the door. He goes and tells his manager who comes back with a final best they can do price. Which is way above what I offered and acts like hje is cutting me a deal. The kicker here is the price they were offering me is $1,000 more then what is listed on their website for the same car. Needless to say I now showed them this price and they started to make excuses. At this point I had been there for over an hour while the salesman and the manager trying to railroad me into buying a car without listening to my concerns at all.


Needless to say I am pissed. They have already called and promised to give a better price if I come in again. My question is would you go back to this dealer or find another? They pulled out all the tactics to try and trick me into the car. If it had been my mother there by herself she easily would have been tricked into one of there tactics, and she almost was even with me sitting there. The salesman kept trying to bypass myself and give her things to sign because he knew I would say no. Also does anyone know of a good jeep dealer in the Orlando area.


Sorry for the rant.

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I fell for that "sign here then we'll talk" tactic once before I knew what it was about. Never again. Go to a different dealer. Sounds like you know what you're doing. There are a few honest dealers, but you really have to search. I found in all my years of car buying that I can get a better deal in a smaller town than I can in a larger one. I've only bought 1 car in my town since 1977. Go elsewhere.

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I fell for that "sign here then we'll talk" tactic once before I knew what it was about. Never again. Go to a different dealer. Sounds like you know what you're doing. There are a few honest dealers, but you really have to search. I found in all my years of car buying that I can get a better deal in a smaller town than I can in a larger one. I've only bought 1 car in my town since 1977. Go elsewhere.


Yes I would run from that dealer, $7K above sticker WT Heck is that. Times are tough for everyone now so I would they would welcome a sale.

Yes go elsewhere. I have bought from smaller dealers in the past 20 years and always get a fair deal after some dealing. It's a game with them all but sounds like this guy is a stealer for sure.

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jeese, people would actually pay 7k over sticker. At that point you could walk into a audi/bmw dealer and get a far better vehicle for the same price. The hell are they smoking? jeeps are not in demand like that


i would RUN! man that has red flags all over it.


I to have to agree with Rich. Much better luck traveling a bit to get to a smaller town. These big boys are all slime balls.

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don't go back!


i had a dealer here try to do the same thing to me on a 2012 sierra denali. i told the guy from the start i just wanted to test drive to see if it would've even been worth trading in my truck. i drove it and loved it, then we started talking trade in value.


they come out offering me $3k less than the KBB trade-in value, even after how he is ranting how big the demand is for used vehicles right now. i told him i wouldn't go any less than a certain amount, and he wanted me to "sign" to agree to buy the truck if they can do that price. i told him i wasn't signing anything until he had in writing the amount i wanted.


he comes back and says they can give me this "Trade-in + tax savings" price on my truck. and he wanted me to sign that. i said, "no your wasting my time, i said i wanted the trade in value to be this much, not some made up calculated sales number. i may be in my mid 20s but i wasn't born yesterday!" i left and never went back.

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Do your homework too. Check with the websites and see if there are any current incentives or offers that your dealer might not want to tell you about. If you buy GM and have a GM credit card, you earn points that you can redeem for a discount on your new car purchase, or you can use them for products or services from any GM dealer. I have that and have used it quite a bit. I'll be cashing mine in soon on four new shoes for the Impala. But the dealers won't ever ask you if you have the points. You basically wait until the deal is all but signed, then pull out the points and get that much off your car.

And make sure you have all the prices written down. That way you can see what dealer number 1 is offering compared to dealer number 2 or 3. And see if you can get it in writing from each dealer. Don't rush into anything. Shop around.

Try www.truecar.com . They're supposed to be able to tell you what you SHOULD be paying for a new car.

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Thanks for the info guys. As it stands right now. I know exactly what I am looking for and I know the pricing and where it needs to be in order to be a good deal. I am mainly just looking to find a dealer who will not be a bunch of dbags. As Ryan said I may be young but I know more about the car and the financial markets than anyone at the dealer. I can also calculate an amortization schedule pretty much instantly so I can wade through the games. I am trying to do the leg work for my parents because my mom would get taken for a ride if she was by herself and my dad travels for work all week so he does not have time to go to multiple dealers to find the car he wants or the best deal. Plus he knows I know a lot more about cars and will find him a good car at a great price.


