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Who here got their H1N1 shot?


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I have a serious issue with vaccinations in general so I definitely never entertained the idea of an H1N1 shot. I firmly believe we are vaccinating and medicating ourselves to death, including the obsessive use of anti-bacterial products.


Think about it, what do all the anti-bacterial soaps, cleaners, and wipes promise? "Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria" well great!! That leaves the strongest .1% of the germ & bacteria community behind... the worst of the worst. In the meantime we mindlessly subject ourselves to an annual flu shot which is nothing more than a mildly good guess as to what strain will be prevalent this year.


As long as its been my decision to make I've not gotten any kind of vaccinations and guess what... I rarely get sick. The company I work for issues free flu shots at the start of each flu season... everyone except myself and another guy who shares my outlook on this topic chose to participate. Guess who the only 2 people who didn't catch a flu bug this year were? The same story the year before. My wife even gets a flu shot each year and gets sick... I don't even catch what she has sharing the same house. She gives me a hard time about my "super immune system" but I believe its no accident.


Annually getting an injection of a weakend influenza is a short term way to keep from getting sick. Think of your immune system as a MMA fighter... if you make him practice each year agains sub par, weaklings, and unskilled fighters he won't be ready for the challenge when he has to face the real thing. I think of my immune system the same way... let it fight off viruses and bacteria on its own... the way nature designed it to. That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.


And on that note I will step down from my soap box :D

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I didn't get one. I caught it last June at a conference before the shot was available. Like Nightmare said, it wasn't horrible, except for being stuck in my hotel room for a few days. Wasn't the best trip I've been on.


I wouldn't have gotten it anyway. I'm on board with what Dylan posted. You have to build up your immune system and let it stay strong. The vaccines just mask the weakness and don't let them strengthen. Best thing I ever did was data a girl who worked in a hospital, back in 97. Was the worst winter of my life, I was sick constantly. It really paid off in the long run though. I've barely been sick in 12 years since. I haven't had the flu other than last summer and a cold in 03 and 06. Not a bad trade off.

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No vaccine here. Just my 2cents, but that whole thing was blown way out of proportion. If you are elderly or have some existing respiratory problems, then maybe. Proper nutrition, 7-8 hrs of sleep daily keep the immune system strong. Just think if the media devoted as much hype to obesity as they did H1N1. IMO, that's a REAL problem with long term health effects not just a week or two with H1N1. I worked in an elementary school recently and could not believe how many portly kids there were. Not to go off in a different direction, but if you think our health care is expensive now, wait till these kids are in their 50's. Now it's computer and video games instead of outdoor activity. Oh well that's all for now.

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I have a serious issue with vaccinations in general so I definitely never entertained the idea of an H1N1 shot. I firmly believe we are vaccinating and medicating ourselves to death, including the obsessive use of anti-bacterial products.


Think about it, what do all the anti-bacterial soaps, cleaners, and wipes promise? "Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria" well great!! That leaves the strongest .1% of the germ & bacteria community behind... the worst of the worst. In the meantime we mindlessly subject ourselves to an annual flu shot which is nothing more than a mildly good guess as to what strain will be prevalent this year.


As long as its been my decision to make I've not gotten any kind of vaccinations and guess what... I rarely get sick. The company I work for issues free flu shots at the start of each flu season... everyone except myself and another guy who shares my outlook on this topic chose to participate. Guess who the only 2 people who didn't catch a flu bug this year were? The same story the year before. My wife even gets a flu shot each year and gets sick... I don't even catch what she has sharing the same house. She gives me a hard time about my "super immune system" but I believe its no accident.


Annually getting an injection of a weakend influenza is a short term way to keep from getting sick. Think of your immune system as a MMA fighter... if you make him practice each year agains sub par, weaklings, and unskilled fighters he won't be ready for the challenge when he has to face the real thing. I think of my immune system the same way... let it fight off viruses and bacteria on its own... the way nature designed it to. That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.


And on that note I will step down from my soap box :D



I could not agree with you more. My X's solution to everything was medication. She always medicated and always seemed sick. I, on the other hand, almost never medicated and almost never got sick. On the rare occasions that I did get sick, it would have to really knock me off my feet before I would take anything.

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My brother is a marine and he caught it before he got the shot.


I only go to a dr if I'm really sick which happens 2-3x a year. I have cronic bronchititus(spelling?) and if I don't go get meds it turns into phenmonia(spelling again lol) and that put me in the ER hooked up to every machine and a 800$ copay last year because I tried to just tough it out. Actually my dr said I only caught H1N1 because that weakened my system so much.

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