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Mental prep before I perform my first detail.....



Hi everyone. I am going to be doing my first detail soon and wanted to make sure I have the correct order of things.


1 wash

2 dry

3 vrt and wheel cleaning/dressing

4 masking tape

5 polish/paint correction

6 wash and dry

7 seal

8 glaze

9 wax


Have I missed anything?


Also, can I seal and glaze chrome wheels and trim? If not, what does everyone suggest for those areas?

Edited by DaveyT
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You are forgetting to clay, which is the most important step if you are going to be performing paint correction. There is a bunch of stuff stuck to your clearcoat that traditional washing will not remove - brake dust particles, environmental contaminants, etc.



Clay after washing. You can leave the rinse water on the surface of the vehicle to save time. Other than that, your steps are right, and like Eric said you don't need to wash the vehicle again after polishing, a wipedown with WW will suffice.


You can seal and glaze any shiny surface. Glaze on chrome will melt your face 

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Don't VRT things you plan to tape off! I think that goes without saying... But... I think the reason for doing tires and some trim first it to make polish or wax removal if on those items, easier when you're done.

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I would do a 50/50 IPA wipedown after polishing to inspect the surface, Waterless wash is good but I'd wipe down with IPA after polishing.


I would also spend a hefty amount of time on the decon step, your polishing and sealing abilities are nothing if you have contaminants on the surface.



Have any of you actually tried to remove Liquid Paint Sealant or Quick Sealant with a strip wash of APC?  You'd be fairly surprised to know that its not as easy as just a couple oz. of APC in the wash bucket, that stuff chemically bonds to the paint lol!  I usually don't strip wash just because my decon and polishing takes care of the "prior layers" so to speak of product, but then again I also don't load the paint up with 2 different waxes, 3 layers of glaze etc.


Product buildup shouldn't occur with a bi-yearly application of sealant and a quarterly application of Buttery, Americana. or Patriot as a topper wax.

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Biggest thing is honestly just to go slow and take your time. We can all sit here and give you advice about what to do for days, but until you go out there and experience it for yourself it won't matter. Take your time, have fun, enjoy your car and the process, and let us know how it goes! :)

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Honestly though, drink plenty of fluids (water if possible) and take breaks.  It's a long tedious job and taking a break is a good idea.  


I spent the better part of two days doing my G8 last weekend and I took several breaks.  Plus it gave me time to see my family which is nice. 

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Honestly though, drink plenty of fluids (water if possible) and take breaks.  It's a long tedious job and taking a break is a good idea.  


I spent the better part of two days doing my G8 last weekend and I took several breaks.  Plus it gave me time to see my family which is nice. 

or if the in-laws are in town...perfect timing to detail the cars!!!

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