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Adam's Supplies Winter Storage



I've been detailing my Bullitt, getting it ready for winter storage, and I got to thinking... We spend so much time getting our cars ready for winter storage, but what is the best thing to do with all of our Adam's products over the winter? Would they be fine if I left them out in the garage over a cold, Michigan winter? Or should they always be stored indoors over the winter? I could put them up in my attic over the winter if they should not be kept outdoors.

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Most of my waxes/conditioners/sealants most of the thicker products I have in a closet in my house. I'm probably going to end up moving everything inside because I don't want my dog getting into it and getting sick. She's already tried to get my Pumpkin spice Detail Spray.

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Speaking from experience, bring indoors.  I lost half a gallon of detail spray and shampoo last year.  Detail spray turned into a redish color and wouldn't come off the car right anymore.  Shampoo seemed to be ok, but was not foaming as much.  Decided to just get new and toss the old. 

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