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Remember this?



Remember when the Mr. Clean Car Wash System came out? They sold for close to $40 and up. We were at the mall tonight and our Boscov's store has them for sale for $3.99! Guess they didn't work quite so well after all! :lolsmack:



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When this first came out I used it a lot as it did reduce water spots due to my L.A hard water. The problem of course was they got you on the filters and with our water they gunked up pretty quick. But until they did it worked well for me. This was many years before the advent of Adams.

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I had one and liked it...really nice for a black car. What turned me off was having to buy the refills for $10. Also the water that came out of it was barely a mist....not enough to rinse the car so you had to have the car thoroughly rinsed before using the Mr Clean system. It did prevent water spots but so does drying your car with one of Adam's towels.

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It does work... I remember my Dad and I trying it out when they launched. It just filters the water and has something in the soap that makes the water sheet instead of bead. Long story short - yes it works, but the refill filters are $7-10 and only last a few washes.


And that's the reason I quit using it years ago.


I got one of those at Walmart for $3 on sale. Haven't tried it yet. I'm afraid to use our well water on my Camaro. I always take it to the wand wash in town and just use the "rinse" setting for clean water. I don't use any chemicals from the wand wash. Only Adam's stuff for my baby.


I was hoping the Mr. Clean thing would work though. I'd have to use it for everything and not just the rinse though. Our water is horrible here. Maybe I'll try it on my DD. Once again, my DD will sacrifice itself for the sake of the Camaro.


Isn't that what a DD is for. Sacrifices for the pride and joy?


Yea, but does Mr. Clean have a forum as cool as this one??? :jester:


I doubt it. This is definitely the cleanest and most fun forum I pay attention to :thumbsup:

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Get an RV water filter and put it on your hose. Its a better filter and will last more than a few washes. They are less than $10 at Wally World. I get a new one each trip fr the RV and then use it to wash cars. My well water is hard and put horrible spots on my truck. I started to use that when I got my Sky and no spots. Adams PC with swirl and haze remover fixed the truck and Malibu so now I use the filter all the time. And with that filter you can still use Adams Car Shampoo.

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I had that when it came out years ago. It worked but I remember that the "filtered" water stream that came out was so useless I could've hand dried the car in the time it took to rinse the car off.

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I had one of those back when my truck was new (2004). I was using Zaino products at the time. I think the Mr. Clean soap had some kind of reaction with the wax, because it left a bunch of tiny spots all over the truck. :eek:


The soap had a special polymer in it or something, kind of like the kinds you'd find at waterless car wash. It was a Rain-X type product if I remember correctly... different types of polymers will react to eachother. That, combined with the fact that when you use Zaino, that's basically all you should use, probably contributed to your splotchiness.


Zaino is a cult! But then again, so is Adam's. :D But at least Adam's is safe with other products, haha.

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I had one of those back when my truck was new (2004). I was using Zaino products at the time. I think the Mr. Clean soap had some kind of reaction with the wax, because it left a bunch of tiny spots all over the truck. :eek:

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In case you guys are wondering, it does work pretty great. But the filter they have clogs up pretty quick, and the system wastes a lot of car wash. It does, however, leave a (virtually) spotless shine without any drying. If anything at all, the system is worth it for rinsing down the car with the filtered water.


The importing this, though, is that it DOES work as advertised. At least, it did for me, on a black car in the sun.


Agreed the rinising part does work well i have one and but haven't used it in awhile when i did use it i only soaped the car a few times with it and then washed with mitt and then rinsed but the last few times i used it i just used the rinse function which didn't leave spots or streaks when it dried. the thing did leak which considering it was cheap plastic, didn't surprise me

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In case you guys are wondering, it does work pretty great. But the filter they have clogs up pretty quick, and the system wastes a lot of car wash. It does, however, leave a (virtually) spotless shine without any drying. If anything at all, the system is worth it for rinsing down the car with the filtered water.


The important this, though, is that it DOES work as advertised. At least, it did for me, on a black car in the sun.

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My dad bought one of these when they came out! They worked pretty good but the filters were like $10 to replace and you had to buy their soap or it got clogged which cost another $10. Each was good for about 3 washes....

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I got one of those at Walmart for $3 on sale. Haven't tried it yet. I'm afraid to use our well water on my Camaro. I always take it to the wand wash in town and just use the "rinse" setting for clean water. I don't use any chemicals from the wand wash. Only Adam's stuff for my baby.


I was hoping the Mr. Clean thing would work though. I'd have to use it for everything and not just the rinse though. Our water is horrible here. Maybe I'll try it on my DD. Once again, my DD will sacrifice itself for the sake of the Camaro.

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I remember that.


Mr. Clean products really do not work very well. IMO


I've heard that the Magic Eraser thingy works wonders on suspension...and with exposed components on the C4...it helps...


HOWEVER....APC and some general buffing with a rag (yes a rag, not a MF) I get outstanding results.

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It does work... I remember my Dad and I trying it out when they launched. It just filters the water and has something in the soap that makes the water sheet instead of bead. Long story short - yes it works, but the refill filters are $7-10 and only last a few washes.

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There was a guy across the street from me that used it on his Nova GTX (or something like that)...black car, looked great. Never had a chance to ask him about it, but I had my doubts about the super drying claims. Never tried one.

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