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How Does Adams Do it??


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OK so the businessman in me ponders this every time i use your products...


Do you guys manufacture the products using Chemicals to then formulate into these awesome products?


Do you use an outside blender that manufactures to your specifications?


How do you come up with new products and formulate? IE spray sealant?


If you do have an outside company make it, how do you make sure the formulas are as you developed?


Do you employ a chemist on site to formulate products?


I question this every time, Because i learned early on in business you CANNOT do it all, you keep the people that are experts in what they do And you do what you know how to do (run adams) I know you cant make the MF towels, Brushes ETC...But i would think you could make the liquid products if it were cost effective. Obviously you would have to purchase the bases and then blend them.


Could we get pictures of the warehouse/Offices?? The businessgeek in me wants to see this kind of stuff :lolsmack: Besides i would like to see how and what my money goes too, its gotta be awesome;)


I know in Adam's thread about is SRT8 Jeep that you guys are growing exponentially, Lets keep it this way:thumbsup::xfingers:



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Not so much the secrets, but like a video walk through of the facilities. A "get to know us" type of deal. It would be cool to see the faces of everyone at Adams. I know if we search through threads we can find a couple. But it would be awesome if you had a "About Us" with pics and general info from each of you.


That way you could put a face with a name and get to know y'all besides just a screen name or an "order from" person.

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While it would be exciting to hear and see a lot of this, I wouldn't expect TOOOOO many details boys. With the great success of the company, I know I'd keep a few things hidden up my sleeve. I wouldn't just tell everyone my secrets, lol. A little overview would be VERY cool, I just wouldn't expect nitty gritty details. :)

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While it would be exciting to hear and see a lot of this, I wouldn't expect TOOOOO many details boys. With the great success of the company, I know I'd keep a few things hidden up my sleeve. I wouldn't just tell everyone my secrets, lol. A little overview would be VERY cool, I just wouldn't expect nitty gritty details. :)




No big deal and no "secrets" per se.


The OP asking more about the "routing" process of the company and its products as opposed to secretive formulas and whatnot.


I'm sure Dylan would be more than happy to address the OP's request.


I don't see a problem.

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Ditto... Like a video walk through of the facilities...




But to add to this, it would be cool to see the faces of everyone at Adams. I know if we search through threads we can find a couple. But it would be awesome if you had a "About Us" with pics and general info from each of you.


That way you could put a face with a name and get to know y'all besides just a screen name or an "order from" person.


Someone will post a link soon to a GREAT thread where Adam's family is profiled and revealed.


You'll love it.


Night all.

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Well theres this thread, which is a little out of date, but all the team there is still intact minus Brian whos in the first picture. Not pictured is Lynn who recently came on board and Mook who packs orders and helps out a ton.




As far as how/where we get supplies and product, they come from such a huge assortment of places its hard to even count.


Chemicals are sourced from about 6 different suppliers currently - some blended to our spec and shipped to us, others are multi part or concentrates that are shipped specific to our recipes then we mix/blend in house. Simply depends on what it is... there are certain things we're not equipped (or legally permitted) to store in less than consumer ready form, there are certain things that we mix in house, then there are things that have to be done outside, like quick sealant - where the means to pressurize and can a product are beyond our current scope of capability. All products are our recipes exclusively - contrary to rumors you may hear - each one is our own and unique to Adam's.


All bottling, labeling, plugging & capping work is still done by hand, mostly by Jose.


We enlist the help of a few chemists, each with a different specialty... primarily a product starts as an idea, sometimes a forum suggestion, a discussion, or just the need to tweak or improve an existing product. We work with them to get a rough idea and then with our suppliers to create testers. From there the back and forth begins, products are tweaked, re-tweaked, and tweaked again until we're satisfied before going to production.


As far as the warehouse itself - its not a big place. I think many people get this feeling we're this HUGE company, which we're not... all said and told we have 9 full time people.


You're right - you can't do it all, and its not cost effective to even try for a small outfit like us. We stick to what we know, which is detailing, and work with other people and companies to come up with products that we like, and that we'd use.

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