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I am getting ready to purchase a 2011 Corvette Grand Sport. The car is immaculate. The seller said he uses only Zaino on it. I only use Adams products. Question- can I put Adams on top of the Zainowith no side effects? If not, how would I get the Zaino off the car? I remember reading somewhere about a Palmolive method. Any ideas? Thanks

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Second Corvette, NEVER used Zaino..........ONLY Adam's, so I have nothing to compare the two. But from all the posts I've read about Z and how many steps, and how hard it is to use, and how expensive, you'll be glad you tried Adam's.  Excellent products, great protection for your car, and so darn easy to put on and wipe off you'll have tons of extra time for driving that beast! 

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I am getting ready to purchase a 2011 Corvette Grand Sport. The car is immaculate. The seller said he uses only Zaino on it. I only use Adams products. Question- can I put Adams on top of the Zainowith no side effects? If not, how would I get the Zaino off the car? I remember reading somewhere about a Palmolive method. Any ideas? Thanks


As others have mentioned... Palmolive isn't the method for stripping your finish. If you do use dish soap the only one thats really effective is the original blue dawn. Brands like palmolive have moisturizers, lotions, and other things that will just add oily residues to your car. 


APC mixed in with your car wash is still (IMHO) the most effective and customizable way to go. 


As for the NEED to strip wash... it's probably not going to be the end of the world if you work over the existing coats of Zaino, but its not ideal. There have been instances where Z hasn't played nice with natural carnauba toppers. 

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