Thanks again guys keep the advice coming.

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Any chance you or your parents have USAA insurance? If so, they have a very good car buying/pricing service... Basically they get you a very good, no-haggle price that usaa has worked out with the manufacturers (not the dealers). Well worth a look to see what kind of price they can get -- I used it when I got my VW and it was a huge negotiating tool. An it was free/no obligation.

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I had this happen to me last week to me when I picked up a used 2010 Grand Cherokee from a Ford dealer. They wanted me to sign my offer to say that was the final deal and I refused. They low balled me so much on my trade-in that I literally started picking up my things and walking out and they stepped in the way saying they could negotiate more. I told them exactly what I wanted based on Edmunds, KBB, and NADA research I had done and wouldn't settle for less. Homework is key in these situations, they prey on those who haven't taken the proper time and care into buying a vehicle and will make decisions based on emotion. I finally ended up getting exactly what NADA said I should get for my car and walked out with the Jeep at a price lower than what KBB said I should have gotten it for. Plus I went on the last day of the month and I just so happened to pick the salesman with the lowest sales in December ;). So its about homework, timing, and negotiating ability. Moral of the story walk away if you think you're getting jipped, you know what you want don't settle for less.

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Yeah, car sales horror stories. Back in the day my Dad had a guy check his car out and then not give him his keys back, as leverage to keep him at the dealership and talk more. What stupid moves. And the bait and switch thing is SO prevalent, and still is.

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I had this happen to me last week to me when I picked up a used 2010 Grand Cherokee from a Ford dealer. They wanted me to sign my offer to say that was the final deal and I refused. They low balled me so much on my trade-in that I literally started picking up my things and walking out and they stepped in the way saying they could negotiate more. I told them exactly what I wanted based on Edmunds, KBB, and NADA research I had done and wouldn't settle for less. Homework is key in these situations, they prey on those who haven't taken the proper time and care into buying a vehicle and will make decisions based on emotion. I finally ended up getting exactly what NADA said I should get for my car and walked out with the Jeep at a price lower than what KBB said I should have gotten it for. Plus I went on the last day of the month and I just so happened to pick the salesman with the lowest sales in December ;). So its about homework, timing, and negotiating ability. Moral of the story walk away if you think you're getting jipped, you know what you want don't settle for less.


very good points!


have your parents asked their employers to see if they offer any discounts to certain car manufacturers? like the USAA insurance, you can get better than invoice pricing without having to negotiate if one of y'alls comapnies offer that to employees.


i get a GM Supplier Discount through my company. saved $7k off MSRP when i bought my truck in 2010 and $3k off MSRP on my wife's caddy last March. i think it's the same as "GM Prefferred Pricing"

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Unless you "know" the salesman or the dealership, you more times than not walking into a high pressure deal, filled with trickery, last minute moves, deceit and side shows.


When I bought my Mustang a year ago, I went to two local dealers. I got the Ford incentives + my cousins employee discount which accounted for a pretty great discount on the new car, which I was ordering, taking out any chance of the bait and switch tactics they could pull on something from their stock. The only thing left to negotiate was my trade-in.


I did my research, and decided a fair asking price for my trade, which was $6500. The first place "verbally" told me they would meet my asking price give or take a $100, upon taking delivery of the new car when it was delivered. I told them I simply wanted the trade-in price in writing. After pulling the "I'll check with the manager" she comes back and says "trust us" on this, but we can't put the trade in price in writing. I laugh and tell her I'd think about it and left. She was pissed when she called me a week later and I told her I bought elsewhere. She explained, she spent a good two hours showing me the coral of Mustangs they had. Oh well!!!!


