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New but already sold out products or coming soon?



Not on website in a week until this morning and I saw these...all show sold out. Where they super limited, super hot or just coming soon?


Might have gotten a hoodie for working in the shop and always looking to add a sticker or two to detail cart.


The shoe cleaner looks to be a another diversion from core auto detailing products or maybe reformulated and repackaged foaming leather cleaner. R




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I am in my 20s, I know the hype of trying to reach out to the younger consumer. I am also a business student, and Adams has themselves dead center of a business fad. Will their profits go up with these collaborations? Yes, but that will at some point plateau and then sales will begin to decrease. Why? Young people will always be after the newest thing. We have seen countless numbers of fads come and go, but most don't stick around. If Adams wants to succeed in the long-run I feel they need to come out with a different strategy aside from "trying to keep up with the young people." Should they collaborate? Of course, however collaborations with perhaps another charity, remember folds of honor, or even furthering their involvement with big car companies such as Ford or Mercedes would be in my opinion a better decision. Eventually another car detailing company will either arise, or another company will come up with a clever marketing gimmick, and Adams will have to hope that their established customer base will ride out with them long enough to see that profits will remain steady even after the fad wears off. I can't say that I agree the collaborations were successful, most ASSC products ended up on eBay, and with the untamed collaboration only the hoodies and air fresheners sold out on the actual untamed website. I've just noticed a decline in Adams quality as far as shipments and order accuracy, and an increase in negative comments and feedback since Adams has begun pursuing these collaborations.

I am in my 20s, I know the hype of trying to reach out to the younger consumer. I am also a business student, and Adams has themselves dead center of a business fad. Will their profits go up with these collaborations? Yes, but that will at some point plateau and then sales will begin to decrease. Why? Young people will always be after the newest thing. We have seen countless numbers of fads come and go, but most don't stick around. If Adams wants to succeed in the long-run I feel they need to come out with a different strategy aside from "trying to keep up with the young people." Should they collaborate? Of course, however collaborations with perhaps another charity, remember folds of honor, or even furthering their involvement with big car companies such as Ford or Mercedes would be in my opinion a better decision. Eventually another car detailing company will either arise, or another company will come up with a clever marketing gimmick, and Adams will have to hope that their established customer base will ride out with them long enough to see that profits will remain steady even after the fad wears off. I can't say that I agree the collaborations were successful, most ASSC products ended up on eBay, and with the untamed collaboration only the hoodies and air fresheners sold out on the actual untamed website. I've just noticed a decline in Adams quality as far as shipments and order accuracy, and an increase in negative comments and feedback since Adams has begun pursuing these collaborations.

I don't see how you get all this based on a promotion, marketing 101 is to get your name out to as many people as possible. I've been around a while now and have seen how the Adams team works other forums, car shows and various detail clinics and at some point if you want to grow your business you need to reach out to other markets. Sometimes you win and sometimes things don't work out like you want but imho with all the new media out there today you'd be a fool not to use them.

Look at the music industry, there is many collaborations between different genres that for some reason work. Also you may or may not know Adams and GM have a product line already, they've done promotional work with Fallen Heros Fund,breast cancer,prostrate cancer etc

On a side note are you MrElusive from YouTube that seemed to have an addiction to wheel cleaners a few years ago?

Edited by vobro
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I don't see how you get all this based on a promotion, marketing 101 is to get your name out to as many people as possible. I've been around a while now and have seen how the Adams team works other forums, car shows and various detail clinics and at some point if you want to grow your business you need to reach out to other markets. Sometimes you win and sometimes things don't work out like you want but imho with all the new media out there today you'd be a fool not to use them.

Look at the music industry, there is many collaborations between different genres that for some reason work. Also you may or may not know Adams and GM have a product line already, they've done promotional work with Fallen Heros Fund,breast cancer,prostrate cancer etc

On a side note are you MrElusive from YouTube that seemed to have an addiction to wheel cleaners a few years ago?

I could go on for days about the holes I see in their marketing strategy, but as a hopeful future business consultant I'm not going to give out all of my advice for free lol. On that side note, no lol, im actually a woman.
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It's not about the products to me, more the ideals at this point. You can get good detailing supplies anywhere. Adams has an ability to maintain brand name loyalists, no matter the price tag. When their normally reciprocal loyalty to us shifts away to punk kids and the next big thing, well that's pretty much sucks. And I'm pretty sure that's where the base is faltering currently. There's always going to be the hard core loyalists that have been around since the beginning. But those of us that have only been around a few years and have lost a little bit of trust in the Adams line.. well that's where the company will lose big in the long run. This constantly chasing the latest fad is going to be a never ending challenge for the company. I'll be curious to see how it affects them years down the road.

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Ahhhh damn! ;(


I would also like to know what happened to all the forum members, it feels like a ghost town in here. Nate Dawg, Chris, kevin, churro boy, they all seemed to dissappear in the last few months I've noticed it's been real quiet on the forums, anybody anybody, Bueller Bueller?



It's not about the products to me, more the ideals at this point. You can get good detailing supplies anywhere. Adams has an ability to maintain brand name loyalists, no matter the price tag. When their normally reciprocal loyalty to us shifts away to punk kids and the next big thing, well that's pretty much sucks. And I'm pretty sure that's where the base is faltering currently. There's always going to be the hard core loyalists that have been around since the beginning. But those of us that have only been around a few years and have lost a little bit of trust in the Adams line.. well that's where the company will lose big in the long run. This constantly chasing the latest fad is going to be a never ending challenge for the company. I'll be curious to see how it affects them years down the road.

Edited by ocdrifter
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We were all "punk kids" at one point........ a company should bring a diverse product offering to the table, Adams does that.  you choose with your wallet if a product is a seller or not.  They continue to improve there "core" products, which is what there "core" consumer wants.  At one point people were up in arms over "pumpkin spice" detail spray....  

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My former "punk-kid" status notwithstanding, I'm sure if the Adam's Polishes we know and love today was around in the late '90s, everyone (myself included) would be losing their minds if there was a collaboration with some uber-fad brand like JNCO jeans.  That's exactly how I see the collaborations with these ridiculous brands.

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Lol the funniest thing is is that I'm 25 and I'm literally hearing about all these fad brands for the first time. Pretty sure they're for kids that are a little bit out there, to put it gently.


I mean for crying out loud we can't even get a normal ballcap on here!

Edited by Mariner
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For the record, I was never a punk kid, or chased any fads...except for that one pair of parachute pants. And the Kangaroo shoes. And the big sub-woofer in my first car.


Wolf, please tell me you had a mullet.  When I was in college, we not only had mullets but permed the back to emphasize it even more.

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