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First Polisher...



I haven't even gotten my first order from Adam's and I'm already looking at my wifes car and seeing where a polisher would go a long way. My car is fresh from the dealer and hasnt seen an auto wash unless they used one at the dealer... But my wifes car I'm afraid before I found the light has seen its fair share of auto washes, and now that I know what I am looking for, it shows. 


I've been watching a lot (ok all..) of the polisher videos and still undecided on what a good first effective polisher is. I've narrowed it down to the Cyclo or the Rupes Bigfoot 15. Is it safe to say that for a first polisher, either one is a safe bet? The stories of the PorterCable shaking people into near carpal tunnel have pretty much told me that "value" DA polishers are off of the list. I'm typically one of the "if I'm going to do it, lets do it right" mindset kind of guys. 


I only intend to use said polisher on my own cars however, since I know myself, know that I'll probably hit up some friends and family for some side cash on the weekends. For the Daily Drivers (everything from Toyotas to my moms SRX) will the Cyclo always be enough? OR is the Bigfoot 15 a safer bet? 

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They are both great machines. The cyclo runs silky smooth and if you are to turn the machine sideways you can work it as a 4 inch polishing area which is an advantage. That being said I really like the Rupes 15 as well, it corrects fairly quickly and runs pretty smooth. With the correct pad and polish combo both machines can correct a fair amount. Tough choice but I think I would go Cyclo for my first polisher.

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With comfort as well as machine capability a concern you mentioned, I would vote for the Cyclo.


I have one, it is a great tool, and with the optional brush attachments, has many other uses besides correcting and polishing.


In my opinion, it gives you more bang for the buck with the added capabilities.


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I was in the same boat as you, I stumbled upon adams and did my first polish by hand on my brand new truck and quickly realized I needed a DA Polisher if I really wanted to get it to look perfect. I bought the PC in April and it was great at correcting my wife's car, the only problem is the vibration gets to you after a while and you might even feel it the next morning.


I wanted to upgrade and was debating between the Cyclo and the Rupes Bigfoot 15, ultimately I decided on the Rupes 15 for a couple of reasons...... people say it has a little more correcting power than the Cyclo (I know my vehicles are in good shape, but I've done a few friends vehicles for $$$ and they had a lot of swirls from bad washing habits, so I wanted that ability), both machines have the same throw and I like that it has a narrower profile compared to the Cyclo.


I didn't get a chance to use it until last week......I did a full paint correction on my truck and the difference was night and day. The Rupes 15 has so much less vibration and it was really comfortable and enjoyable to use. Whatever you do I'd say don't bother getting a PC and put the money towards the Rupes or Cyclo.

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^^Agreed.  And its a machine that does a whole heck of a lot and will last.  I still have my PC I use for 4" pads now since I have another machine, its 10 years old and going strong.


Its also half the price of entry.  Sure it vibrates a bit but its really not bad and very much in control with smaller pads.

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Grab the 15 and PC or just the Cyclo.  You would then have the same capabilities with either group.  Or grab the 21 or the Flex and the PC.  


There are several ways to get you where you need to be.  All of them are good choices. It just comes down to what is best for you. 

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Grab the 15 and PC or just the Cyclo.  You would then have the same capabilities with either group.  Or grab the 21 or the Flex and the PC.  



This would be my recommendation if it is in the budget.  PC for small areas and for a brush, Rupes/Flex for the bigger stuff.

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We've used the PC, Cyclo, FLEX and Rupes bigfoot 21 and I personally love the Rupes the most.  This one is going to be best, especially for a beginner looking for quick correction.  PC is cheap but you'll pay in vibration, and Flex is awesome, but a bit more aggressive for a beginner.  Cyclo is awesome for easy jobs, but overall the Rupes is the best bet, IMO.

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