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What is your career/job?


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So it seems like there hasn't been a thread like this since 08/09 on here if I did my searching right, if not please let me know. Just thought it would be cool to see what every does when they aren't a weekend detail warrior. I can start...


I majored in finance and now I work in stock market surveillance so I look for insider trading, market manipulation, and different trends in the market to catch those doing bad things, kind of like police officers of the stock market. Going for my MBA next year so hopefully it propels me a bit further.

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I am a mobile HVAC specialist. I sell and install mobile refrigeration (Thermo King) along with mobile air conditioning for off road equipment such as mining, railroad and steel industries and I also sell repair and install engine preheat and cabin heating systems for all types of equipment such as logging equipment and or drilling equipment etc.

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I am a Project Manager for a Construction Company that does Residential Sound Abatement around major airports. We make the homes so that the residents can not hear the planes.


They get new doors, windows, HVAC and Electrical upgrades all thanks to the FAA. :2thumbs:


Plus, I am the accountant, purchaser, baby sitter and all around Biotch when I have to be. :D

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Mechanical Engineer, BSME, class of '94, GA Tech

I design 'ground station antenna systems', the larger satellite dishes used for tracking of and communication with satellites. Specifically I design the structure (reflectors, housings, bearings, trailers), and drivetrains (motors, gears, switches), including the analysis and most of the CAD work.

It's mostly commercial business with systems installed all over the world including both poles (and yes, there are forbidden countries we cannot ship to). For example, our systems were the downlink for the vast majority of all the Google Earth images. We provide the upload/downlink for much of DirecTV's HD signals. We just launched our own satellite to provide high-speed internet over satellite for those customers where the cable/dsl infrastructure is not available. (I had nothing to do with the satellite design itself. I just designed the mechanical aspects of the ground stations.)


Here are two of 'my' 7.3meter reflector (24 foot dia.) trailer systems (one stowed on the right, and one in 'erected' configuration). It's kind of like a big Transformer robot, but the erecting process is not fully automated. We design systems from 1 foot diameter to 60 foot.



This is an artist rendering of our satellite in space:



This is one of 'my' 13.6meter (45 foot) systems being installed in a big radome on Pillar Point outside of San Francisco. That's a 62foot diameter sphere for size reference.




.....and NO, I can't get you free cable. :jester:

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Technology Coordinator for a school district.


We have 4 schools with over 1500 students, 100 teachers, and about 50 support staff.


We have over 500 Mac Computers, over 200 iOS devices, over 300 PC's and a combination of roughly 35 Mac/PC servers.





That's my mess of a desk area on a typical day lol. I felt obligated to post a picture of something since SOMEONE else put pictures of his cool satellites.




And if anyone has ever wondered... A school district usually goes through about $15,000 in toner for printers a year. Now you know! :jester:



EDIT: I dont know how I forgot this... I'm also a Part Time Firefighter/EMT



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I had a nice career but after winning the Powerball I retired and now smoke a lot of weed and play golf every day.


Thats what I plan for my life :D.


But anyways, im a fulltime student at Michigan State. part time golf course hustler/car detailer in the summer for cash to last me through the school year haha. Btw AudiOx did your company do the large spheres around Pearl Harbor? I thought those were for missile detection across the states.

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...... I felt obligated to post a picture of something since SOMEONE else put pictures of his cool satellites. ......:jester:


Sorry. :o

It's just hard to explain what I do in text. After 3 words, folks just glaze over. A couple of pictures makes a LOT more sense. Though I am proud of 'my babies'.



P.S. $15000 in toner! Yikes! Actually I'd believe it considering how often I go to our printers and one of them is out of ink, or close to it. No telling how much our maintenance contract is to keep them running.

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Thats what I plan for my life :D.


But anyways, im a fulltime student at Michigan State. part time golf course hustler/car detailer in the summer for cash to last me through the school year haha. Btw AudiOx did your company do the large spheres around Pearl Harbor? I thought those were for missile detection across the states.


We do some of that stuff and have systems in Hawaii, but I'm not sure about Pearl Harbor. I do have secret clearance, but fortunately most of the mechanical aspects aren't classified, so I can talk about them. I just keep it vague. Think of the specs in a car brochure. That's about the level I can generally discuss, but I keep it more vanilla than that to be safe.


You might recall the news of some of the missile defense testing in the Pacific over the past few years. Some of my systems played a part in that.

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We do some of that stuff and have systems in Hawaii, but I'm not sure about Pearl Harbor. I do have secret clearance, but fortunately most of the mechanical aspects aren't classified, so I can talk about them. I just keep it vague. Think of the specs in a car brochure. That's about the level I can generally discuss, but I keep it more vanilla than that to be safe.


Oh ok gotcha, yeah there were very similar sphere I saw around hawaii, and actually guys with rifles outside so thats why I wondered. It was huge, just obvious to the landscape when you see a giant white sphere sitting there up in the air haha.

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i'm a Petroleum Engineer. i sit at a desk all day now, but the first half of the year i was out in the field


i supervised this workover rig:



hydraulically fractured a lot of wells:



fixed production equipment (they're not supposed to look like this)



stopped pipeline leaks:



rescued wildlife:



and tried to stay out of the heat:


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Programming Manager for a banking software company. I like the programming part more than the managing part, so I assign myself the special projects. I have been doing a lot of work lately for the FDIC - creating files for them to monitor banks, and other programs to close banks.

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Assistant manager at wally world which is a real blast around holiday time


Ooh, I bet. I worked at Chick-Fil-A for five years and around the holidays was just nuts. Fun (for a while), but nuts. Most customers are gracious, but those few.......oh, those few.......:explode:

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