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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Great photos Scotty!   Man, that looks like some mighty fresh air too.....funny to see the highest peak east of the Mississippi is under 7K feet... 


    God Bless the USA!!!

  2. Gotcha, well, sorry KT, we blew it!   Our site charged you $9.95 in shipping, and the actual charges are closer to your order total.  We will work to have your order fulfilled through Joseph there in Australia.

    Certainly, we'd be happy to organize the details with you, and our email address is: orders@adamspolishes.com


    Sorry again for the confusion, and let's get your goods shipped from your side of the pond!

  3. Sure wish we could offer an option that was domestic, or even made anywhere that pays a globally responsible working wage.   There is massive space to sell a $100 - $175 orbital, and we would sell thousands of them.   


    I appreciate and understand people buying and using the GG orbital, it's a great tool for the money.   If I didn't lay awake in bed, annoyed at the thought of selling Chinese imports, and refuse to pay for foreign oil used to power the freight ships across the pond, we would sell a similar tool. 


    Lots of things we don don't make any financial sense.  I just need to sleep well, and when I need to transfer money into the business bank from our personal account to make payroll, trust me, we are tempted to sell inexpensive imports, and profit like crazy!

  4. still waiting for my order to ship since orderd on 20/9. credit card already charged on 1/10 and still show processing.  contacted but no further feedback since 30/9 by Ben from my email communication... sent another reminder email on 10/10.  Please let me know what's going on...



    Hello KT, from Down Under!  Is it just warming up in Australia?    I'm sorry for the hassle here!   I tried to find your order, but at least with your email address that you use here on the forum, we don't have an order from you!  


    Did you order through our Australian Distributor maybe?  That's the way to go, much less expensive shipping, and instead of 2-3weeks shipping, it's only a few days.


    If so,reach out to Joseph, and I'm sure he will get you covered!adamspolishesaustralia@live.com.au


    If you ordered from us, certainly, it takes forever to ship from here to Australia, and I appreciate your patience!

  5. Thanks friends, and remember, if you bought something from us, and it fails, we are going to stand behind it.  We are not going to say, "Oh, bummer, you are on your own.  Call the mfg, and they will handle it."


    That's not how we roll, and anyone that has had an issue with any of our products will confirm this.  


    One of the reasons we now sell the Cyclo:  It's an incredibly sturdy machine, and no matter how hard it's used, abused, and trashed, it lives on!


    We are still going to guarantee everything we sell with a 110% Guarantee.   The power tool warranties have been abused like crazy, and we cannot continue to replace machines that have been used / abused, and are then returned, completely clapped out.   (The majority of our returns on machines were units that were used professionally, clapped out, and up for replacement.)


    Suppose that's why cars have a warranty that expresses both a number of years, or miles, whichever comes first.  How realistic is the customer who takes his/her car into the dealership for a warranty repair with 110K miles on the clock?   Are they really surprised, or just bummed to learn the warranty ended 50K or 60K miles ago?  


  6. We actually did 32 and 64oz at one time.  Thing is, it's hard to justify, when gallons are so inexpensive, compared to 16oz...


    Also, the larger the bottle, the more often we get complaints of product going bad.   One winter, or one summer in a hot garage, and many products will change color, consistency, or separate.


    Here's the kicker:  Buy car care products like you buy any perishable food item.  Buy what you need.  Technology is improving so rapidly, and either our formulas, and ours are constantly improving.  


    Unless you are a detailer, or have a collection of vehicles, buy enough goods to get you through a few months.  The next great products are being formulated now, and trust me, we hear customers say, "I wish that I hadn't bought a gallon of the old stuff!!!"  as soon as the new stuff is announced.


    Chemical technology, microfiber technology, and nearly every other thing in our industry is on the move, and it's getting better every day!


    So while you might save a few bucks buying enough stuff for a year, the product will likely be replaced with an improved formula in 3-4 months. 


    Hope I'm making sense here, and if you are running out every month, buy more.  Otherwise, buy quarterly, as besides the improvement in technology, the winter is awful on chemicals. 


    Biggest takeaway from this conversation:  Don't wait to use up your 2-5 year old store bought products, they are ready for the trash TODAY.   They were $5-$10 new, and when we think that people are waiting to use them up, we chuckle, as they expired a long time ago, and chemical technology has improved 10X since then!

  7. Friends, first, thanks for your business!   I'd like to make clear our return policy on polishers, vacuums, etc:  


    Send in your broken polisher or vacuum, that you bought from us before October 11, 2014, and we will send it in for repair, and have it back to you in 2-3 weeks.   While the majority of the returns are with Flex Polishers, we will certainly repair MetroVac's as well.   


    I'm sure you will be amazed to know, we have gotten returns of polishers & vacuums sold by other retailers, years before we offered them, used up, broken, then returned to us for a refund.  (For good reason, nobody else offers a lifetime warranty on power tools.)  That's why we always track serial numbers of units we sell.  


    Certainly, we are the only company that we know, that offered a lifetime warranty on power tools.  Polishers and vacuums die, just like all power tools, with use, and especially, abuse.  


    You should see the Flex that came back today!   Used completely TO DEATH, and certainly, we are going to repair it.  (Bought by a high volume detailer in 2012, who estimated that he did 300-400 vehicles with it.)    Did he get his money worth?  Did the machine perform as advertised, for about $1/ car?  I'd say yes.  Still, we are paying for his refurb, and he will get his machine back asap.


    Adam's is a small, reasonable company.  We offer great products, world class service, but cannot offer repairs or refunds on tools that are used/ abused, literally to death, or sold by another retailer.


    If you purchased a power tool before October 10, 2014, your power tool can be repaired on our dime.  From October 11, 2014, forward, we will honor all manufacturer warranties on power tools.


    Our American Made Cyclo Polishers carry a 3-year, unlimited warranty, and our USA-made MetroVac units carry a 1 year warranty.   We will honor those warranties, as we truly believe in these great American units.


    Thank you again for your business, and understanding.



  8. My Bronco was on a trailer, open, and I was caught in a snow/sleet/rain storm.   Got destroyed, and I put it up on a lift, and used about a gallon of APC, and a few dozen Utility towels to clean the entire belly.  Then, I went with Waterless Wash and about few dozen WW towels.  Finally, I used two cans of Quick Sealant, but had to do it over two days.  No ventilation where the lift is, and breathing in the QS is not good, especially 2 cans at a time!


    Now, I can just blast off the belly with a pressure washer.  Warm water works better, and I take Race Ramps to the coin wash when it's time for a winter blast off!

    My $0.02



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