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VRT problems



Okay I've noticed that my VRT is not lasting more than about a day on my tires, I clean them everytime with APC and a brush, apply VRT with a block sponge in a thin even coat, am I missing something here? (no rain hit them either it is also colder here in the 40's) :help:

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Try doing 2 coats as suggested, then the next wash skip the APC, just use soap and water. Apply another coating then. Theres a good chance the tires are just absorbing the dressing... some seem to do that for whatever reason and it takes a few treatments to get them to stay dressed and even looking.

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Okay update to TTS, YES I let my tires dry completely before applying the SVRT to answer rick s. I applied a coat let it sit for about an hour then came back and hit them again = result was it looks alot better and is alot more noticable on the tire. I think next time I will even try three coats and wash the tire with CS not with APC. :jester:


I use car shampoo to clean my wheels every time and one coat of SVRT makes them POP!



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Okay update to TTS, YES I let my tires dry completely before applying the SVRT to answer rick s. I applied a coat let it sit for about an hour then came back and hit them again = result was it looks alot better and is alot more noticable on the tire. I think next time I will even try three coats and wash the tire with CS not with APC. :jester:

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Sorry. I'm asking the original poster if he's letting the tires completely dry after he washes the car before he applies SVRT.


I usually do the trim and tires last to give them as long as possible to dry. If they are mostly dry you will be fine. If they are a little wet you may need 2 or more applications as the water will dilute SVRT a little. I just picked up the Adam's Blaster Sidekick by MetroVac to alleviate this issue. :D

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Also, different tires react differently to the SVRT.


I see this too, my summer Vredestein tires are not thirsty and one coat at a time will do it, maybe 2 at most. On the other day, my moms sky redline with 3 coats and it hardly starts to show up. Just going to be trial and error of finding what works for you like others have said.


Thirsty Tire Syndrome.


Its like an alcoholic tire problem haha. TTS is serious problem among tires, one not to be joked about :lolsmack::jester: haha

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Eureka that makes sense because I used to use OTC brand before I found Adam's they must like it so much they just eat it up within a day :lol:, I plan on taking my rims off soon and doing a full clean/strip, Americana or QS on them so from there on forward ill just wash them with car wash soap and water with a foaming sprayer:thumbsup:

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Also, different tires react differently to the SVRT. I know that my tires on my car (BFG) it makes them look super dark and almost wet and even after 2 washes with APC they still look darker than the inside wall of the tires. On the other hand, the tires on my truck (no name tires my grandpa had purchased) tend to not get as dark or as wet. I think I'll do two (2) coats the next time I do the truck tires.

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i've found that the rubber absorbs a lot of the dressing right after a thorough wash with APC. 2 coats initially, and sometimes even a 3rd the next day is what i usually do.


the unique thing about SVRT is its water-based, not silicone based like most over-the-counter tire shines. those silicone based ones just sit on the rubber and clog up the pores, which can lead to dry rotting.

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I'm using SVRT,I prep the tire before with APC and a brush so there sqeaky clean for the SVRT, im thinking next time ill try 2 very thin coats giving 5 mins between coats, and I will advise my results


That's the process I generally use with great results. :thumbsup:

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Sometimes 2 thin coats is necessary to make the tires look "done". Like mentioned, you're not going to get a super shiny look. They are going to look like clean rubber with a subtle satin appearance.


And just checking, you're taking about SVRT and not the old formula VRT, correct?


That's my question as well.

How did you clean the tires prior to application?

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Sometimes 2 thin coats is necessary to make the tires look "done". Like mentioned, you're not going to get a super shiny look. They are going to look like clean rubber with a subtle satin appearance.


And just checking, you're taking about SVRT and not the old formula VRT, correct?

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