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Are you a 'typer' or a 'chicken pecker'?

Team Adam's

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My wife will often poke her head into my office late in the evening when I'm responding to emails or putting something together for the forums. Regularly I get a comment about how fast I'm typing... being online 90% of the day as part of my job has forced me to get really fast. Its funny b/c I wouldn't even know how to type if it weren't for the fact that my varsity coach in HS let me be the 'aid' in his typing class in order to score some easy credits (most of the time I just left campus and went to In & Out Burger with some of my buddies or hung out in the parking lot, but I did pick up basic typing skills)


I know I must be flying most of the time for my wife to comment. As the head of HR for a city she regularly administers typing tests.


Curious to see where I stack up I just took an online test and scored 82wpm!!


So how about the rest of your forum junkies? Do you type or are you still using the 2 finger, look at the keys, chicken pecking, method? :D




Take the test at 1 minute and post your results :cheers:

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I got to 65 words with 10 sec left...when my wrist heals and I don't have to wear this brace, LETS RACE YO.


I figure with a healed hand and no impeedment, I can get close to 100. I'm serious!


I did the Astronauts test.

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lmao Rich.. should adjust your forum title accordingly..


I just did a quick one and scored a 64, leaving me with 6 words incorrect (I think Capital letters) leaving me with only a 58.

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84 wpm.


Was at 96 until I hit the punctuation like " and such because I kept making typpos. I usually average around 110 or so when it's normal typing.


I've been on PCs since I was 4 and I am now 23 as of yesterday, lol. I'm in the works to buy this keyboard soon, I love it: Das Keyboard

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