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ANOTHER Shooting!


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It happened not far from my home this morning. A man went nuts and drove down the road, met up with a man and his son in law who were heading out for Christmas shopping and just shot them both to death. This guy then drove to a local church, looked into the window and saw a woman decorating the church and killed her as well. State troopers chased him in their cars, he opened fire on them and wounded three of the troopers who continued on despite their injuries until they stopped and killed the gunman. One trooper received a bullet wound to his wrist and face, another glass in his eyes and a gun wound, and another was shot twice in the chest but had his protective vest on.

To me, these officers are true heroes. They saved any number of lives today. What this man's motives were behind the shootings is unknown, but the town it happened in is more of a hamlet it's so small. There is literally only one road through the town. Guess it can happen anywhere.

But to anyone here who is a police officer, state trooper, or involved in law enforcement,.........THANK YOU! :patriot:

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It happened not far from my home this morning. A man went nuts and drove down the road, met up with a man and his son in law who were heading out for Christmas shopping and just shot them both to death. This guy then drove to a local church, looked into the window and saw a woman decorating the church and killed her as well. State troopers chased him in their cars, he opened fire on them and wounded three of the troopers who continued on despite their injuries until they stopped and killed the gunman. One trooper received a bullet wound to his wrist and face, another glass in his eyes and a gun wound, and another was shot twice in the chest but had his protective vest on.

To me, these officers are true heroes. They saved any number of lives today. What this man's motives were behind the shootings is unknown, but the town it happened in is more of a hamlet it's so small. There is literally only one road through the town. Guess it can happen anywhere.

But to anyone here who is a police officer, state trooper, or involved in law enforcement,.........THANK YOU! :patriot:


12 years of law enforcement so far here, in south fla. thx for your support!

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I'am convinced the Holiday's make people go crazy. Even though this should be a happy time of year. The commercialization of Christmas has made people behave in ways they wouldn't normally. The stress becomes too much and they snap.

Edited by LFairbanks
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By the way, did my previous post make me look anti-gun? I am not. Not at all. I was actually happy about the armed response, but I can see how what I wrote may have looked sarcastic. There needs to be a sarcasm font!


Didn't take it anti gun at all. Actually read it as pro gun. Just was making a comment.

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its a shame that of all times of year we have so many horrible things happening.


I also hate that tragedies are now a platform for BOTH sides to get their arguments regarding gun control out there.


One side saying BAN ALL GUNS another side saying GIVE EVERYONE A GUN... how about we focus on the heart of the issue:


MENTAL HEALTH. A sane person doesn't go on a rampage... they don't grab a gun and shoot up a school... if guns were banned they'd find another way to hurt innocent people. How about we as a society start to pay attention to mental health rather than avoiding it. So many people are not comfortable with confronting things like this before they get out of hand... if parents were tuned in, if families paid attention, and if they weren't afraid to step in BEFORE something went wrong we'd have far fewer incidents like this.

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I heard about that. The more publicity we keep giving these guys, the more will seek it out by doing something worse. Don't have the answer, but we need to look at how other countries handle similar crimes and maybe adopt their punishments! Cause what we have here isn't working!

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I heard about that. The more publicity we keep giving these guys, the more will seek it out by doing something worse. Don't have the answer, but we need to look at how other countries handle similar crimes and maybe adopt their punishments! Cause what we have here isn't working!


Agreed! The way the media reports these stories makes them look like the evil villain as opposed to nobodies. They glorify them in a way that makes other crazies want to do the same.

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