Off I go to dealer #2. Same scenerio only this time, the salesman shakes my hand on the $6500 trade in deal and tells me to bring in my checkbook the next day and we would fill in the paperwork for the new car order. The next day I go in and we fill in the order details and I ask for the paperwork on my promised trade-in price. He says no problem, but has to check everything over with the manager. He comes back an hour later and said that they had a buyer for my trade the day before, but the buyer backed out, just as we were filling in the final paperwork on the deal. They said they could offer me $3000 max for my trade.


:cheers: NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!!! I stormed out of there and could not believe they thought they thought they could pull off THIS story.:lolsmack:


I went with a salesman and dealer that I knew through a close friend that was 100 miles away, got my trade in price based on a $100 deposit, a simple couple cell phone photos and my verbal description of my trade in without me even setting foot in the dealership. The new Mustang was delivered, with my fair trade -in allowance. Everything good!


Buyer beware. There are still some good dealers out there.

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I am not familiar with any Jeep dealers in the area. But my neighbor, who works at a Ford truck dealership, used to work at a large Ford dealer that owns a Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge dealer next door. If you are interested I can get recommendations from him.

Also, let me know if you need to use any Adam's stuff to get it in the the proper shape.


PM me for my number if you want.



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Grand Cherokees were hard to find in the fall of 2010. I bought (ordered) an Overland Edition in Sept 2010 and it was delivered 2 days before Thanksgiving. However, the popular demand was due to the GC being a new design. Even with the demand, I still paid less then MSRP.

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Quick note: A friend at work recommends the dealership in Mt. Dora for their service, not sure if it worth the drive out for the sale, but worth considering. It's a smaller town dealership, about 45 minutes NW of Orlando. Her original dealer closed, but she has had a few service challenges with Greenway and Orlando Chrysler.

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If you can, try and check up around Gainsville. When I lived in Jacksonville I bought vehicles down in Green Cove Springs because of the taxes. It was known and advertised on TV as 'Little Detroit'. Might be worth looking into.

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Quick note: A friend at work recommends the dealership in Mt. Dora for their service, not sure if it worth the drive out for the sale, but worth considering. It's a smaller town dealership, about 45 minutes NW of Orlando. Her original dealer closed, but she has had a few service challenges with Greenway and Orlando Chrysler.


Thanks. Greenway was one of the dealers I was at and I felt a little weird about. We found a Grand Cherokee we really liked at a dealer around here and it is a a 2011. The salesman did not try to force me into anything and I feel we will probably have a deal there. We did not agree on a price 100% but the price they offered was very close to the good deal price I figured we could not pass up on. Orlando was the other dealer I felt a little odd about as well. That was the original dealer I was at last night.

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I bought my car over the Internet. I used the Consumer Reports build and buy feature. It gives you good information about dealer invoice pricing as well as prices for options both MSRP and invoice prices. I dealt with the dealer mostly through emails until I was ready to buy the car. I believe Truecar.com uses the same information as Consumer Reports as far as prices go. I would try that instead of wasting your time at a dealership.

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I LOVE DEALERS LIKE THIS!!!!! I have so much fun talking to them and putting them through there paces and the talking and back and forth. They think they know everything. I brought my wifes Jeep at a different dealer than the one that was giving me the run around, they had a better deal and they were a lot nicer. I went back to the crappy dealer three times after I brought the Jeep just to mess with them. They thought they had me on the third night and I just got up and walked out the door with them following and got into my wifes new Jeep. Boy we they angry!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That made my month!!!!!!!

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I LOVE DEALERS LIKE THIS!!!!! I have so much fun talking to them and putting them through there paces and the talking and back and forth. They think they know everything. I brought my wifes Jeep at a different dealer than the one that was giving me the run around, they had a better deal and they were a lot nicer. I went back to the crappy dealer three times after I brought the Jeep just to mess with them. They thought they had me on the third night and I just got up and walked out the door with them following and got into my wifes new Jeep. Boy we they angry!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That made my month!!!!!!!


That is what I would have suggested, go back to the crappy dealer and show off the new Jeep.:cheers::rockon::cheers: LOL

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