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Everything posted by Redbeard

  1. Did you tell him the interior might stay clean if he stops parking it in a pasture with the windows down (I'm guessing)?
  2. Maybe he'll pay you to correct their damage. :pc7424:
  3. It can seem confusing at first, but remember sealant goes on "bare" paint to protect your correcting/polishing work. Glaze lasts longer when applied before wax, but it will still melt faces when applied on top of the wax.
  4. I'm hoping for an Adam's TV show. Start growing that beard, Mook!
  5. Also, the tag on the radio knob reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-NgeXl-PPA&feature=player_detailpage
  6. This is why I could never make a living as a professional detailer. I would gladly pay the owner for the privilege of spending quality time with that work of art.
  7. I can't believe you were able to wash and wax that beast in 5 hours! It takes me half that just to wash my normal-size truck!
  8. With a name like Sturgis and living in York, do you have a H-D in the garage?
  9. I just saw a new Viper rumbling down the street when I went outside for lunch. I tried not to make direct eye contact, but I couldn't look away.
  10. Yes, definitely clay the glass. You should be able to skip right to polish, but if it's especially rough, do a section with Swirl & Haze and see if that makes a difference. The sealant is a good idea, and the Brilliant Glaze won't last too long but it will add "depth" to the glass.
  11. Here, here! And your company is proof that the American Dream is still alive and well!
  12. Gorgeous! I've admired those online and didn't realize there were any sold in the US. And I'm not sure which pads your machine uses, but this and this should get you started. :pc7424:
  13. I met Chip several times at the SEMA show, and he always seemed genuinely happy to be there interacting with people. His "handlers" had a hard time keeping him moving because he'd stop and talk with anyone. I also met Boyd once and he was the total opposite. During his autograph session he'd just sign without really saying anything, and he didn't smile for anyone's picure.
  14. Congrats Dylan! The Adams family is booming this year! Words of wisdom.
  15. . And remember, Single/Double Soft towels make great blankies.
  16. Is he too young to remember his first burnout?
  17. Thanks for sharing, Mook; GoodGuys events never disappoint! I need to make it to the one in Ft Worth this fall.
  18. Subscribe (follow) the Daily Special thread here: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/17471-adams-daily-special-a-new-deal-each-weekday/
  19. Exploring the beautiful countryside with your family, that's what it's all about, right there!
  20. Done with the sandbox, now on to the shoe box! Welcome home, man!
  21. Congrats on the new detailer! Have you tested the absorbency of the Great White towels as diapers?
  22. Why doesn't Dylan's beard have a username on the forum? TheBeard@Adams would have the last word in all discussions! .
  23. Very nice! I bet she didn't even look that good back in the 80s.
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