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Brilliant Glaze as a Spray



I was browsing through some of the Adams old videos and saw that brilliant glaze used to be a spray. Anyone use the new brilliant glaze as a spray too since its a liquid? Or can it not be used as a spray now? I feel like it would make application a lot easier.

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Yep... final testing of the Glaze changes was actually done at Hot August Nights Reno 2010 and released shortly there after.


Like a lot of our products this was an evolutionary step, not a reinvention. Brilliant SPRAY Glaze was great and wildly popular stuff, but people complained about how long it took to dry and how short lived the effects were. Also, the solvent used in its manufacture was on the hit-list for VOC laws so we were gonna have to redesign it sooner or later whether we wanted to or not.


The new version has a touch more carnuba in it... while it will spray our testers kept having clogs mid use. Then a lightbulb kind of clicked on - why was it a spray in the first place? The recommended application was to spray onto the app to avoid overspray and then wipe so a spray seemed kind of unnecessary anyways.

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I think I'll stick to just the sealant on the glass.


Good plan.


As for the glaze for toys, sealant for dailys, do you think it would be a waste of product to use 1) sealant, 2) glaze, 3) wax on toys?


Not a waste, but the sealant becomes somewhat unnecessary if the 'toy' is never at risk of being exposed long enough to have the wax fail. My truck for example sees hardly any mileage and lives in the garage... plus I'm constantly stripping and trying things out on it. When I'm detailing it purely for my benefit I go with glaze and americana... its never exposed or without a fresh waxing long enough to ever worry about needing that added sealant protection underneath.




Also, on dailys would you put down just sealant? Or would you add a coat of wax also?


Thats really more a personal preference type of decision. Adding wax over sealant gives you enhanced looks and another layer of protection, but its up to you to decide if its worth it. If you just want to keep it protected and looking good 1 coat of sealant will do the job, a second will do it better. My wifes SUV is white and parked outside 24/7... in her case I do sealants all the time and don't waste wax. It gets MSS every couple of months and now refreshers of AQS every so often to keep it up. Adding wax wouldn't help much with aesthetics and I'm honestly not motivated enough to invest the time to maintain wax on it anyways.


In addition, what's the longevity of the quick sealant or machine super sealant on a daily and how often would I need to reapply it?


No way to answer that with any accuracy for everyone. Varies depending on weather conditions, miles driven, etc. You reapply your protective products (wax or sealant) as often as needed. The best way to tell is when the water stops beading on the surface. If it goes flat and sticks then its time to refresh the coating.

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The solvents are extremely weak... really only good for keeping wax liquified so they have almost no impact on sealants.


That being said - its a product used to enhance the looks of the paint to some degree... really doesn't have that same effect on glass IMO so using it over glass sealant just seems like a waste of product to me.


I'd use either or, but not both.


Glaze for the toys, sealant for the drivers.


I think I'll stick to just the sealant on the glass.


As for the glaze for toys, sealant for dailys, do you think it would be a waste of product to use 1) sealant, 2) glaze, 3) wax on toys? Also, on dailys would you put down just sealant? Or would you add a coat of wax also? In addition, what's the longevity of the quick sealant or machine super sealant on a daily and how often would I need to reapply it? Thanks Dylan!

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If it would degrade the glass sealant don't you think it would degrade the quick sealant or the machine super sealant too? If that's the case, then everyone who applies brilliant glaze over the quick sealant or machine super sealant would be degrading the longevity of that sealant, correct?


Hopefully Dylan will chime in to clear this up.


The solvents are extremely weak... really only good for keeping wax liquified so they have almost no impact on sealants.


That being said - its a product used to enhance the looks of the paint to some degree... really doesn't have that same effect on glass IMO so using it over glass sealant just seems like a waste of product to me.


I'd use either or, but not both.


Glaze for the toys, sealant for the drivers.

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Brilliant SPRAY Glaze was great and wildly popular stuff, but people complained about how long it took to dry and how short lived the effects were.


The drying time was the least of my issues and the longevity of the BG spray is/was something that always impressed me.

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I use the BG with a spray nozzel and rarely have a clogging isseue. When the nozzel clogs I run hot water over the end and it clears right up.



I use the glaze on my glass, over the glass sealant on my GTO. It really make the tinted side and back glass look black. I don't use it on our daily drivers since it doesn't last very long: why waste a good thing? Also, I'd assume the solvent in the BG degrades the glass sealant rather quickly.


If it would degrade the glass sealant don't you think it would degrade the quick sealant or the machine super sealant too? If that's the case, then everyone who applies brilliant glaze over the quick sealant or machine super sealant would be degrading the longevity of that sealant, correct?


Hopefully Dylan will chime in to clear this up.

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I use the BG with a spray nozzel and rarely have a clogging isseue. When the nozzel clogs I run hot water over the end and it clears right up.



I use the glaze on my glass, over the glass sealant on my GTO. It really make the tinted side and back glass look black. I don't use it on our daily drivers since it doesn't last very long: why waste a good thing? Also, I'd assume the solvent in the BG degrades the glass sealant rather quickly.

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I didn't realize there was a different application for the new and older glaze. Detailed my youngest daughters VW last Saturday and grabbed the old version. (spray bottle). Reading this thread went to garage. Sure enough different names and bottles with / without sprayer. Her car turned out great ( revive, buttery wax and the older glaze). Hopefully will wash Vette tomorrow and apply new Brilliant Spray (have used before).


Both products get good results. Heard new glaze dries quicker so do portion of car at a time. Used same method on hers as thought was using newer glaze.

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Yep... final testing of the Glaze changes was actually done at Hot August Nights Reno 2010 and released shortly there after.


Like a lot of our products this was an evolutionary step, not a reinvention. Brilliant SPRAY Glaze was great and wildly popular stuff, but people complained about how long it took to dry and how short lived the effects were. Also, the solvent used in its manufacture was on the hit-list for VOC laws so we were gonna have to redesign it sooner or later whether we wanted to or not.


The new version has a touch more carnuba in it... while it will spray our testers kept having clogs mid use. Then a lightbulb kind of clicked on - why was it a spray in the first place? The recommended application was to spray onto the app to avoid overspray and then wipe so a spray seemed kind of unnecessary anyways.


Actually I had the opposite happen to me as far as over spray. Iwas at a car show and a slight breeze was going on. I was spraying brilliant spray glaze on an applicator when the guy next to me said ....Hey you are getting that all over my car. OPPS I was totally oblivious to reverse overspray:lol: Ya try and make a guys car look better and all they do is complain:jester:

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I still have quite a bit of the spray glaze. I like it, but usually only use it as a shine enhancer at car shows. Otherwise I am going for the Americana because I can actually apply a coat of it in the time the glaze takes to dry.

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The old glaze was a spray, but it was sprayed on the applicator and then rubbed on the paint, much like the current glaze. Thus, the application is pretty much the same. It wasn't applied like Detail Spray.

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